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Erwan Gloaguen

Areas of expertise

Geoscientific data assimilation , Emerging energies in the subsurface

Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre

490 de la Couronne Street
Québec City, Quebec  G1K 9A9

See the research centre

Research interests

Professor Gloaguen works on the integration of geoscientific methods to improve the characterization of groundwater resources, economic minerals, and hydrocarbon resources in order to monitor and predict their evolution over time. More specifically, he is interested in:

  • data integration by ensemble methods and artificial intelligence
  • characterization of resources by quantitative assimilation of data from multiple sources
  • monitoring and prediction of coastal aquifers


Bavand-Savadkoohi, Mojtaba, Gloaguen, Erwan, Tokhmechi, Behzad, Arab-Amiri, Alireza & Giroux, Bernard (2024). CCWSIM: An efficient and fast wavelet-based CCSIM for categorical characterization of large-scale. ArXiv, online.
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2404.00441

Béraud, Thomas, Claprood, Maxime & Gloaguen, Erwan (2024). A sequential ensemble smoother for multiple data assimilation in hydrogeological modelling. Frontiers in Water, 6: art. 1462914.
DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2024.1462914

Lauzon, Dany & Gloaguen, Erwan (2024). Quantifying uncertainty and improving prospectivity mapping in mineral belts using transfer learning and Random Forest: A case study of copper mineralization in the Superior Craton Province, Quebec, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, 166: Art. 105918.
DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2024.105918

Séjourné, Stéphan, Comeau, Félix-Antoine, dos Santos, Maria Luisa M., Bordeleau, Geneviève, Claprood, Maxime, Mulliez, Valentin, Malo, Michel, Giroux, Bernard, Gloaguen, Erwan & Raymond, Jasmin (2024). Potential for natural hydrogen in Quebec (Canada): a first review. Frontiers in Geochemistry – Section Mineral Geochemistry, 2: Art. 1351631.
DOI: 10.3389/fgeoc.2024.1351631

Shariatinik, Benyamin, Gloaguen, Erwan, Raymond, Jasmin, Boutin, Louis-Charles & Fabien-Ouellet, Gabriel (2024). ERT data assimilation to characterize aquifer hydraulic conductivity heterogeneity through a heat-tracing experiment. Near Surface Geophysics, 22 (3): 358-371.
DOI: 10.1002/nsg.12288

Silva dos Santos, Victor, Gloaguen, Erwan & Tirdad, Shiva (2024). Enhancing lithological mapping with spatially constrained bayesian network (scb-net): an approach for field data-constrained predictions with uncertainty evaluation. ArXiv, online.
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2403.20195

Simon, Jérome, Fabien-Ouellet, Gabriel & Gloaguen, Erwan (2024). Quality control in deep learning and confidence quantification: Seismic velocity regression through classification. Computational Geosciences, 184: Art. 105534.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105534

Bavand-Savadkoohi, Mojata, Cedou, Matthieu, Blouin, Martin, Gloaguen, Erwan, Tirdad, Shiva & Giroux, Bernard (2023). High-resolution aeromagnetic map through Adapted-SRGAN: A case study in Québec, Canada. Computers & Geosciences, 176: Art. 105363.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2023.105363

Cedou, Matthieu, Gloaguen, Erwan, Blouin, Martin, Caté, Antoine, Paiement, Jean-Philippe & Tirdad, Shiva (2022). Preliminary geological mapping with convolution neural network using statistical data augmentation on a 3D model. Computers & Geosciences, 167: Art. 105187.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2022.105187

Claprood, Maxime, Gloaguen, Erwan, Béraud, Thomas, Blouin, Martin, Dupuis, Christian, Ferron, Philippe, Ouellet, Michel, Chaussé, Michel, Martel, Richard, Paradis, Daniel & Ballard, Jean-Marc (2022). A case study using seismic reflection and well logs to reduce and quantify uncertainty during a hydrogeological assessment. Frontiers in Water, 3: Art. 779149.
DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2021.779149

Crestani, Elena, Camporese, Matteo, Belluco, Enrica, Bouchedda, Abderrezak, Gloaguen, Erwan & Salandin, Paolo (2022). Large-scale physical modeling of salt-water intrusion. Water, 14 (8): Art. 1183.
DOI: 10.3390/w14081183

dos Santos, Victor Silva, Gloaguen, Erwan, Louro, Vinicius Hector Abud & Blouin, Martin (2022). Machine learning methods for quantifying uncertainty in prospectivity mapping of magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposits: A case study from Juruena Mineral Province, Northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Minerals, 12 (8): Art. 941.
DOI: 10.3390/min12080941

Simon, Jérome, Fabien-Ouellet, Gabriel, Gloaguen, Erwan & Khurjekar, Ishan (2022). Hierarchical transfer learning for deep learning velocity model building. Geophysics, ONLINE.
DOI: 10.1190/geo2021-0470.1

Coulon, Cécile, Pryet, Alexandre, Lemieux, Jean-Michel, Yrro, Fidele Ble Jean, Bouchedda, Abderrezak, Gloaguen, Erwan, Comte, Jean-Christophe, Dupuis, Christian J. & Banton, Olivier (2021). A framework for parameter estimation using sharp-interface seawater intrusion modelsJ. Hydrol., 600 : Art. 126509.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126509

Dip, Ana Cecilia, Giroux, Bernard & Gloaguen, Erwan (2021). Microseismic monitoring of rockbursts with the ensemble Kalman filterNear Surf. Geophys., 19 (4): 429-445.
DOI: 10.1002/nsg.12158

Metahni, Sabrine, Coudert, Lucie, Gloaguen, Erwan, Tran, Lan Huong, Guemiza, Karima, Mercier, Guy & Blais, Jean-François (2021). Combining sequential gaussian simulation with linear regression to develop rehabilitation strategies using a hydrometallurgical process to simultaneously remove metals, PCP, and PCDD/F from a contaminated soilSoil Sediment. Contam., 30 (3): 275-291.
DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2020.1849019

Bédard, Karine; Comeau, Félix-Antoine; Raymond, Jasmin; Gloaguen, Erwan; Malo, Michel & Richard, Marc-André (2020). Deep geothermal resource assessment of the St. Lawrence Lowlands sedimentary basin (Québec) based on 3D regional geological modelling. Geomach. Geophpys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour., 6: Art. 46.
DOI: 10.1007/s40948-020-00170-0

Gernez, Simon; Bouchedda, Abderrezak; Gloaguen, Erwan & Paradis, Daniel (2020). AIM4RES, an open-source 2.5D finite differences MATLAB library for anisotropic electrical resistivity modeling. Comput. Geosci., 135: Art. 104401.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2019.104401

Metahni, Sabrine; Coudert, Lucie; Blais, Jean-François; Tran, Lan Huong; Gloaguen, Erwan; Mercier, Gabrielle & Mercier, Guy (2020). Techno-economic assessment of an hydrometallurgical process to simultaneously remove As, Cr, Cu, PCP and PCDD/F from contaminated soil. J. Environ. Manage., 263: Art. 110371.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110371

Metahni, Sabrine; Coudert, Lucie; Gloaguen, Erwan; Tran, Lan Huong; Guemiza, Karima; Mercier, Guy & Blais, Jean-François (2020). Combining sequential gaussian simulation with linear regression to develop rehabilitation strategies using a hydrometallurgical process to simultaneously remove metals, PCP, and PCDD/F from a contaminated soil. Soil Sediment. Contam., ONLINE.
DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2020.1849019

Nussbaumer, Raphaël; Mariéthoz, Grégoire; Gloaguen, Erwan & Holliger, Klaus (2020). Hydrogeophysical data integration through Bayesian Sequential Simulation with log-linear pooling. Geophys. J. Int., 221 (3): 2184-2200.
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa072

Sena, Guillaume Noumonvi Yawu; Chokmani, Karem; Gloaguen, Erwan & Bernier, Monique (2020). Multi-scale spatialization of snow water equivalent (SWE) according to their spatial structures in eastern Canada. Cryosphere Discuss., ONLINE.
DOI: 10.5194/tc-2020-316

Anterrieu, Olivier; Giroux, Bernard; Gloaguen, Erwan & Carde, Christophe (2019). Non-destructive data assimilation as a tool to diagnose corrosion rate in reinforced concrete structuresJ. Build. Eng., 23: 193-206.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2019.01.033

Metahni, Sabrine; Coudert, Lucie; Gloaguen, Erwan; Guemiza, Karima; Mercier, Guy & Blais, Jean-François (2019). Comparison of different interpolation methods and sequential Gaussian simulation to estimate volumes of soil contaminated by As, Cr, Cu, PCP and dioxins/furansEnviron. Pollut., 252, Part A: 409-410.
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.05.122

Pinet, Nicolas; Gloaguen, Erwan & Giroux, Bernard (2019). Introduction to the special issue on geophysics applied to mineral explorationCan. J. Earth Sci. / Rev. Can. Sci. Terre, 56 (5): v-viii.
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2018-0314

Raymond, Jasmin; Bédard, Karine; Comeau, Félix-Antoine; Gloaguen, Erwan; Comeau, Guillaume; Millet, Emmanuelle & Foy, Stefan (2019). A workflow for bedrock thermal conductivity map to help designing geothermal heat pump systems in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec, CanadaSci. Tech. Built Environ., 25 (8): 963-979.
DOI: 10.1080/23744731.2019.1642077

Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René; Ladevèze, Pierre; Duchesne, Mathieu J.; Séjourné, Stéphan; Crow, Heather; Pinet, Nicolas; Brake, Virgina; Bouchedda, Abderrezak; Gloaguen, Erwan; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Malet, Xavier; Aznar, Jean-Christophe & Malo, Michel (2019). Assessing potential impacts of shale gas development on shallow aquifers through upward fluid migration: A multi-disciplinary approach applied to the Utica Shale in eastern CanadaMar. Petrol. Geol., 100: 466-483.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.11.004

Schnitzler, Nathalie; Ross, Pierre-Simon & Gloaguen, Erwan (2019). Using machine learning to estimate a key missing geochemical variable in mining exploration: Application of the Random Forest algorithm to multisensor core logging dataJ. Geochem. Explor., 205: Art. 106344.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106344

Sena, Guillaume Noumonvi Yawu; Chokmani, Karem; Gloaguen, Erwan & Bernier, Monique (2019). Critical analysis of the snow survey network according to the spatial variability of snow water equivalent (swe) on Eastern Mainland CanadaHydrology, 6 (2): Art. 55.
DOI: 10.3390/hydrology6020055

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