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Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre

The Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre uses a multidisciplinary approach to analyze concrete and often complex real-world issues in the aim of enhancing our knowledge of social and cultural realities.

The Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre sheds new light on social, cultural, economic, and environmental phenomena. It offers ten master’s and PhD programs in three areas of expertise: urban studies, population studies, and knowledge mobilization.

Graduate students at the centre benefit from personalized supervision and actively contribute to a multitude of research groups and networks spearheaded by our faculty and their peers from other institutions. Research partnerships, interaction with users, social relevance, and interdisciplinarity are key characteristics of the fundamental and applied research conducted at the INRS Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre.

Backed by its pool of cutting-edge academic minds, the Centre is home to two Canada Research Chairs: one focused on new digital environments and cultural intermediation, and the other on environmental equity and cities. In addition to these two chairs, there is also a network research chair on youth employment and entrepreneurship (2030 Quebec Youth Policy) and the Fernand-Dumont Chair on Culture, which needs no introduction.

The centre is located in Montreal at the corner of Sherbrooke Est and Saint-Denis. Another part of the teaching staff and administrative team is based in Saint-Roch, Quebec City’s cultural and technological epicentre.

Photo : Phil Bernard

Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre

385 Sherbrooke Street E.
Montreal, Quebec  H2X 1E3

Phone: 514-499-4000
Fax: 514-499-4065


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Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre

490 de la Couronne Street
Quebec City, Quebec  G1K 9A9

Phone: 418-687-6400
Fax: 418-687-6425


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Michèle Riendeau
Administrative assistant
Phone : 514-499-4002

Micheline Marois
Office manager
Phone: 514-499-4007

Héloïse Roy
Academic and Faculty affairs manager
Phone: 514-609-6063

Mélanie Morin
Academic programs
Phone: 514-499-8261

Myrian Grondin
Documentation and Specialized Information Department
Phone: 514-499-4098