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Student Conferences and Symposiums

Want to help organize a conference, symposium, or seminar? Here are the events put on by the INRS student body, in some cases in collaboration with other institutions. Conferences and symposiums not only allow INRS students to share their knowledge and research findings, they are also tremendous opportunities to network and learn.

Congrès Eau Terre Environnement

This annual, province-wide conference is aimed at fostering ties between students from across Quebec who are interested in earth, water, and environmental sciences. The conference is an opportunity for students to learn about research being conducted at the master’s and doctoral level and to develop their science communication skills by giving oral and poster presentations. The event is divided between two venues, the Centre Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre at INRS and another Quebec university (ENAP or Université Laval) to make room for all the participants. Learn more

Congrès Armand-Frappier

This conference, organized by students at the Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre, is attended by 150 people each year and showcases bioscience research in the form of oral presentations and posters. It is a great opportunity to share your research findings with your peers and hear internationally renowned experts speaking on current topics in various fields of biology. Congrès Armand-Frappier is also an occasion to fraternize with fellow students and meet new colleagues in a beautiful location in the Eastern Townships. Learn more

Colloque étudiant en études urbaines INRS-UQAM

In addition to bringing together those with shared interests in the same field of social science research, this symposium explores various research themes and issues in urban studies. The one-day event is an opportunity for students enrolled in joint doctoral programs in urban studies at l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) and l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) to meet and reflect.

Journée de mobilisation des savoirs

The purpose of this day-long event is to better understand the mobilization and transfer of knowledge and take a closer look at career paths and options. It is open to INRS students in all fields as well as to faculty members, professionals, and participants from other Quebec universities. The event is organized by the knowledge mobilization committee.

Journée des sciences de la Terre et de l’environnement

Journée des sciences de la Terre et de l’environnement (JSTE) is an annual event created over 20 years ago to enable master’s and PhD geoscience students at INRS to showcase their research via oral and poster presentations. Professionals and industry members are invited. Learn more

Other symposiums and conferences

In addition to the knowledge-sharing activities for which it is responsible, the INRS student body actively shares its research findings at conferences and symposiums held by other organizations and groups in cities across Quebec. Here are some of the events in which INRS students regularly participate and at which they are often awarded prizes for their oral presentations and posters!