Registration is compulsory to attend the ceremony, please confirm your attendance. We look forward to welcoming you next May!
To attend the 2024-2025 graduation, please confirm your attendance by filling in the form below no later than March 31, 2025. Once your registration is complete, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt.
Transport by chartered bus
Transport by chartered bus is offered free of charge to teachers, graduate members and persons accompanying graduates (maximum 2 guests).
Graduates are invited to specify when registering whether they will be using the chartered bus service and the number of passengers who will be accompanying them (maximum 2 people). If you forget to do so when registering, or if your plans change, please write to us as soon as possible at .
The route timetable is subject to change. If necessary, changes will be communicated to you by email.
Departure by chartered bus
Departure by chartered bus
May 10, 2025
Departure route: Laval to Quebec City
8 a.m. – Departure from the Armand-Frappier Health Biotechnology Center, INRS (in front of building 18), 531 Bd des Prairies, Laval H7V 1B7
8:30 a.m. - Stop at the INRS Urbanization, Culture and Society Center, 385 Sherbrooke E, towards Palais Montcalm, 995 rue D’Youville, Quebec City
Departure route: Montreal to Quebec City
8:30 a.m. – Departure from the Urbanization, Culture and Society Center, 385 Sherbrooke Street East, Montreal towards Palais Montcalm, 995 Rue D’Youville, Quebec City
Return by chartered bus
Return by chartered bus
May 10, 2025
Return route: Quebec CitytoLaval and Montreal
6:30 p.m.– Departure from Palais Montcalm, 995 rue D’Youville, Quebec City
Return route: Quebec City to Laval
6:30 p.m. – Departure from Palais Montcalm, 995 rue D’Youville, Quebec City with a stop at the Centre Urbanisation Culture et Société, 385, rue Sherbrooke Est, then final destination: Centre Armand Frappier, INRS (in front of building 18), 531 Bd des Prairies, Laval H7V 1B7
Cancel your chartered bus transportation
Chartered bus transportation is offered free of charge to teachers, graduate members and persons accompanying graduates (maximum 2 guests). Will you no longer need the chartered bus transportation service on May 10, 2025? You have until Thursday, May 8, 2 p.m., to cancel your transportation.
A large public indoor parking lot, managed by the Société Parc Auto du Québec (SPAQ), is adjacent to Palais Montcalm. Other indoor paid parking lots are available in the surrounding area (e.g., Québec City Convention Centre, Parliament Hill, Québec City Hall, Hôtel Palace Royal, etc.).
On-street parking is also available near Palais Montcalm. Québec City has created the Copilote mobile app that allows you to pay for and renew your parking remotely, without having to go anywhere. Unless otherwise indicated, parking spaces on city streets are metered from Monday to Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., as well as on Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
See parking lots on the map. The travel schedule is subject to change. If necessary, changes will be communicated to you by email.
Registration form (In French only)
Les champs marqués d’un astérisque (*) sont obligatoires.
If you made a mistake when filling in the registration form, please do not submit a new registration. Instead, contact us at to provide us with the correct information.