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Cyrille-Duquet Research Chair

The Cyrille-Duquet Research Chair aims to foster the development of new wireless technologies and their applications to future 5G and 6G networks, as well as to the Internet of Things (IoT). It was created in 1984, thanks to a donation from the 1981 Colloque international de communications to set up a chair in communications software.

Since 1986, the Cyrille-Duquet Research Chair endowment fund has supported professors from Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) working in the field of communications software. In 2022, INRS in partnership with the INRS Foundation decided to offer two separate chairs with this endowment fund: one dedicated to telecommunications software and the other to the telecommunications sector.

Cyrille-Duquet Research Chair 2024 – 2029 I Telecommunications

Chair Holder: Tayeb Denidni, professor

Under the direction of Professor Denidni, the Chair focuses on the design of advanced millimetre-wave antenna systems for future generations (5G and 6G) of wireless communications and for biomedical sensors. Advanced materials will be used to develop these new antennas, which will support future millimetre-wave wireless communications and biomedical applications.

The aim is to develop a new program of research excellence in the field of antennas for telecommunications, which will contribute to important innovations in the high-tech sector as well as to the training of students in antenna engineering, radio frequency devices, telecommunications, and biomedical sensors.

Cyrille-Duquet Research Chair 2023 – 2028 I Telecommunications software

Chair holder: Sonia Aïssa, professor

Under the direction of Professor Aïssa, the Chair research program will help create a vision in which sustainability becomes the central key performance indicator around which wireless networks and technologies of the future are developed and deployed to best serve humanity and reduce or eliminate the digital divide.

To achieve this vision, the Chair aims to develop sustainability metrics for wireless networks and devices that can be used by all stakeholders in the wireless sector. It also aims to promote sustainability-enabling technologies that lead to a reduction in the amount of hardware, spectrum, and energy resources used.

Finally, the Chair will make it possible to implement the techniques required for sustainable management of network resources.