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Federico Rosei recipient of IETI Annual Scientific Award

January 15, 2021 | Audrey-Maude Vézina

Update : January 15, 2021

Professor Federico Rosei of the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) is one of the four recipients of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) Annual Scientific Award.

Federico Rosei, titualire de la chaire MATECCS de l'UNESCO sur l'énergie renouvelable
Professor Federico Rosei. Photo : Christian Fleury

The IETI Annual Scientific Awardrecognizes the sustained leadership and service to the international engineering community of Professor Rosei, in particular for his original research in photonic materials and optoelectronic devices. It also highlights his global collaborations through joint projects, training programs and networks in China, Mexico and several African countries, and his exceptional mentoring efforts.

“I am truly honoured to receive a second major recognition from IETI, after being selected as one of its Distinguished Fellow three years ago. I would like to dedicate this success to my whole team, past and present, to the graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who worked hard to develop new insights in advanced materials and realize innovative high-performance devices,” says the researcher.

Professor Rosei has published over 370 articles in prestigious international journals. He has been invited to speak at over 330 international conferences and has given over 240 seminars and colloquia and 40 public lectures in 48 countries on all inhabited continents. Twenty-eight of his former group members are themselves professors in 14 countries, including five in Canada.

The four award-winning scientists of 2020 are from Canada, Mauritius and Georgia and are all Distinguished Fellows of IETI. They are recognized for their pre-eminent achievements in the development of engineering and technology, and for their unselfish, sustained and dedicated contributions to the aims and significance of the Institute.

About IETI

Established in 2015, the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) is a non-profit international academic organization. IETI takes engineering and science application, technology and science innovations, and sustainable social science as its goals. It chooses general education as its vision to promote the coordinated development of natural sciences, engineering sciences, and social sciences.