Engaged to its community, inrs contributes to the development of society through scientific research by keeping abreast of current needs and issues that are transformative.
Here are some highlights from the National Institute for Scientific Research in 2020-2021.
The research
1st in Québec and Canada in research intensity
97 international collaboration agreements with 87 universities in 28 countries
The studies

A student to professor ratio of 5.3
Our people
63.3% of our student community comes from about 50 countries, including France, Tunisia, China, Iran, India, Morocco, Brazil and Colombia
3,290 graduates to date
A first campaign for our Foundation
$43,644 received in donations and commitments from 151 donors from the INRS community, for an average donation of $289
45, 000 $
In commitments received for the creation of 10 scholarships of excellence
for students at the Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre

$12,000 in scholarships to 8 students for best theses and dissertations in our 4 centers
41, 600 $
In emergency assistance to student members
experiencing hardship due to the pandemic

4 Prix Lumières awarded
to outstanding graduates
Thank you to everyone who participated in the production of this report!