Major emergencies
If you or those around you need rapid medical attention, you can go to the emergency department of your nearest hospital. Emergency services are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, they are typically overloaded, so do not use them unless you absolutely need to. Before you leave, check the real-time occupancy rate (page in French only) for each emergency room and go to the least crowded one if possible.
- Dial 911* in case of emergency, including medical emergencies.
- Please note that there is a fee for using an ambulance. The SIM card in your cell phone must be Canadian for 911 to work.
- Doctors, ambulances, firefighters, police: 911 (in most regions of Quebec); otherwise, dial 0. The SIM card in your cell phone must be Canadian for 911 to work.
- Quebec Poison Control Centre: 1-800-463-5060
- Crime Stoppers: 1-800-711-1800
- Crisis centres
- Suicide prevention centres: List of suicide prevention centres (page in French only) or call 1-866-appelle (277-3553)
Minor health problems
Info-Santé 811
This service allows you to talk to a nurse for free. Are you wondering what to do or whether to see a doctor about a fever, itching, or prolonged symptoms? Visit the Info-Santé 811 website to find a resource or call the hotline at 811. The service is available 24/7.
Your pharmacist can advise you on the appropriate medication for your minor health problems. Pharmacists can also provide information and give some vaccinations. Visit your pharmacy’s website to learn more.
Non-urgent health problems and minor emergencies
Quebec’s healthcare system is public, but there are also private clinics. Hospitals and emergency departments are open to people of all ages, and treatment is generally covered by your health and hospitalization insurance. However, some medical clinics are only accessible to those covered by the Régime d’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Access to emergency services is also universal.
Do you need care? Check the Où se faire soigner au Québec (where to get care in Quebec) section of the Immigrant Québec website (in French only). Normally, the doctor, CLSC, or clinic you visit will be able to tell you whether the service is covered by your insurance. If in doubt, contact your insurer (Assurance Desjardins or Studentcare, as applicable).
For details on how to access a doctor or other health professional, visit the My Wellness Resources page or contact the INRS individual support team.