Areas of expertise
Computer vision , Shape recognition
- Professor
Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre
800, de La Gauchetière W.
Suite 6900
Montreal, Quebec H5A 1K6
A. Mitiche and I. Ben Ayed, Variational and level set methods in image segmentation, Springer, 2010.
A. Mitiche,Computational analysis of visual motion, Plenum Press, 1994.
M. Ben Salah, A. Mitiche, I. Ben Ayed, Multiregion imagesegmentation by parametric kernel graph cuts, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , Vol. 20, No.2, pp. 545-557, Feb. 2011.
M. Ben Salah, A. Mitiche, I. Ben Ayed, Effective level set image segmentation with a kernel induced data term, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 220-232 , Jan. 2010.
I. Ben Ayed and A. Mitiche, A region merging prior for variational level set image segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, No. 12, pp. 2301-2311, 2008.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, M.Cheriet, Bayes classification of Online Characters by Gibbs Modeling of Class Conditional Densities, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 7, pp. 1121-1131, July 2008.
M. Kherallah, L. Haddad, A. Alimi, and A. Mitiche, Online Handwritten Digit Recognition Based on Trajectory and Velocity Modeling, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 580-594, 2008.
H. Sekkati and A. Mitiche, Dense 3D Interpretation of Monocular Image Sequences: A Boundary Preserving Variational Approach using Anisotropic Regularization, Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol 55, pp. 597-607, 2007.
I. Ben Ayed, A. Mitiche, Z. Belhadj, Polarimetric Image Segmentation via Maximum Likelihood Approximation and Efficient Multiplase LevelSets, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 1493-1500, 2006.
A. Mitiche and H. Sekkati, Optical Flow 3D Segmentation and Interpretation: A Variational Method with Active Curve Evolution and Level Sets, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 11, pp. 1818-1829, 2006.
C. Vazquez, A. Mitiche, R. Laganiere, Joint Segmentation and Parametric Estimation of Image Motion by Curve Evolution and Level Sets, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 782-793, May 2006.
H. Sekkati and A. Mitiche, Concurrent 3D-Motion Segmentation and 3D Interpretation of Temporal Sequences of Monocular Images, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 641-653, March 2006.
A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, C. Vazquez, Multiregion Competition: A Level Set Extention of Region Competition to Multiple Region Image Partioning, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 101, No. 3, pp. 137-150, 2006.
I. Ben Ayed, N. Hennane, and A. Mitiche, Unsupervised Variational Image segmentation/classification using a Weibull Observation Model, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 3431-3439, 2006.
H. Sekkati and A. Mitiche, Joint Optical Flow Estimation, Segmentation, and 3D Interpretation with Level Sets, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 103, No. 2, pp. 89-100, 2006.
R. Laganiere, H. Hajjdiab, A. Mitiche, Visual Reconstruction of Ground Plane Obstacles in a Sparse View Robot Environment, Graphical Models, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 282-293, 2006.
I. Ben Ayed, A. Mitiche, Z. Belhadj, Multiregion Level Set Partioning of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. May 2005.
A. Amer, E. Dubois, A. Mitiche, Rule-Based Real-Time Detection of Context Independent Events in Video Shots, Real Time Imaging, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2005.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, M. Cheriet, A New Representation of Shape and its Use for Superior Performance in On-line Arabic Character Recognition by an Associative Memory, International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 201-210, 2005.
A. Mitiche and A. Mansouri, On Convergence of the Horn and Schunk Optical Flow Estimation Method, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 6,pp. 848-852, 2004.
R. Feghali and A. Mitiche, Spatio-temporal Motion Boundary Detection and Motion Boundary Velocity Estimation for Tracking Moving Objects with a Moving Camera: A Level Sets PDEs Approach with Concurrent Camera Motion Compensation , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 1473-1490, 2004.
A. Mitiche, R. Feghali, A. Mansouri, Motion tracking as spatio-temporal motion boundary detection, Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 39-50, 2004.
A. Mitiche, S. Hadjres, MDL estimation of a dense map of relative depth and 3D motion from a temporal sequence of images, Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 78-87, 2003.
A. Mitiche, M. Lebidoff, Pattern Recognition by a Condensed Neural Network, Neural Networks, 2001, Vol. 14, pp. 575-580, 2001.
R. Feghali, A. Mitiche, Fast Computation of a Boundary Preserving Estimate of Optical flow, SME Vision Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 1-4, 2001.
I. Ben Ayed, A. Mitiche, M. Ben Salah, and S. Li, Finding Image Distributions on Active Curves, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR-2010, pp. 1-8, San Francisco, CA, 2010.
N. Mezghani, P. Phan, A. Mitiche, H. Labelle, and J. A. De Guise, Computer-aided association of scoliosis fusion levels and Lenke classes”, International conference on computer assisted radiology and surgery, CARS-2010, Geneva, number 5, supplement 1, S131-S136, 2010.
N. Mezghani, P. Phan, A. Mitiche, H. Labelle, J. De Guise, A computer-aided method for scoliosis fusion level selection by a topologically ordered self organizing Kohonen map, ICPR-2010.
M. Ben Salah, A. Mitiche, I. Ben Ayed, Image Segmentation in a Kernel Induced Space, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Nov. 2009.
I. Ben ayed and A. Mitiche, Merging Active Contours. International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2008, Las Vegas, Springer LNCS 5359, pp. 181-191.
M. Ben Salah, A. Mitiche, and I. Ben Ayed, A continuous labeling for multiphase graph cut image partitionin, International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2008, Las Vegas, Springer LNCS 5359, pp. 268-277.
N. Mezghani and A. Mitiche, A Gibbsian Kohonen network for online Arabic character recognition, International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2008, Las Vegas, Springer LNCS 5359, pp. 493-500.
M. Ben Salah, I. Ben Ayed, and A. Mitiche, Multiregion Graph Cut Image Segmentation, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pp. 535-538, Madeira, Portugal, Jan. 2008.
I. Ben Ayed and A. Mitiche, Embedding a Region Merging Prior in Level Set Vector-Valued Image Segmentation, 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Tokyo, Nov. 2007.
I. Ben Ayed, A. Mitiche, Z. Belhadj, Segmentation/Classification d’images polarimetriques mono-vue et multi-vue par courbes actives et level sets, Congres sur la reconnaissance de formes et intelligence artificielle, RFIA-2006, Grenoble, France, Jan. 2006 (actes en format electronique, disponibles en ligne).
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, M. Cheriet, Estimation de densités de probabilité par maximum d’entropie et reconnaissance bayésienne de caractères Arabes en ligne, Congres sur la reconnaissance de formes et intelligence artificielle, RFIA-2006, Grenoble, France, Jan. 2006 (actes en format electronique, disponibles en ligne).
C. Vazquez, A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, Approximation of Images by Basis Functions for Multiple Region Segmentation with Level Sets, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-04, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
I. Benayed, C. Vazquez, A. Mitiche, Z. Belhadj, SAR Image Segmentation by Active Contours and Level Sets, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-04, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche. M. Cheriet, On-Line Character Recognition Using Histograms of Features and an Associative Memory, IEEE International Conference on Accoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-04, Montreal, Canada, May 2004.
C. Vazquez, A. Mitiche, I. Benayed Image Segmentation as Regularized Clustering: A Fully Global Curve Evolution Method, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-04, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, C. Vazquez, Image Partitioning by Level Set Multiregion Competition, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-04, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
N. Nezghani, A. Mitiche, M. Cheriet, A New Representation of Shape and its Use in On-Line Character Recognition by a Self Organizing Map, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-04, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
C. Vazquez, M. Aly, E. Dubois, A. Mitiche, Motion Compensated Super-resolution of Video by Level Sets Evolution, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-04, Special Session on Deformable Models and Applications, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
H. Sekkati, A. Mitiche, Joint Dense 3D Interpretation and Multiple Motion Segmentation of Temporal Image Sequences: A Variational Framework with Active Curve Evolution and Level Sets, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-04, Special Session on Deformable Models and Applications, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
M. Kherallah, L. Haddad, A. Alimi, A. Mitiche, Toward the design of a handwriting recognition system by neuro-fuzzy and beta-elliptic approaches, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Conference, AIAI-04, Toulouse, France, Aug. 2004.
A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, C. Vazquez, Segmentation d’images par compétition multirégion, Congrès sur la reconnaissance de formes et intelligence artificielle, RFIA-2004, Toulouse, France, Jan. 2004.
C. Vazquez, A. Mitiche, I. Benayed, Segmentation d’images vectorielles par une méthode globale d’évolution de courbes, Congrès sur la reconnaissance de formes et intelligence artificielle, RFIA-2004, Toulouse, France, Jan. 2004.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, M. Cheriet, On-line character recognition using histograms of features and an associative memory, IEEE International Conference on Acousitics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-04, Montreal, 2004.
R. Feghali and A. Mitiche, Tracking with Simultaneous Camera Motion Subtraction by Level Set Spatio- Temporal Surface Evolution, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2003, Barcelona, pp. III:929-932, Sept. 2003.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, M. Cheriet, Combination of pruned Kohonen maps for on-line Arabic character recognition, IEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and Retrieval, ICDAR-2003, Edinburgh, pp. 900-905, Aug. 2003.
A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, and F. Dolla, Motion-Based Figure-Ground Segmentation by Maximum Motion Separation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2003, Barcelona, pp. III: 925-928, Sept. 2003.
A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, and M. Aron, PDE-Based Region Tracking without Motion Computation by Joint Space-Time Segmentation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2003, Barcelona, pp. III:113-116, Sept. 2003.
H. Sekatti and A. Mitiche, Dense 3D interpretation of image sequences: a variational approach using anisotropic diffusion, IAPR International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP-2003, Montova, Italy, Sept. 2003.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, and M. Cheriet, Filtrage, élagage et combinaison de mémoires de Kohonen pour la reconnaissance en ligne de caractères Arabes manuscrits, Conférence Internationale sur le Traitement et Analyse d’Images: Méthodes et Applications, Hammamet, TAIMA-2003, pp. 99-104 , Oct. 2003.
H. Weiler, A. Mitiche, A. Mansouri, Boundary preserving joint estimation of optical flow and disparity in a sequence of stereoscopic images, IAPR International Conference on Visualisation, Imaging, and Image Processing, IASTED-VIIP, Malaga, Spain, pp. 102-106, Sept. 2003.
N. Mezghani et A. Mitiche, Reconnaissance de caractères manuscrits par un réseau neuromimétique de Kohonen, Journal Marocain d’Automatique, d’Informatique, et de Traitement du Signal, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2002.
A. Mitiche, R. Feghali, and A. Mansouri, Tracking Moving Objects as Spatio-Temporal Boundary Detection, IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Santa Fe, NM, pp.106-110, April 2002.
A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, and R. Feghali, Spatio-Temporal Motion Segmentation via Level Sets Partial Differential Equations, IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 243-247, April 2002.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, and M. Cheriet, Reconnaissance en ligne de caractères arabes manuscrits par un réseau de Kohonen, 15th International Conference on Vision Interface, Calgary, pp.186-190, May 2002.
N. Mezghani, A. Mitiche, and M. Cheriet, On-line Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Characters using a Kohonen Neural Network, IEEE International Workshop on Frontiers of Handwritting Recognition, IWFHR-8, Niagara-on-the-Lake, pp. 490-495, Aug. 2002.
A. Mansouri and A. Mitiche, Spatial/Joint Space-Time Motion Segmentation of Images Sequences by Level Set Pursuit, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2002, Rochester, NY, pp. II:265-268, Sept. 2002.
A. Mansouri and A. Mitiche, Region Tracking via Local Statistics and Level Set PDEs, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2002, Rochester, NY, pp. III:605-608, Sept. 2002.
A. Mansouri, A. Mitiche, and C. Langevin, Joint Space-Time Motion-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences with Level Set PDEs, IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, Austin, TX, pp. 50-55, Dec. 2002.
N. Mezghani and A. Mitiche, Reconnaissance de caractères manuscrits par un réseau neuromimétique de Kohonen, International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP-2001, Agadir, pp. 132-137, May 2001.