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International Office  

The International Office is responsible for managing academic partnerships, including collaboration agreements and dual-degree programs, as well as promoting international mobility opportunities for students and researchers. It also coordinates the reception of foreign delegations and organizes missions abroad to strengthen international relations. 


International Mobility


  • Conferences
  • Summer schools
  • Dual degrees
  • Joint supervision


See all international mobility grants

Fonds pour stimuler le tourisme d’affaires international (FSTAI)

The Fonds pour stimuler le tourisme d’affaires international (FSTAI), launched by the Ministry of Tourism, aims to attract international business events to Québec by providing financial support. Entities involved in attracting events can receive assistance of up to $200,000, depending on the project.

This program covers various aspects, including the preparation of bids, the development of business plans, the organization of prospecting activities, and the implementation of incentives designed to attract international business events to Québec.

For more details on eligibility criteria and the application process, refer to the document (French only)  FSTAI en bref”

To be duly registered at INRS before the mobility stay, particularly to be eligible for health insurance coverage and to avoid immigration issues.

Planning an international trip?

Don’t forget to fill out the mobility form.

Contact us

For all questions relating to international affairs, including missions, delegations, studies and partnerships, please write to the Bureau de l’international.


Philippe-Edwin Bélanger
Directeur du Bureau de l’international


Guillaume Houde
Conseiller à l’international


Paule Bergeron
Agente de secrétariat

Any questions? Contact the Office of International Affairs by email at