How to eliminate emerging refractory contaminants such as drug residues in hospital wastewater. How to disinfect and treat water without chemicals. How to treat wastewater using renewable energy. Laboratory of Environmental Electrotechnologies and Oxidative Processes (LEEPO) finds solutions to all these issues.
LEEPO develops electrolytic techniques and oxidative processes to improve water treatment systems (from drinking water to municipal and industrial wastewater treatment) and replace inefficient conventional technologies for removing refractory organic, inorganic, and microbial contaminants.
The electrolytic and oxidative processes LEEPO develops can be easily integrated into current water treatment systems. The laboratory features the following facilities and equipment:
Laboratory scale treatment and control units
Analytical instruments
Assembly, reagent storage, oven and scale room
Pilot scale units at the large-scale laboratories (LISTE, Technological Park)
LEEPO offers a range of services to municipalities and industry to help them improve their wastewater treatment systems. The LEEPO research team also has the required expertise to provide innovative solutions for removing refractory organic, inorganic, and microbial contaminants. LEEPO conducts research in the following areas:
Analytical electrochemistry (voltammetry)
Identification of the most appropriate electrodes for breaking down refractory pollutants (e.g., phenolic compounds, PAHs, organochlorine compounds, dioxins, pesticides, drug metabolites, etc.) and design of electrolytic units.
Development of electro-oxidation/electrodeposition (EO-ED) treatment processes
Use of the direct/indirect effects of electric current during electrolysis to eliminate various types of pollutants (endocrine disruptors, toxic metals, and pathogenic germs), with a potential application for oxidative pretreatment and tertiary wastewater treatment.
Development of electrocoagulation/electroflotation (EC-EF) treatment processes
Electrolytic water clarification and disinfection and phosphate removal treatment (removal of colloids, metals, oils and fats, TSS, turbidity, bacteria, etc.). Polishing treatment.
Development of electromembrane treatment processes (EM)
Development of coupled technologies: combination of electrochemical and membrane techniques for optimal removal of refractory organic and inorganic micropollutants (electrolysis oxidizes small impurities more easily, while ultrafiltration is more effective for removing large particles).
Development of electro MBR processes, combining electrocoagulation (EC) and a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for treating refractory wastewater (e.g., landfill leachate, compost leachate, hospital wastewater, etc.).
Development of electro-photocatalytic treatment processes (EPC)
Development of coupled technologies: combination of electrochemical and photocatalytic techniques for eliminating organic micropollutants (pesticides, drug residues, cosmetics, etc.).
LEEPO has carried out a number of government- and industry-funded research projects. Here are a few examples:
Visit the Laboratory Website for more information on our research projects.
Most of LEEPO’s facilities and equipment were purchased with funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Boutaina El Jai
Partnerships and Research Development Advisor
Phone: 418 654-2531
Laboratory of Environmental Electrotechnologies and Oxidative Processes
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre
490 rue de la Couronne
Quebec City, Quebec G1K 9A9