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Professeur INRS

Areas of expertise

Structural Geology , Geophysics , Structural Controls on Mineralisation , Tectonics



Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre

490 rue de la Couronne Street
Québec, Quebec  G1K 9A9

See the research centre

Research interests

Field studies and interpretation of geophysical data (mainly gravity and aeromagnetic) applied to structural controls of mineralization and regional and Archaean tectonics. Research integrates physical modelling in the laboratory for physical, geophysical and numerical simulation.

Current research focuses on:

  • non-plate tectonic models for the Archaean Earth – comparisons with Venus
  • identification of deep crustal and upper mantle structures and structural controls of gold and base metals, kimberlites, and the location of earthquakes
  • centrifuge modelling of channel flow and reactivation of basement structures
  • deep geothermal energy in Quebec

New geological model for the Archaean Earth and Venus 
Did the Abitibi Province of Quebec once look like Venus?

Congrès Fennoscandian Exploration & Mining (FEM 2019). Levi, Lapland, Finland, 2019, 28-29 octobre


Students supervised are underlined; # = Science Direct Top 25 article in the respective journal in Elsevier’s Earth & Planetary Science in the 3-month period of its publication.


Submitted Articles 

Publications 2002 – to present

►Regional shear zones on Venus are interpreted from Bouguer gravity data. ► Bouguer highs and thinned crust suggest underplating of denser, mantle-derived mafic material beneath extended crust. ► Displacements of craton-like terrains on Venus cannot be attributed to plate boundary forces. ►  Mantle tractions and pressure acting against their deep lithospheric mantle ‘keels’ commensurate with extension in adjacent rifts drives motion of Lakshmi Planum. ►  A similar, subduction-free geodynamic model may explain deformation features in Archaean greenstone terrains on Earth.

► Keywords: Gravity anomalies and Earth structure; Intraplate processes; Continental margins: convergent; Fractures and faults; Crustal structure; Asia

► Basement faults were sinistrally reactivated during the Grenvillian orogeny. ►  A megakink was developed during differential post-orogenic collapse in the CMB-Q. ► Distinct deformation responses occur at different crustal levels in the allochtonous belt.

► Venus is presented as an analogue for a non-plate-tectonic Archaean Earth. ►The scale and kinematics of structures in western Ishtar Terra, Venus,  closely resemble those of the Indian-Asia collision zone.  ►  Geodynamic processes similar to those on Venus explain granite greenstone formation and deformation  in the Superior Craton of Canada without modern-style plate tectonics. ► Aeromagnetic, gravity and seismic tomographic data  support this new tectonic model for the SE Superior Province.

  • Bédard, J.H., Harris, L.B., Thurston, P. (2013) The hunting of the snArc. Precamb. Res. 229: 20–48       (# Jan-Mar,  Apr-Jun 2013 & selected in Elsevier’s Science Direct “Top 25 hottest papers in Precambrian Research for all of 2013″)
► Archaean cratons drift due to pressure of mantle flow on their keels ► Oceanic plateaux accrete to mobile Archaean craton leading edges ► Archaean arcs are snarks: often sought but never found ► The paradox of subductionless Archaean terrane accretion & shortening is eliminated.

► Transverse lineaments are identified from Quebec Grenville Province gravity data. ► Gravity lineaments reflect reactivated Palaeoproterozoic basement faults. ► 100 km tomographic data show the NW–SE Mont-Laurier lineament affects the mantle. ► The Mont-Laurier lineament may be an extension of the Karelia–Kola craton boundary. ► The Grenville parautochthon promontory reflects Laurentia-Baltica rift geometry.

Modèles physiques déformés en centrifugeuse et visualisés avec un scanneur CT (à gauche) de structures de terrains de granite-roches vertes. /  Physical models deformed in centrifuge and visualized in CT scanner (left) of structures in granite-greenstone terrains.

► Channel flow induced collapse after folding is simulated in centrifuge models. ► Antiforms preferentially unfold to open structures; tight synforms are preserved. ► A dome and keel geometry develops similar to Archaean granite-greenstone terrains. ► Recumbent folds without thrusts in gneisses are coeval with upright greenstone folds. ► Channel flow may explain structures in, and the juxtaposition of, Neoarchaean terrains.


Modèles physiques, déformés en centrifugeuse, du déplissement pendant l’écoulement canalisé de l’Infrastructure. / Physical models, deformed in a  centrifuge, of unfolding during channel flow of the infrastructure.

► Opening out and destruction of folds is simulated in centrifuge models. ► “Channel flow” is induced by simulating erosion after initial shortening and folding. ► Unfolding of the superstructure occurs during ductile flow of the infrastructure. ► Models simulate large hot orogens, Archaean terrains, and planetary bodies. ► Mineralised saddle-reefs and veins may occur where there are no fold closures.

► A ground gravity survey provides new data that aids mineral exploration. ► Most gravity anomalies are associated with mafic to intermediate intrusive rocks. ► A Gravity anomaly over mineralized outcrops may be generated by a deep gabbro. ► Mafic intrusion may be the driving source for mineralization or remobilisation.

Folds formed by back-rotation  between shear zones have the opposite sense of asymmetry to the sense of shearing. 

Centrifuge model of folding associated with extensional shear zones (modelling untertaken at Uppsala University, Sweden)

Résumés détaillés  Présentations dans des congrès 2008-2018

(Extended Abstracts – Conference presentations 2008-2018)


Harris, L.,B. (2020) Enigmatic hidden deep structures in the Superior Province: New data, tectonic models and exploration targets. In: Highlights from Natural Resources Canada’s Targeted Geoscience Initiative and Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals Program, p. 2, PDAC, Toronto, 1 mars (orale)





  • Bédard, J.H. et Harris, L.B. (2018) Implications of a non-plate tectonic model  for the Archaean Earth. Workshop, Puzzles and Solutions in Astrobiology, Earth Life Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan, May 14-18, 2018, PaS Abstracts, p. 9  (présentation orale, 15 May 2018)
  • Côté-Roberge, M., Guilmette, C., Goutier, J., Harris, L.B.,  Smit, M., et Davis, D. (2018)  The tectonometamorphic context of the north-west Opinaca, Superior Province, Eeyou Istchee Baie James. RFG2018 –  Resources for Future Generations, June 16-21, 2018, Vancouver, BC (présentation orale, 19 juin)
  • Côté-Roberge, M., Guilmette, C., Goutier, J., Harris, L.B.,  Smit, M., Davis, D., et Cleven, N.  (2018) The tectonometamorphic context of the north-west Opinaca, Superior Province, Eeyou Istchee Baie James. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 8–13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria,   (affiche)
  • Gicquel, A.,  Harris, L.B. et Giroux, B. (2018) Interpretation of new geophysical data in the Grenville Province, the St. Lawrence Lowlands, and the Appalaches: implications for deep geothermal energy. RFG2018 –  Resources for Future Generations, June 16-21, 2018, Vancouver, BC (présentation orale, 21 juin)
  • Gogus, O., Santimano, TN,  Stoikopoulos, NP, Andersen, J., Pysklywec, R, Harris, LB, et Bédard, JHJ (2018) 3-D Analysis of Lithospheric ‘Super-Drips’: Insights From High Resolution Analog Models. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Washington DC, USA, 10-14 décembre 2018  (présentation orale)
  • Harris LB (2018) Deep structures in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: relationship to overlying deformation, mineralization and kimberlite emplacement. Canadian Tectonics Group, 28-30 septembre 2018, Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, Canada, Program, Abstracts and Field Guide, p. 16  (affiche)
  • Harris LB (2018)  Deep crustal to SCLM controls on Ni-PGE-Cr and Au mineralisation, northern Superior Province, Canada. Australian Geoscience Council Convention, AGCC 2018, 14-18 Octobre 2018, Adelaïde, Australie. AGCC Abstract Volume, p. 749 (présentation orale, presented 17 octobre).
  • Harris LB, Cleven N et Guilmette C (2018)  Deep lithological domains, structures & reconstructions, E Superior Province – implications for mineral exploration & tectonic models. Australian Geoscience Council Convention, AGCC 2018, 14-18 Octobre 2018, Adelaïde, Australie. AGCC Abstract Volume, p. 774 (affiche)
  • Harris LB, Cleven N et Guilmette C (2018) Implications of a ‘millefeuille’ lithospheric strength model for mineral exploration in Archean terrains. Canadian Tectonics Group, 28-30 septembre 2018, Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, Canada, Program, Abstracts and Field Guide, p. 15 (présentation orale)
  • Harris LB, Cleven N et Guilmette C (2018)  Domaines lithologiques, structures profondes et reconstructions de la province du Supérieur au Québec : implications pour l’exploration minérale et les modèles tectoniques. Résumés des conférences et des photoprésentations, Québec Mines+Énergie, 19 au 22 novembre 2018, Québec, Canada, DV 2018-03, p. 54 (affiche)
  • Harris LB et Lu Y (2018)  Deep structures in the Pilbara Craton, WA – Relationship to overlying deformation, mineralization & kimberlite emplacement. Australian Geoscience Council Convention, AGCC 2018, 14-18 Octobre 2018, Adelaïde, Australie. AGCC Abstract Volume, p. 750 (affiche)
  • Vanier, M.-A., Guilmette, C., Harris, L.B., Larson, K., Cleven, N.R., Godet, A., et Lafrance, I. (2018) Mid-crustal tectonic lateral extrusion in the Southeastern Churchill province; evidence from structural analysis, airborne geophysics, petrofabrics and geochronology. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria,  8–13 April 2018,   (affiche)
  • Vanier, M.-A., Guilmette, C., Harris, L.B., Larson, K., Cleven, N.R., Godet, A., Davis, D., et Lafrance, I. (2018) Mid-crustal tectonic lateral extrusion in the Southeastern Churchill Province; evidence from aeromagnetic survey, petrofabrics and geochronology. RFG2018 – Resources for Future Generations, June 16-21, 2018, Vancouver, BC  (affiche).



  • Cleven, N., Harris, L.B., Guilmette, C. (2017) Structural domains, regional deformation, and the role of deep structures on mineralization in the Opinaca-La Grande subprovinces of the Superior Craton, Eeyou-Eetschee, James Bay, Québec. Abstract Volume, Biennial Meeting of the Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, Geological Society of Australia, 8–12 November 2017, Denmark, Western Australia: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2017/17, p. 71.
  • Harris, L. (2017) Deep structures in the Pilbara Craton and their relationship to overlying deformation, mineralization and kimberlite emplacement. In: Pearce, MA (compiler) 2017, SGTSG Denmark 2017 Abstract Volume, Biennial Meeting of the Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, Geological Society of Australia, 8–12 November 2017, Denmark, Western Australia: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 2017/17, p. 51.
    Liu,  H, Giroux, B,  Harris, LB,  Mansour, J. (2017) Numerical analysis of temperature distribution due to basement radiogenic heat production, St. Lawrence Lowlands, eastern Canada. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 19, 10017
  • Vanier, M-A., Guilmette, C., Harris, L., Cleven, N., Larson, K., Godet, A., Lafrance, I. (2017) Conditions thermiques et distribution de la déformation au sein des zones de cisaillement ductile de la Zone noyau, Province de Churchill sud-est. Québec Mines 2017.
  • Côté-Roberge, M., Guilmette, C., Goutier, J.,  Davis, D., Smit, M., Harris, L.B. (2017) Géochronologie et métamorphisme du nord-ouest de la Sous-province d’Opinaca, Eeyou Istchee Baie-James, Québec Mines 2017.Harris, L.B., Bédard, J.H., Cleven, N. (2017) Deep crustal to upper mantle structures in the Superior Province, Canada — implications for exploration targeting & Archaean tectonic models. Target2017, Perth.
  • Harris, L.B., Moyen, J.-F. (2017) Lithospheric, ‘proto-craton’ controls on the intrusion of the Bushveld Complex and diamondiferous kimberlites, South Africa. Target2017, Perth.



Gicquel, A., Harris, L.B., Giroux, B., Fortier, D.  (2016) Étude gravimétrique du secteur de Kuujjuaq, Québec. Québec Mines 2016, Quebec City. [affiche/poster]

  • Vanier, M.A., Guilmette, C., Godet, A., Harris, L.B., Charette, B., Lafrance, I. (2016) Thermométrie du Cisaillement de la Rivière Georges : contraintes applicables à l’exhumation de la Zone noyau, Province de Churchill sud-est. Québec Mines 2016, Quebec City. [affiche/poster]
  • Liu, H.,  Giroux, B., Harris, L.B., Quenette, S.M.,  Mansour, J., Bédard, K. (2016) Numerical analysis of temperature at depth affected by heat generation in basement rocks of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec. CSPG Fall Forum, Geothermal Energy Workshop, Calgary, Sept. 30 (oral).     
  • Harris, L.B. (2016) Venus as an analogue for the Archaean Earth without plate tectonics-gravity and radar interpretations. Workshop on the origin and evolution of plate tectonics, Locarno, Switzerland, 17-22 July 2016 (invited speaker).                                 
  • Harris, L.B., Dufréchou, G. (2016) The role of mantle shear tractions on the localisation of intraplate seismic zones in NE North America, Australia, Eurasia & Baltica.  In: Australian neotectonics: new science for energy, mineral resources, groundwater, and hazard assessment. February 29th-1st March 2016, Canberra.
  • Moyen, J.-F., Harris, L.B.,  Vézinet, A., Chauvet, A.,  Dusséaux, C., Nicoli, G., Laurent, O.,  Stevens, G. (2016) Anatomy and construction of the northern Kaapvaal Craton. Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group (IMSG) meeting, Windstone, South Africa.



  • Harris, L.B., Bedard, J.H. (2015) A non-plate tectonic model for the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia – Exploration implications and comparisons with the Superior Craton, Canada. Québec Mines 2015.
  • Cleven, N., Burniaux, P., Hammouche, H.,  Rhéaume Ouellet, A., Harris, L., Goutier, J, Guilmette, C. (2015) Progressive polyphase deformation between the northeastern La Grande and Opinaca subprovinces of the Superior craton: Preliminary field results from the Lac Joubert region. Québec Mines 2015.
  • Gicquel, A., Harris, L.B., Groulier, P.-A.,  (2015) Interpretation of new aeromagnetic data and implications for geothermal power from a suite of radiogenic units beneath the Appalachian sedimentary cover. Quebec Mines 2015.
  • Groulier, P.-A., Indares, A.,  Dunning, G., Moukhsil, A., Harris, L. (2015) New geological data on the Escoumins volcano-sedimentary belt and its surroundings ( NTS 22C05, 22C06 and 22C11). Quebec Mines 2015.
  • Harris, L.B., Bédard, J.H. (2015) Linked plume-related rifting, regional transcurrent faulting and indentation tectonics on Venus interpreted from Bouguer gravity and radar — a precursor to plate tectonics. Abstracts, GeoBerlin,  Session A3-03, 175-176.
  • Harris, L.B., Bédard, J.H. (2015) Indentation and lateral escape in Western Ishtar Terra, Venus and the Archaean Superior Craton, Canada — “Wegenerean” continent-like drift without subduction and modern plate tectonics. Abstracts, GeoBerlin, Session A4-04, 176.
  • Bédard, J.H., Harris, L.B.,  (2015) Subductionless Archaean continental
    drift and implications for secular tectonic evolution on Earth. Abstracts, GeoBerlin
    Keynote, Session A4-04, 81-82. 
  • Harris, L.B., Bédard, J.H. (2015) Deep structural controls on mineralization in the Superior Craton from geophysics — the role of early rift & terrane boundaries & implications of new tectonic models. SGA2015, Mineral resources in a sustainable world, Nancy (France).
  • Leclerc, F.,  Harris, L.B.,  Goulet, N., Bedard, J.H.,  Takam, T., Roy, P.,  Houle, P. (2015) Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic Ductile Deformation Along NE-Striking Shear Zones in the NE Abitibi, Superior Craton, Canada: Controls on Cu-Au Mineralization, AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, Montreal.  



  • Godin, L., Harris, L.B. (2014) Tracking basement cross-strike discontinuities in the Indian crust beneath the Himalayan orogen using gravity data – relationship to upper crustal faults. Canadian Tectonic Group workshop, Sudbury, 4th & 5th Oct 2014
  • Godin, L. and Harris, L.B. (2014) Tracking basement cross-strike discontinuities in the Indian crust beneath the Himalayan orogen using gravity data – relationship to upper crustal faults, in Montomoli C., et al., eds., proceedings for the 29th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Lucca, Italy.
  • Harris, L.B. (2014) Interactions between regional transcurrent shearing, rifting, and mantle flow on Venus ‒ radar and gravity interpretations and Earth analogues. Program and Abstracts, Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 109,  40. Biennial conference, Thredbo NSW. (2-8 February)
  • Harris, L.B., Bédard, J.H. (2014) SCLM rifting and regional shearing in the N American Superior Craton – implications for deformation,  mineralization, and tectonic reconstructions. Abstracts, Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, Geological Society of Australia, Biennial conference, Thredbo NSW. (2-8 February)
  • Harris, L.B., Dufréchou, G. (2014) Localization of the intraplate Western Quebec – Adirondack Mountains seismic zone of N America by deep Precambrian structures, transverse to the Grenville Orogen. In: SGTSG in the Snowies, Abstracts, Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology, Geological Society of Australia, Biennial conference, Thredbo NSW. (2-8 February)



  • Bédard, J.H., Harris, L.B.   (2013) Continental drift without subduction on a stagnant lid planet: comparisons between the Archaean Earth  and Venus. In: Liu, D., Dong, S, Kröner, A. (eds),  International meeting on Precambrian. Evolution and Deep Exploration of the Continental Lithosphere.  International association for Gondwana Research Conference Series 15, 9-11 (conférence, 7-9 October 2013, Beijing, China./invited talk 8-10-13)
  • Harris, L.B., Bédard, J.H. (2013) New tectonic models for Venus and Earth aided by comparative studies. International meeting on Precambrian.   In: Liu, D., Dong, S, Kröner, A. (eds),  International meeting on Precambrian. Evolution and Deep Exploration of the Continental Lithosphere.  International association for Gondwana Research Conference Series 15(conférence, 7-9 October 2013, Beijing, China./poster)
  • Harris, L.B., Dufréchou, G. (2013)  Localization of the intraplate western quebec seismic zone by deep Precambrian structures transverse to the Grenville orogen.  Program and abstracts, 85th Annual Meeting, Eastern Section, Seismological Society of America, La Malbaie, Quebec, p.30. (conférence/invited talk 8-9-13)
  • Fayol, N., Azevedo C., Bigot, L., Jébrak M., Harris, L.B. (2013) Gold associated with Neoarchean alkaline intrusion, Lac Bachelor, Abitibi, Canada. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, August 25-30, Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 1068 (conférence/talk 29-8-13)



  • Fayol, N., Harris, L.B., Jébrak, M. (2012) Géologie de la mine d’or Lac Bachelor (Abitibi, Québec). Dans:  Rabeau, O., Jébrak, M., Marquis, R. (Eds), Programmes et  Résumés, Quatrième journée De Launay – Ressources minérales et nouvelle économie : innovation et découvertes (80e du Congrès de l’Acfas, Colloque 214, Montréal), MRNF, Québec, GM66219, 56.
  • Harris,L.B.,  Dufréchou, G.,  Armengaud, C., et Johnson, E. (2012) Rôle des structures transversales de la croûte profonde dans la localisation et la déformation des dépôts de zinc dans la province de Grenville nord-américaine. Dans:  Rabeau, O., Jébrak, M., Marquis, R. (Eds), Programmes et  Résumés, Quatrième journée De Launay – Ressources minérales et nouvelle économie : innovation et découvertes (80e du Congrès de l’Acfas, Colloque 214, Montréal), MRNF, Québec, GM66219, 57.



  • Harris, L B., Godin, L., and Yakymchuk, C. (2011) Centrifuge modeling of folding and channel flow in orogenic belts and Archaean granite-greenstone terrains. 31st Annual Canadian Tectonics Group Workshop, Charlevoix, OC, Canada (Oct 21.23, 2011).
  • Leclerc, F.,  Harris, L.B., Bédard, J.H., Otto van Breemen, O., Goulet, N. (2011) Structural and stratigraphic controls on magmatic, volcanogenic, and syntectonic mineralization in the Chapais‐Chibougamau area, northeastern Abitibi, Canada. Symposium Mines Baie-James 2011, Chibougamau. Télécharger la présentation – Download the presentation



  • Godin, L., Yakymchuk, C.,  Harris, L.B. (2010). Himalayan hinterland-verging superstructure folds related to foreland-directed infrastructure plastic flow: Insights from centrifuge analogue modelling. 30th Canadian Tectonics Group Annual Workshop, Kelowna, BC (October 15-17, 2010)
  • Leclerc, F., Harris,  L. B.,  Bédard, J. H.,  McNicoll,  V.,  Roy, P. Houle,P.,   Keating, P.,  et Goulet, N.  (2010) Megatem survey and gravity worms in the Chapais-Chibougamau mining camp, Abitibi, Canada: Applications in mineral exploration. Abstracts,  PDAC 2010, Toronto, Canada.
  • Harris, L.B. (2009). Basement Controls on Mineralization in the New Quebec Orogen and the Voisey’s Bay Deposit, Canada Dans: P.J. Williams et al., (Ed.) 10th Biennial SGA Meeting of The Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits: Smart science for exploration and mining  2,  pp. 821-823  Townsville Australia 4811:  Economic Geology Research Unit, James Cook University, pp, 818-820. 
  • Konstantinovskaya, E.A., Rodriguez, D., Kirkwood, D., Harris, L.B., and Thériault,  R., 2010. Triangle Zones In Accretionary Wedges: Examples From The Québec Appalachians And Physical Modeling. 2e Conférence annuelle de l’Association pétrolière et gazière du Québec,



  • Harris, L.B. (2009).  Implications of centrifuge modelling of folding and channel flow for regional structural interpretation in fold belts and granite-greenstone terrains. Dans: P.J. Williams et al., (Ed.) 10th Biennial SGA Meeting of The Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits: Smart science for exploration and mining  2,   Townsville Australia 4811:  Economic Geology Research Unit, James Cook University,  pp. 821-823.
  • Leclerc, F.,  Roy,  P., Fallara, F.,  McNicoll, V., Keating, P., Pilote, P. Houle, P.,   Cheng, L. Z., Rabeau,O. Harris, L. B., Bédard, J. H. (2009). Application of new technologies in regional geology: Impact in the Chibougamau area. Abitibi 2009. MRNF, Quebec and NRCAN.



  • Dufréchou, G.,  Antonoff, V., Harris, L.B. and Richer-Laflèche, M., 2008. Evidence for superposed, post-peak metamorphic magnetite-sulphide mineralization related to NE-striking shear zones in the Bondy gneiss complex, Grenville Province, Québec. 
  • Godin, L., Yakymschuk, C, and Harris, L. B. Himalayan Hinterland-Verging Upper Crustal Folding During Foreland-Directed Mid-crustal Plastic Flow: Insights from Centrifuge Analog Modeling. 2008 AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, San Francisco, California.   Affiche (attention – 160Mb)
  • Harris, L.B., 2008. Nouveaux outils et modèles génétiques à DIVEX: L’application de « worming » des données gravimétriques en exploration minière. Québec Exploration 2008.