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INRS Publications : Toward 6G

January 8, 2021 | Audrey-Maude Vézina

Update : September 15, 2021

Professor Martin Maier and his former doctoral student, Amin Ebrahimzadeh, just published the world’s first book on 6G.

En route vers la 6G

Shortly after the finalization of the 5G standard, the research community has begun to shift their focus to next generation 6G wireless systems. While smartphones were central to 4G and 5G, there has been an increase in wearable devices whose functionalities are gradually replacing those of smartphones. “One can think, for example, of the Google and Levi’s smart jacket and Amazon’s recently launched voice-controlled Echo Loop ring, glasses, and earbuds,” says Martin Maier.

According to the researcher, 6G will not be a mere exploration of more spectrum at high-frequency bands, but it will rather be a convergence of upcoming technological trends, most notably multisensory extended reality applications, connected robotics and autonomous systems, and decentralized blockchain technologies. Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) is also taking a large part of the technological advances in this field.

Published in January 2021 by Wiley-IEEE Press, the book Toward 6G: A New Era of Convergence offers an up-to-date guide to the emerging 6G vision with its new human-centric services and key enabling technologies. “Our book describes the transition from the current gadgets-based mobile Internet to a future 6G post-smartphone era for the delivery of human-intended services, including sixth-sense perceptions,” concludes Professor Maier.