- Research
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October 25, 2024
Update : October 25, 2024
Scientists and industrial partners meet to discuss recent developments in ultrafast technology.
Professor and physicist Paul Corkum, international specialist in ultrafast science, gives an inspiring talk to the next generation of scientists.
More than 100 scientists from Canada, the USA, and Europe gathered at the Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications (EMT) Research Centre earlier this month to discuss recent developments in the field of ultrafast science and technology (UST). Attendees also had the opportunity to visit various laboratories on the INRS Varennes campus, including the Laboratory of Micro and Nanofabrication, and to explore the Archives nationales de Montréal during the event.
This first scientific symposium on ultrafast science and technology was the fruit of a collaboration between the Femtosecond Source Laboratory (also known as “ALLS”) and the NSERC CREATE TrUST program at INRS, which aims to bring together academics and industry representatives working in the ultrafast field across Canada.
On the program: thirty-six lectures, including two presented by 2018 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Donna Strickland, and 2022 Wolf Laureate in Physics, Paul Corkum, who were also among the recipients of honorary doctorates from INRS.
“This event allowed us to bring members of the research community together to discuss ultrafast science and technology development, in the presence of high-calibre scientists such as Donna Strickland and Paul B. Corkum, as well as ALLS users. It was an exceptional opportunity to promote the training of upcoming scientists in this promising field.
Professor François Légaré, Director of the INRS EMT Research Centre
The event was part of a large-scale project led by Professor Légaré, who was awarded $1.65 million by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to create a sustainable learning ecosystem in the field of ultrafast laser science and technology.
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