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INRS launches the All variables are included campaign 2022-2023

September 29, 2022 | Sophie Laberge

Update : September 29, 2022

This second edition promotes the recognition and inclusion of every member of the community through the theme “Together for Ethnocultural Diversity”.

logo campagne Ensemble pour la diversité ethnoculturelle

The campaign Together for ethnocultural diversity will run for the entire academic year, from fall 2022 to spring 2023.

At INRS, all variables are included! campaign focuses on different issues every year. The 2021–2022 edition focused on making INRS a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of every orientation and gender. This year’s goal is to mobilize the INRS community in support of ethnocultural diversity. Starting in October, community members are invited to participate under this year’s theme “Together for Ethnocultural Diversity”.

The campaign will run for the entire academic year, from fall 2022 to spring 2023. The October focus will be intercultural relationships with the theme “Creating Intercultural Connections.” January to March 2023 will be about welcoming, accommodating, and including newcomers to Quebec. Finally, starting in April 2023, a series of activities will focus on racial issues and prejudice.

At INRS, all variable are included! campaign is directly related to the goals outlined in the INRS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) plan for a healthy, equitable, and inclusive environment to live, work, and study.

Together for Ethnocultural Diversity 

The INRS community is made up of people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. More than 60% of the student population comes from some 40 countries. It is therefore essential for the students coming to study in Quebec to receive a particularly inclusive welcome on a professional, administrative, cultural, and social level.

Community members are encouraged to show their commitment by proudly displaying campaign stickers, available at the reception desk of all campuses. In addition, a signature banner will be emailed to you so you can add it to your electronic signature.

To learn more, visit the Together for Ethnocultural Diversity webpage.

Philippe-Edwin Bélanger, directeur du Service des études supérieures et postdoctorales de l'INRS

“We want to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and be recognised and respected. The success of students’ journeys can depend on their inclusion and healthy adaptation to the academic community.”

Philippe-Edwin Bélanger, Director of the Graduate Studies and Academic Success Service

Check your email and participate in the activities organized for this campaign!

From October to December 2022 – Building Bridges, Creating Networks

  • Building Bridges, Creating Networks challenge
  • One-day pairing in science
  • Student intercultural evening – Montreal (INRS intercentres)
  • Activities of the intercultural week of the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration
  • IRIPII Conference: Les angles morts dans la gestion des équipes diversifiées en recherche (in French)
January to March 2023 – Including international students
Lutter contre le racisme bandeau inrs
April to June 2023 – Stabd up against racism