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Towards a CO2 storage pilot project in the St. Lawrence Lowlands

  • Doctorate
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • With scholarship

Project description

The proposed projects aim to put in place the conditions that will allow the start of a pilot project with the objective of determining the effective CO2 storage capacity for the St. Lawrence Lowlands region of Quebec. This will be done first by developing accurate digital twins of storage tanks that will make it possible to quantify storage capacity. The characterization of a site will be done by acquiring 3D seismic data and well tests. This data will make it possible to build a numerical reservoir model that is accurate enough to assess the potential and risk associated with the injection.

In this context, two doctoral projects are offered:

  • Methodological developments in support of 3D seismic data processing by machine learning (ML).
  • Development of an innovative neural network-based methodology to simulate the flow of CO2 in a reservoir.

Start date

Summer or fall 2025

Research supervision

Bernard Giroux and Erwan Gloaguen, professors, NRS

Study program

PhD in Earth sciences (program details in French only, or taylor-made program), Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre, INRS


Minimal annual doctoral scholarship of $27,000.

Required qualifications

  • Master’s degree in geophysics, hydrogeology, geological engineering, engineering physics, or in a field related to the project’s objectives.
  • Skills in seismic data processing and analysis, numerical modelling and machine learning methods. Knowledge of a programming language applied to data science (e.g. Python) is a strong asset.
  • A good record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals is an additional asset.
  • Skills in scientific communication, both written and oral, are sought.

    Equity, diversity and inclusion

    Professors Giroux and Gloaguen adhere to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the recruitment and training of highly qualified personnel. Applications from groups that are underrepresented in the academic research community in the field of science and engineering are strongly encouraged. With equal competence and level of experience, the advantage will be given to the candidate from an under-represented group.

    How to apply

    Please use the form below to send your application including the following documents in PDF: 1) a cover letter, 2) the names and emails of three references, 3) a full CV and 4) university transcripts.

    Published - Bernard Giroux ETE - Towards a CO2 storage pilot project in the St. Lawrence Lowlands

    Project title : Towards a CO2 storage pilot project in the St. Lawrence Lowlands

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    Names and emails of three references *

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    Curriculum vitæ (CV) *

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    University transcripts *

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