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Several students stood out at the annual popularization competition.
From left to right: Mitra Ebrahimi Gardeshi, Mostafa Shagar, Alexandre Heitz, Marion Vanharen, Jérémie Boudreault, Oumaima El Hachimi, and panel members Sylvie Richard, Michel Fortin et Lise Couillard.
Six INRS students presented their work to the public at the INRS finals, held in April at the Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre in Quebec City. The participants had to explain the content of several years’ research in an accessible way in just three minutes, under the watchful eye of a panel of three non-specialist staff members.
Jérémie Boudreault, winner of the French-language component of the competition, Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180), will have the privilege of taking part in the grand Canadian final at the 91st ACFAS Conference, to be held in Ottawa on May 15, 2024. He also received a $500 excellence scholarship.
Oumaima El Hachimi, winner of the English-language component, Three Minute Thesis (3MT), will represent INRS at the Eastern Canada regional final, to be held at the INRS Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre on June 7. She was also awarded a $500 scholarship by INRS for her performance in the institutional final.
$250 scholarships were awarded to Marion Vanharen and Mostafa Shagar, who came 2nd in the INRS institutional final’s French and English components, respectively.
As an exception this year, $100 scholarships were awarded to the 3rd place finalists, Alexandre Heitz (MT180) and Mitra Ebrahimi Gardeshi (3MT).
1st place
Jérémie Boudreault
Ph.D. student in a custom program in data science and environmental health,
Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre of INRS
“I think it’s crucial for society as a whole to be aware of the scientific research being carried out in labs and published in scientific papers. That’s why I take every chance I get to popularize my work, both in written and spoken formats, and why I collaborate with partners from the public and private sectors for my research.”
Jérémie Boudreault
2nd place
Marion Vanharen
Ph.D. student in biology
Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre
1st place
Oumaima El Hachimi
Ph.D. student in water sciences
Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre of INRS
“Having grown up in a family of bankers and finance professionals, I often had to explain my projects and field of study to people with little knowledge of the subject. I love explaining my work in a simple, inclusive way, using illustrations and anecdotes to make my research understandable to a wide audience.”
Oumaima El Hachimi
2nd place
Mostafa Shagar
Ph.D. student in energy and materials science
Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre
The MT180 and 3MT competitions, overseen by ACFAS and the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS), respectively, are first and foremost an opportunity for students to present their study project in simple terms to a diverse, lay audience, in three minutes or less and with a single slide. The event is organized by the Graduate Studies and Student Success Service and prizes are proudly funded by TD Insurance Meloche Monnex.
February 4, 2025
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