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Pascale Champagne appointed Director of Research and Academic Affairs at INRS

June 16, 2020 | Stéphanie Bernard

Update : September 30, 2020

It is with great pride that INRS CEO Luc-Alain Giraldeau announces the appointment of Pascale Champagne as the Director Research and Academic Affairs (DRAA) at INRS, effective September 1,2020.  Dr. Champagne, is an exceptional researcher and leader who views interdisciplinarity as essential to the advancement of science.

Pascale Champagne nommée directrice de la recherche et des affaires académiques, article de l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Pascale Champagne, Director of Research and Academic Affairs at INRS

“I’m so pleased that Dr. Champagne is continuing her career at INRS,” said Dr. Luc-Alain Giraldeau, INRS CEO. “With 20 years of experience, Professor Champagne is a visionary researcher and leader who will readily leverage her creativity to influence our research and teaching strategies. She will be an invaluable asset in shaping research at INRS and the future of our institution.” 

As a Canada Research Chair in Bioresource Engineering and a Professor in the department of Civil and Chemical (cross-appointed) Engineering at Queen’s University, she developed a unique vision of interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach for the new Beaty Water Research Centre (BWRC). Dr. Champagne was appointed Director of this collaborative, interdisciplinary water and environmental research Centre in 2017.

Dr. Champagne has published more than 470 scientific articles. She has received numerous awards, including the prestigious Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in 2019 for developing, in collaboration with three researchers from other disciplines, a holistic approach for attaining a sustainable future.

I am honoured to have been offered this leadership role. INRS is an excellent post-graduate institution with outstanding scholars innovating in the service of Québec society and its future,” said Dr. Champagne. Their commitment to excellence, interdisciplinarity, engagement, equity and integrity is reflected in the quality and scope of their research works. I look forward to working with such a diverse team, furthering our leadership in interdisciplinary research and education programs provincially, nationally and internationally, for the betterment of our ever changing reality.”