INRS offers various free and confidential services to members of its community experiencing personal, employment or academic difficulties, such as a self-help network, professional support and self-care tools.
Information et ressources
- Harassment, discrimination, incivility, and domestic & sexual violence
- Emergencies and crisis
- Santé physique et installations sportives
Harassment, discrimination, incivility, and domestic & sexual violence
Awareness campaigns and activities
Each year, SESRE and the Human Resources Department offer a number of webinars designed to raise awareness of the issues of well-being, mental health, equity, diversity and inclusion
Numerous resources are also available on the INRS website:
Awareness campaigns and tools
- Inclusive Environments
- Together for Sexual and Gender Diversity
- Together for Ethnocultural Diversity
- Raising Awareness of Everyday Sexism in Academia
Self-care and support tools
My tools
A website with help line and chat function plus a series of self-help tools to help you improve your mental health. These tools help you assess your psychological well-being or distress, monitor your symptoms, and develop a strategy for feeling better. Learn more
Feeling better…my way
A self-management support tool that helps you identify ways to feel better, regain your balance, and take care of your mental health when you’re experiencing difficulties related to anxiety, depression, or other problems. Learn more