Looking for students or interns
Areas of expertise
Innate Immune and Immunooncology , Cell death , Inflammation , Inflammatory diseases , Myeloid cells
- Full Professor
450 687-5010
Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre
531 des Prairies Blvd.
Laval, Quebec H7V 1B7
Training openings for students or interns
Current research projects (student recruiting)
- Immunometabolic regulation of myeloid cells in the control of glioblastoma
- Exploiting immunity of hepatocellular carcinoma to improve the treatment of patients
- Microbiome-innate immunity metabolic interactions in cancer immunotherapy
- Inflammasome regulatory mechanisms in health and inflammatory diseases
- Characterization and targeting of TREM1+ regulatory myeloid cells in NASH-HCC
- *Giraud, J.#, *Chalopin, D. #, *Ramel, E., Boyer, T., Zouine, A., Derieppe, M., Larmonier, N., Adotevi, O., Le Bail, B., Blanc, J. F., Chiche, L., Nikolski, M. and Saleh, M. TREM1+ regulatory myeloid cells expand in steatohepatitis-HCC and associate with poor prognosis and therapeutic resistance to immune checkpoint blockade. (2022). Biorxiv: doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.09.515839).
- Ralph, B. A., Lehoux, M., Ostapska, H., Snarr, B. D., Caffrey-Carr, A. K., Fraser, R., Saleh, M., Obar, J. J., Qureshi, S. T. and Sheppard, D. C. The IL-1 Receptor Is Required to Maintain Neutrophil Viability and Function During Aspergillus fumigatus Airway Infection. (2021). Front Immunol. 12:675294.
- *Tran, A., Scholtes, C., *Songane, M., **Champagne, C., Galarneau, L., Levasseur, M. P., Fodil, N., Dufour, C. R., Giguère, V. and Saleh M. Estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα) is a key regulator of intestinal homeostasis and protects against colitis. (2021). Sci Rep. 11(1):15073.
- Scherlinger, M., Guillotin, V., Douchet, I., Vacher, P., Boizard-Moracchini, A., Guegan, J. P., Garreau, A., Merillon, N., Vermorel, A., Ribeiro, E., Machelart, I., Lazaro, E., Couzi, L., Duffau, P., Barnetche, T., Pellegrin, J. L., Viallard, J. F., Saleh, M., Schaeverbeke, T., Legembre, P., Truchetet, M. E., Dumortier, H., Contin-Bordes, C., Sisirak, V., Richez, C. and Blanco, P. Selectins impair regulatory T cell function and contribute to systemic lupus erythematosus pathogenesis. (2021). Sci Transl Med. 13(600): eabi4994.
- Cyr, Y., Lamantia, V., Bissonnette, S., Burnette, M., Besse-Patin, A., Demers, A., Wabitsch, M., Chrétien, M., Mayer, G., Estall, J. L., Saleh, M. and Faraj, M. Lower plasma PCSK9 in normocholesterolemic subjects is associated with upregulated adipose tissue surface-expression of LDLR and CD36 and NLRP3 inflammasome. (2021). Physiol Rep. 9: e14721.
- Schneider, C., Shen, C., Gopal, A. A., *Douglas, T., Forestell, B., Kauffman, K. D., Rogers, D., Artusa, P., Zhang, Q., Jing, H., Freeman, A. H, Barber, D. L., King, I. L., Saleh, M., Wiseman, P. W., Su, H. C, and Mandl, J. N. Migration-induced cell shattering due to DOCK8-deficiency causes a type-2 biased helper T cell response. (2020) Nature Immunology. 21:1528-1539
- *Douglas, T. and Saleh, M. Cross-regulation between LUBAC and caspase-1 modulates cell death and inflammation. (2020) The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295: 5216-5228
- *Douglas, T. and Saleh, M. Post-translational modification of OTULIN regulates ubiquitin dynamics and cell death. (2019) Cell Reports. 29: 3652–3663
- *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., **Doiron, K., **Champagne, C., Mayes, L., Leiva-Torres, G. A., Vanié, P. Jr, *Douglas, T., Vidal, S. M., Alnemri, E. S., Saleh M. The mitochondrial protease HtrA2 restricts the NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes. (2018) Scientific Reports. 8(1): 8446-8457.
- *Dagenais, M., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., *Douglas, T., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., Saleh, M. The Interleukin (IL)-1R1 pathway is a critical negative regulator of PyMT-mediated mammary tumorigenesis and pulmonary metastasis. (2017) Oncoimmunology. 6 (3): e1287247.
- Diamanti, M. A., Gupta, J., Bennecke, M., De Oliveira, T., Ramakrishnan, M., Braczynski, A. K., Richter, B., Beli, P., Hu, Y., Saleh, M., Mittelbronn, M., Dikic, I., Greten, F. R. IKKα controls ATG16L1 degradation to prevent ER stress during inflammation. (2017) J Exp Med. 214 (2): 423-437.
- *Skeldon, A. M., *Morizot, A., *Douglas, T., Santoro, N., Kursawe, R., Kozlitina, J., Caprio, S., Mehal, W. Z., Saleh, M. Caspase-12, but Not Caspase-11, Inhibits Obesity and Insulin Resistance. (2016). The Journal of Immunology. 196 (1): 437-447.
- *Dagenais, M., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., **Champagne, C., *Skeldon, A., *Morizot, A., Saleh, M. A critical role for cellular inhibitor of protein 2 (cIAP2) in colitis-associated colorectal cancer and intestinal homeostasis mediated by the inflammasome and survival pathways. (2016). Mucosal Immunology. 9 (1): 146-158.
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Arabzadeh, A., *Dagenais, M., *Douglas, T., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., Breton, V., Colpitts, S. L., Beauchemin, N., Saleh, M. The Nlrp3 Inflammasome Suppresses Colorectal Cancer Metastatic Growth in the Liver by Promoting Natural Killer Cell Tumoricidal Activity. (2015). Immunity. 43 (4): 751-763.
- *Douglas, T., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., Lapointe, J. M., Saleh, M. The Inflammatory Caspases-1 and -11 Mediate the Pathogenesis of Dermatitis in Sharpin-Deficient Mice. (2015). The Journal of Immunology. 195 (5): 2365-2373.
- Arabzadeh, A., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Breton, V., Haftchenary, S., Yumeen, S., Turbide, C., Saleh, M., McGregor, K., Greenwood, C. M., Akavia, U. D., Blumberg, R. S., Gunning, P. T., Beauchemin, N. Carcinoembryonic Antigen Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 long isoform modulates malignancy of poorly differentiated colon cancer cells. (2015). pii: gutjnl-2014-308781.
- Aries, A., Whitcomb, J., *Shao, W., Komati, H., Saleh, M. and Nemer, M. Caspase-1 cleavage of transcription factor GATA4 and regulation of cardiac cell fate. (2014). Cell Death and Disease. 5: e1566.
- *Leblanc, P. M.#, Doggett, T. A.#, Choi, J., Hancock, M. A., Durocher, Y., Frank, F., Nagar, B., Ferguson, T. A.# and Saleh, M.# An Immunogenic Peptide in the A-box of HMGB1 Reverses Apoptosis-Induced Tolerance Through RAGE. (2014) The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289: 7777-7786 (# Contributed equally). Selected as “paper of the week”.
- *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G.#, *Labbé, K.#, Dagenais, M., *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., **Champagne, C., *Morizot, A., *Skeldon, A., Brincks, E. L., Vidal, S. M., Griffith, T. S. and Saleh, M. Cellular inhibitor of apoptosis protein cIAP2 regulates pulmonary tissue necrosis and host survival to influenza A virus infection. (2014) Cell Host and Microbe. 15(1): 23-35. (# Contributed equally).
- Marivin, A., Berthelet, J., Cartier, J., Paul, C., Gemble, S. *Morizot, A., Boireau, W., Saleh, M., Bertoglio, J., Solary, E. and Dubrez, L. cIAP1 regulates TNF-mediated cdc42 activation and filopodia formation. (2014). Oncogene. 33(48): 5534-5545.
- Caignard G, Leiva-Torres GA, Leney-Greene M, Charbonneau B, Dumaine A, Fodil-Cornu N, Pyzik M, Cingolani P, Schwartzentruber J, *Dupaul-Chicoine J, Guo H, Saleh M, Veillette A, Lathrop M, Blanchette M, Majewski J, Pearson A, Vidal SM. (2013). Genome-Wide Mouse Mutagenesis Reveals CD45-Mediated T Cell Function as Critical in Protective Immunity to HSV-1. PLoS Pathog. 9: e1003637
- Meunier, C., Van Der Kraak, L., Turbide, C., Groulx, N., Cingolani, P., Blanchette, M., *Yeretssian, G., Saleh, M., Beauchemin, N. and Gros, P. The Mouse Ccs3 Locus: An Intronic Rearrangement in The Nfkb1 Gene Is Associated with Differential Susceptibility To Carcinogen-Induced Colorectal Cancer. (2013). PLoS One. 8(3): e58733
- Bongfen, S. E., *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., Berghout, J., Torre, S., Cingolani, P., Wiltshire, S. A., Leiva-Torres, G. A., Letourneau, L., Sladek, R., Blanchette, M., Lathrop, M., Behr, M. A., Gruenheid, S., Vidal, S. M., Saleh, M., Gros, P. (2012). An N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced dominant negative mutation in the JAK3 kinase protects against cerebral malaria. PLoS One. 7 (2): e31012.
- *Labbé, K.#, *McIntire, C. R.#, **Doiron, K., *Leblanc, P. M. and Saleh, M. (2011). Cellular Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins cIAP1 and cIAP2 Are Required for Efficient Caspase-1 Activation by the Inflammasome. 35: 897-907. (# Contributed equally).
- Messaed, C., Akoury, E., Djuric, U., Zeng, J., Saleh, M., Gilbert, L., Seoud, M., Qureshi, S., Slim, R. (2011). NLRP7, a nucleotide oligomerization domain-like receptor protein, is required for normal cytokine secretion and co-localizes with Golgi and the microtubule-organizing center. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 43313-43323.
- Liu, X., Nugoli, M., Laferrière, J., Saleh, S. M., *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G., Saleh, M., Park, M., Hallett, M. T., Muller, W. J., Giguère, V (2011). Stromal retinoic acid receptor beta promotes mammary gland tumorigenesis. PNAS. 108: 774-779.
- *Yeretssian, G., Correa, R. G., **Doiron, K., Fitzgerald, P, Dillon, C. P., Green, D. R., Reed, J. C. and Saleh, M. (2011). Non-apoptotic role of BID in inflammation and immunity. Nature. 474 (7349): 96-99.
- Wang, P., Arjona, A., Zhang, Y., Sultana, H., Dai, J., Yang, L., *LeBlanc, P., **Doiron, K., Saleh, M.# and Fikrig# (2010). Caspase-12 controls West Nile virus infection via RIG-I. Nature Immunol. 11 (10): 912-919 (# Contributed equally and are Co-Senior authors).
- *Labbé, K., Miu, J.,# *Yeretssian, G.,# Serghides, L., Tam, M., Finney, C. A., Erdman, L. K., **Goulet, M., Kain, K. C., Stevenson, M. M and Saleh, M. (2010). Caspase-12 dampens the immune response to malaria independently of the inflammasome by targeting NF-kB signaling. The Journal of Immunology. 185 (9): 5495-5502.
- Miu, J., Saleh, M. and Stevenson M. M. (2010). Caspase-12 deficiency enhances pro-inflammatory and regulatory cytokine responses but does not protect against lethal Plasmodium yoelii 17XL infection. Parasite Immunology. 32 (11-12): 773-778.
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J#., *Yeretssian, G#., **Doiron, K., Bergstrom, K. S. B., *McIntire, C. R., *LeBlanc, P. M., Meunier, C., Turbide, C., Gros, P., Beauchemin, N., Vallance, B. A. and Saleh, M. (2010). Control of intestinal homeostasis, colitis and colitis-associated colorectal cancer by the inflammatory caspases. Immunity. 32 (3): 367-378. (# Contributed equally).
- Fortier, A., **Doiron, K., Saleh, M., Grinstein, S. and Gros P (2009). Restriction of Legionella pneumophila replication in macrophages requires concerted action of the transcriptional regulators Irf1 and Irf8 and nod-like receptors Naip5 and Nlrc4. Infection and Immunity. 77 (11): 4794-805.
- Bertrand, M., **Doiron, K., *Labbe, K., Korneluk, R., Barker, P. and Saleh, M. (2009). Cellular inhibitors of apoptosis cIAP1 and cIAP2 are required for innate immunity signaling by the pattern recognition receptors NOD1 and NOD2. Immunity. 30 (6): 789-801.
- *Yeretssian, G., **Doiron, K., *Shao, W., Leavitt, B., Hayden, M. R., Nicholson, D. W. and Saleh, M. (2009). Gender differences in expression of the human caspase-12 long variant determines susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes PNAS. 106 (22): 9016-9020.
- *LeBlanc, P., *Yeretssian, G., Rutherford, N., **Doiron, K., *Nadiri, A., Zhu, L., Green, D. R., Gruenheid, S. and Saleh, M. (2008). Caspase-12 modulates NOD signaling and regulates antimicrobial peptide production and mucosal immunity. Cell Host and Microbe. 3 (3): 146-157.
- Roy, S., Sharom, J. R., Houde, C., Loisel, T. P., Vaillancourt, J. P., *Shao, W., Saleh, M. and Nicholson, D. W. (2008). Confinement of Caspase-12 Proteolytic Activity to Autoprocessing. PNAS. 105 (11): 4133-4138.
- Mazroui, R., Clair, E., De Marco, S., Tenenbaum, S. A., Keene, J. D., Saleh, M. and Gallouzi, I. (2008). Cytoplasmic accumulation of HuR and its cleavage by caspase-7 contribute to pp32/PHAP-I-mediated enhancement of apoptosis. Journal of Cell Biology. 180 (1): 113-127.
- *Shao, W., *Yeretssian, G., **Doiron, K., Hussain, S. and Saleh, M. (2007). The caspase-1 digestome identifies the glycolysis pathway as a target during infection and septic shock. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282 (50): 36321-36329. (Selected in the top 1% of all JBC papers).
Invited reviews and book chapters
- *Lillo, S. and Saleh, M. Inflammasomes in cancer progression and anti-tumor immunity. (2022). Front Cell Dev Biol. 10:839041
- *Ramel, E.#, *Lillo, S.#, Daher, B., *Fioleau, M., Daubon, T. and Saleh, M. The metabolic control of myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment. (2021) 10: 2960. (# Contributed equally).
- *Tudela, H., Claus, S. P. and Saleh, M. Next Generation Microbiome Research: Identification of Keystone Species in the Metabolic Regulation of Host-Gut Microbiota Interplay. (2021). Front Cell Dev Biol. 9:719072.
- *Giraud, J. and Saleh, M. Host-Microbiota Interactions in Liver Inflammation and Cancer. (2021). Cancers (Basel). 13(17):4342.
- *Giraud, J., *Chalopin, D., Blanc, J.F. and Saleh, M. Hepatocellular Carcinoma Immune Landscape and the Potential of Immunotherapies. (2021). Frontiers in Immunology. 12:655697.
- *Galli G and Saleh M. Immunometabolism of Macrophages in Bacterial Infections. (2021). Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 10: 607650.
- Daubon, T.#, **Hemadou, A.#, Garmendia, I. R. and Saleh, M. Glioblastoma immune landscape and the potential of new immunotherapies. (2020). Frontiers in Immunology. 11:585616 (# Contributed equally).
- *Douglas, T. and Saleh, M. The plot thickens: OTULIN regulation in cell death. (2020) Molecular & Cellular Oncology. 7: 4.
- *Songane, M., *Khair, M., Saleh, M. An updated view on the functions of caspases in inflammation and immunity. (2018). Semin Cell Dev Biol. pii: S1084-9521(17): 3011
- *Dagenais, M. and Saleh, M. Linking cancer-induced Nlrp3 inflammasome activation to efficient NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance. (2016). Oncoimmunology. 5(5):e1129484.
- *Dagenais, M., *Douglas, T., Saleh, M. (2014). Role of programmed necrosis and cell death in intestinal inflammation. Current Opin. Gastro. 30(6): 566-575
- *Barbé, F. *Douglas, T., Saleh, M. (2014). Advances in Nod-like receptors (NLR) biology. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 25(6): 681-697
- *Skeldon, A. M., Faraj, M., Saleh, M. (2014). Caspases and inflammasomes in metabolic inflammation. Immunol Cell Biol. 92: 304-313
- *Zhong, P., *Kinio, A. and Saleh, M. (2013). Functions of NOD-like receptors (NLRs) in human diseases. Frontiers in Immunology. 4: 333-351
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., *Dagenais, M., Saleh, M. (2013). Crosstalk between the intestinal microbiota and the innate immune system in intestinal homeostasis and inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 19: 2227-2237.
- *Rodrigue-Gervais IG, Saleh M (2013). Caspases and immunity in a deadly grip. Trends Immunol. 34(2): 41-49
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Saleh, M (2013). Inflammatory Mediators in Tumorigenesis and Metastasis. Book Chapter. Experimental and Clinical Metastasis. Springer science+Business media, LLC 2012.
- *Morizot, A. and Saleh, M. (2012). Non-apoptotic functions of cell death effectors in inflammation and innate immunity. Microbes Infect. 14 (14): 1241-1253.
- *Dupaul-Chicoine, J., Saleh, M (2012). A new path to IL-1β production controlled by caspase-8. Nat Immunol. 13 (3): 211-212.
- *Skeldon, A. and Saleh, M. (2011). The inflammasomes: molecular effectors of host resistance against bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections. Frontiers in Cellular and infection Microbiology. 2: 15.
- Saleh, M. (2011). The machinery of Nod-like receptors: refining the paths to immunity and cell death. Immunol Rev. 243 (1): 235-246.
- *Dagenais, M. #, *Skeldon, A. #, Saleh, M. (2012). The inflammasome: in memory of Dr. Jurg Tschopp. Cell Death Differ. 19 (1): 5-12. (# Contributed equally).
- Saleh, M. and Elson, C. O. (2011). Experimental inflammatory bowel disease: insights into the host-microbiota dialogue. 34: 293-304.
- Saleh, M. and Trinchieri G. (2011). Innate mechanisms of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Nature Reviews in Immunology. 11 (1): 9-20
- Skeldon, A. and Saleh, M. (2011). The inflammasomes: molecular effectors of host resistance against bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections. Frontiers in Cellular and infection Microbiology. 2:15.
- *Dagenais, M.#, *Dupaul-Chicoine, J#. and Saleh, M. (2010). Function of NLRs in immunity and disease. Opin. Invest. Drugs. 11: 1246-1255 (# Contributed equally).
- *Labbé, K. and Saleh, M. (2011). Pyroptosis: A Caspase-1-dependent programmed cell death and a barrier to infection. Book chapter. Inflammasomes: Progress in Inflammation Research.
- *Rodrigue-Gervais, I. G. and Saleh, M. (2010). Genetics of NLR-associated disorders: a lesson in the guiding principals of NLR function/regulation. Viewpoint issue on the inflammasome. European Journal of Immunology. 40 (3): 643-648.
- *LeBlanc, P. and Saleh, M. (2009). Caspases in inflammation and immunity. Book chapter. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) and Wiley-Blackwell press.
- Saleh, M. (2009). Host-Pathogen Interactions. Book chapter. Cambridge University Press.
- *McIntire, C. R. #, *Yeretssian, G. # and Saleh, M. (2009). Inflammasomes in infection and inflammation. Apoptosis. 14 (4): 522-535. (# Contributed equally).
- *Yeretssian, G., *Labbe, K. and Saleh, M. (2008). Molecular regulation of inflammation and cell death. Cytokine. 43 (3): 380-390.
- *Labbe, K. and Saleh, M. (2008). Cell death in the host response to infection. Cell Death and Differentiation. 15 (9): 1339-1349.
- Saleh, M. and Green D. R. (2007). Caspase-1 inflammasomes: Choosing between death and taxis. Cell Death and Differentiation 14 (9): 1559-1560.
- *Scott, A.M. and Saleh, M. (2007). The inflammatory caspases: Guardians against infections and sepsis. Cell Death and Differentiation 14 (1): 23-31.
- Saleh, M. (2006). Caspase-1 builds a new barrier to infection. Cell 126: 1028-1030.
- *Nadiri, A., Wolinski, M.K., and Saleh, M. (2006). The inflammatory caspases: Key players in the host response to pathogenic invasion and sepsis. Journal of Immunology 177: 4239-4245.
- Spierings, D., McStay, G., Saleh, M., Bender, C., Chipuk, J., Maurer, U., and Green D. R (2005). Connected to death: The (unexpurgated) mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Science 310: 66-67
- Saleh, M., McStay, G., Bender, C., Chipuk, J., Maurer, U., Spierings, D., and Green D. R (2005). The mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis: Caspases. Science STKE (Connection map: http://stke.sciencemag.com/cgi/cm/stkecm/CMP_15275).
- Saleh, M., Pagliari, L. J. and Green D. R. (2005). Life support: The a4 phosphatase subunit in cell survival and apoptosis. Trends in cell. Biol. 15 (6): 285-287.