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Tiago H. Falk

Areas of expertise

Wireless Multimedia Communications

Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre

800, De La Gauchetière W.
Suite 6900
Montréal, Quebec  H5A 1K6

See the research centre

Research interests

Multimedia communications and signal analysis : Multimedia quality measurement and enhancement, environment-robust speaker identification and speech recognition, speech-based age/gender/emotion classification.

Atypical communications : Pathological speech assessment and enhancement, intelligent algorithms for hearing aid design, brain-computer interfaces, assistive technologies.

Biomedical signal processing and analysis : Bioinformatics, biometrics (voice/face/physiology-based), biosensor fusion.

Multimodal signal analysis and enhancement : human-computer interfaces, audio-visual disordered speech recognition, multimodal biometrics.

Knowledge discovery : Machine learning, pattern recognition.

Dr. Falk received the BSc degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2002, and the MSc and PhD degrees from Queen’s University, Canada, in 2005 and 2008, respectively, all in electrical engineering. In 2007, he was a visiting Research Fellow at the Sound and Image Processing Lab, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, and in 2008 at the Quality and Usability Lab, Deutsche Telekom/TU Berlin, Germany. From 2009-2010 he was an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow at Holland-Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, affiliated with the University of Toronto. Since 2010, he has been an Assistant Professor at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Falk is also an Adjunct Scientist at Holland-Bloorview and a Research Advisor for InteraXon – Thought Controlled Technologies in Toronto.

Multimedia communications

  1. Distributed quality-aware multimedia communications
  2. Neural correlates of natural and synthesized speech quality perception
  3. Neurophysiological models for ‘Quality-of-Experience’ prediction

Health diagnostics

  1. Quality measurement and enhancement of disordered speech
  2. Automated diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

Human-machine interaction

  1. Intelligent signal processing for body area networks
  2. Adaptable brain-machine interfaces


** Complete list available at **
Relevant (Recent) Publications

S. Möller, W.-Y. Chan, N. Côte, T. H. Falk, A. Raake, and M. Wältermann, Speech Quality Estimation: Models and Trends, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Special Issue on Multimedia Quality Assessment.
T. H. Falk, W.-Y. Chan, and F. Shein, Characterization of Atypical Vocal Source Excitation, Temporal Dynamics and Prosody for Objective Dysarthric Speech Intelligibility Estimation, Speech Communication, in press.
T. H. Falk, M. Guirgis, S. Power, and T. Chau, Taking NIRS-BCIs Outside the Lab: Towards Achieving Robustness Against Environment Noise, IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol.19, No.2, pp.136-146, 2011.
T. H. Falk, C. Zheng, and W.-Y. Chan, A Non-Intrusive Quality and Intelligibility Measure of Reverberant and Dereverberated Speech, IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (Special Issue on Processing Reverberant Speech: Methodologies and Applications), Vol. 18, No.7, pp.1766 – 1774, Sept. 2010.
T. H. Falk, J. Chan, P. Duez, and T. Chau, Assisted Communication Based on Realtime Vocal Fold Vibration Detection, IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 159-163, April 2010.
**Winner of the IBBME 2009-2010 Best Paper Award, Category: Engineering in a Clinical Setting**
T. H. Falk and W.-Y. Chan, Temporal Dynamics for Blind Measurement of Room Acoustical Parameters, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 978-989, April 2010.
T. H. Falk and W.-Y. Chan, Modulation Spectral Features for Robust Far-Field Speaker Identification, IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 90-100, Jan. 2010.
T. H. Falk and S. Möller, Towards Signal Based Instrumental Quality Diagnosis for Text-to-Speech Systems, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 15, pp. 781-784, 2008.
T. H. Falk and W.-Y. Chan, Hybrid Signal-and-Link-Parametric Speech Quality Measurement for VoIP Communications, IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 1579-1589, Nov. 2008.
T. H. Falk, H. Yuan, and W.-Y. Chan, Single-Ended Quality Measurement of Noise Suppressed Speech Based on Kullback-Leibler Distances, Journal of Multimedia, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 19-26, Sept. 2007.
T. H. Falk and W.-Y. Chan, Single-Ended Speech Quality Measurement Using Machine Learning Methods, IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (Special Issue on Objective Quality Assessment of Speech and Audio), Vol. 14, No. 16, pp. 1935-1947, Nov. 2006.
T. H. Falk and W.-Y. Chan, Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Estimation Using Gaussian Mixture Models, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 108-111, Feb. 2006.