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Support for students with disabilities or diagnosed limitations

We believe in the shared personal and collective responsibility of the university community to support students with diagnosed disabilities in achieving their educational goals. Tools, services and accommodations may be available depending on the diagnosis. Each request is treated in an individual and very personalized way.

Graduates Studies and Student Sucess Service identify and ensure the implementation of accommodation measures to be prioritized in order to allow students with diagnosed disabilities to have access to university studies, without discrimination or privilege.

Diagnostic santé mentale étudiant
Diagnostic santé mentale étudiant


Support, inform and accompany students with a diagnosed disability.

Implement and offer services that promote accessibility to university studies for students with a diagnosed disability.

Sensitize and collaborate with INRS personnel in the provision of services and in the application of accommodation measures offered to students with a diagnosed disability.

Examples of diagnosed limitations:

  • Learning disability: dyslexia, dysorthography, dyscalculia, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, etc.
  • Neurological disorder: dysphasia, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, dysphasia, etc.
  • Persistent mental health disorder: anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression, eating disorder, etc.
  • Organic disorder: diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, etc.
  • Physical or motor impairment: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, ataxia, etc.
  • Sensory impairment: visual impairment, hearing impairment
  • Temporary disability: concussion, fracture, injury, medical treatment, etc.


Accommodations are specific to the individual needs of each person and are not solely related to the diagnosed limitation.

Examples of accommodations that can be put in place based on diagnosis include:

  • Extra time during exams
  • Adapted room for exams
  • Access to specialized software (e.g., reading and writing aids)
  • Educational supervision

In order to support the student in achieving academic success, a quarterly evaluation of the measures is conducted by the Student Life Services remedial teacher. This evaluation serves to verify that the measures are sufficient and appropriate, or if changes need to be made.


The Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur requires the presence of a diagnosis for a person to be eligible for accommodation measures in Quebec colleges and universities. In addition, diagnostic evidence must be provided by professionals practising in Quebec.

How to apply

To make a request for support or if you have any questions, please write to the following address: