We teach the next generation of researchers to develop scientific, social, and technological innovations.
We find solutions through interdisciplinary research and industry or public and community partnerships.
We play an active role in Québec's economic, social, and cultural development.
Our researchers contribute to the advancement of knowledge and technology in many cutting-edge fields where innovation is essential for meeting the challenges facing society.
INRS research chairs, groups, networks, and joint units are training grounds for the next generation of scientists in a broad range of subject areas including intelligent photonics, reproductive toxicology, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), nanostructured materials, Alzheimer’s disease, youth, employment and entrepreneurship, environmental sedimentology, renewable energy, and digital environments.
INRS faculty members lead more than 55 research chairs, groups, networks, and joint units and are actively in cuting-edge fields involved in a number of inter-institutional alliances.
Browse the list ⟶ (for full list, see here)
See our research chairs, groups, networks, and joint units.