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Professor Carolyn Côté-Lussier selected for the Researcher Council of the NDRIO

September 30, 2020 | Audrey-Maude Vézina

Update : September 30, 2020

Carolyn Côté-Lussier, assistant professor at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) and adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa, has been selected as part of the Researcher Council of the New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO).

Professeure / Professor Carolyn Côté-Lussier, INRS
Carolyn Côté-Lussier, professor in Criminology, Social psychology, and Health at Institut national de la recherche scientifique. Photo: Phil Bernard

This committee is comprised of 22 Canadian researchers, selected from nearly 140 applicants. For the next year, she will be reaching out to researchers and working toward establishing a cutting edge online system meant to support Canadian researchers in terms of getting access to data, analyzing data, and doing so in an equitable, inclusive and ethical manner. “We will serve as a point of contact representing the interests of Canadian researchers. Our job will be to solicit their needs and assess the state of Canada’s digital infrastructure,” she explains.

She was both surprised and happy to have been selected since digital infrastructure is not specifically her expertise.

“In my application, I stressed that it was important to have people from the social sciences involved in this initiative. We have issues that are different from our colleagues in natural and applied sciences.”

Carolyn Côté-Lussier

The selection process was competitive, but also representative. It took into account diversity in research discipline, geography, language, gender, ethnic groups and career stage. “This impressive group is composed of strategic thinkers and visionaries who represent years of diverse research experience and expertize in advance research computing, research software and data management,” says Janet Davidson, NDRIO Board Chair.

Learn more about Professor Côté-Lussier’s ongoing research on inequalities and neighbourhood-level determinants of health and quality of life, and on public attitudes toward crime.

About the NDRIO

The New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) is a Canadian not-for-profit organization that supports a researcher-focused, accountable, agile, strategic and sustainable Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) ecosystem. Established in 2019, NDRIO works with partners and stakeholders across Canada to give scholars and scientists the digital tools, support, services and infrastructure they need to conduct leading-edge research that benefits society and competes globally.