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Looking for students or interns

Areas of expertise

Coastal Processes , Carbon dynamics , Erosion , Vegetated coastal ecosystems (saltmarshes, mangroves)

  • Assistant professor

Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre

490 de la Couronne Street
Quebec City, Quebec  G1K 9A9

See the research centre

Research interests

Professor Ola is interested in understanding the role of plants of vegetated coastal ecosystems (mangroves, saltmarshes) in blue carbon dynamics and in stabilizing and protecting coast lines.

Training openings for students or interns

University education

2021-2023 Postdoctoral Researcher, Université Laval, Canada

2019-2021 Sentinel North Postdoctoral Fellow, Université Laval, Canada

2015-2019 PhD, University of Queensland, Australia

2011-2012 MRes Science of the Environment, Lancaster University, UK

2008-2011 BSc (hons) Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, UK


Ola, A., Devos, W., Bouchard, M., Mazerolle, M., Raymond, P.  & Munson, A.D. (2024). Above- and below-ground carbon stocks under differing silvicultural scenarios. Forest Ecology and Management, 558: art. 121785.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121785

Ola, A., Dodd, I.C., Albacete, A., Xiong, Y., Rasmussen, A., De Diego, N. & Lovelock, C.E. (2024). Mangrove species found in contrasting environments show differing phytohormonal responses to variation in soil bulk density. Plant and Soil, ONLINE.
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06490-4

Ola, Anne, Gagnon, Samuel, Fortier, Daniel, Comte, Jérôme & Dominé, Florent (2024). Carbon dynamics in an alluvial fan in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Geoderma Regional, 38: Art. e00841.
DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2024.e00841

Royo, A.A., Raymond, P., Kern, C.C., Adam, B.T., Bronson, D., Champagne, E., Dumais, D., Gustafson, E., Marquardt, P.E., McGrawe, A.M., Mieself, J., Munson, A.D., Périé, C., Tavares Moreira, F.J., Ola, A., Bouchard, M. & Bissonnette, J.-M. (2023). Desired REgeneration through Assisted Migration (DREAM): implementing a research framework for climate-adaptive silviculture. Forest Ecology and Management, 546: 121298.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121298

Duarte de Paula Costa, M., Adame, M.F., Bryant, C., Hill, J., Kelleway, J., Lovelock, C.E., Ola, A., Rasheed, M., Salinas, C., Serrano, O., Waltham, N., York, P., Young, M. & Macreadie, P.  (2023). Quantifying blue carbon stocks and the role of protected areas to conserve coastal wetlands. Science of the Total Environment, 874: 162518.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162518

Ola, A., Fortier, D., Coulombe, S., Comte, J. & Domine, F. (2022). The distribution of permafrost soil carbon and nitrogen among dominant geomorphic terrain units in Qarlikturvik Valley, Bylot Island, Arctic Canada. Geophysical Research Letters: Biogeochemistry, 127: e2021JG006750.
DOI: 10.1029/2021JG006750

Lovelock, C.E., Adame, F.M., Butler, D.W., Kelleway, J.J., Dittmann, S., Fest, B., King, K., Macreadie, P.I, Mitchell, K., Newnham, M., Ola, A., Owers, C.J. & Welti, N. (2022). Modelled approaches to estimating blue carbon accumulation with mangrove restoration to support a blue carbon accounting method for Australia. Limnology and Oceanography, 9999: 1-11.
DOI: 10.1002/lno.12014

Trevathan-Tackett, S.M., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Engelen, A., York, P., Ola, A., Li, J., Kelleway, J., Jinks, K., Jackson, E., Adame, F., Pendall, E., Lovelock, C., Connolly, R., Watson, A., Visby, I., Trethowan, A., Taylor, B., Petch, J., Farrington, L., Djukic, I. & Macreadie, P.I. (2021). Ecosystem and substrate type drive shifts in wetland decomposition and litter microbiome at a regional scale. Science of the Total Environment, 782: 146819.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146819

Ola, A. & Lovelock, C.E. (2021). Decomposition of mangrove roots depends on the bulk density they grew in. Plant and Soil, 460: 177-187.
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-020-04791-y

Ola, A., Staples, T.L., Robinson, N. & Lovelock, C.E. (2020). Plasticity in the above and below-ground development of mangrove seedlings in response to variation in soil bulk density. Estuaries and Coasts, 43: 111-119.
DOI: 10.1007/s12237-019-00660-9

Xiong, Y., Ola, A., Phan, S., Wu, J. & Lovelock, C.E. (2019). Soil structure and its relationship to shallow soil subsidence in coastal wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts, 42: 2114-2123.
DOI: 10.1007/s12237-019-00659-2

Rasmussen, M., Dobrijevic, D.P., Ola, A., Ishaya, F.D. & Lovelock, C.E. (2019). Aerial root physiology: Reaching for the sky or down to earth? Annual Plant Reviews, 2: 1-32.
DOI: 10.1002/9781119312994.apr0668

Xiong, Y., Cakir, R., Phan, S., Ola, A., Krauss, K. & Lovelock, C.E. (2019). Global patterns of tree stem growth and stand aboveground wood production in mangrove forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 444: 382-392.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.04.045

Ola, A., Gauthier, A.R.G., Xiong, Y. & Lovelock, C.E. (2019). The roots of blue carbon: Responses of mangrove stilt roots to variation in soil bulk density. Biology Letters, 15: 20180866.
DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0866

Ola, A., Schmidt, S. & Lovelock, C.E. (2018). The effect of heterogeneous soil bulk density on root growth of field-grown mangrove species. Plant and Soil, 432: 91-105.
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-018-3784-5

Ola, A., Dodd, I.C. & Quinton, J.N. (2015). Can we manipulate root system architecture to control soil erosion? SOIL, 1: 603–612
DOI: 10.5194/soil-1-603-2015