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Tayeb Denidni receives Cyrille-Duquet Chair in Telecommunications

May 28, 2024

Update : May 28, 2024

INRS professor to develop new program of excellence in telecommunications antenna research.

Tayeb Denidni, INRS professor. Photo : Christian Fleury

Professor Tayeb Denidni, a researcher specializing in antennas and radiofrequency systems at Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), has been awarded the 2024 Cyrille-Duquet Research Chair in Telecommunications.  

Created in 1984, the Cyrille-Duquet Chair aims to foster the development of new wireless technologies and their applications to future 5G and 6G networks, as well as to the Internet of Things (IoT). In 2022, INRS in partnership with the INRS Foundation , decided to offer two chairs through its endowment fund: one dedicated to telecommunications software and the other to the telecommunications sector.

The research chair held by Professor Denidni will focus on the design of advanced millimetre-wave antenna systems for future generations (5G & 6G) of wireless communications and for biomedical sensors. It has been awarded for a period of five years.

“I am honoured to be awarded the 2024 Cyrille-Duquet Chair in Telecommunications. This is an exceptional opportunity to train the next generation of scientists in strategic fields such as antenna and telecommunications engineering for Québec and the rest of Canada.”

Tayeb Denidni, INRS professor and Scientific head of the Radio Frequency Laboratory

The research will use advanced materials to develop new antennas that will support future millimetre-wave wireless communications and biomedical applications. 

The aim is to develop a new program of research excellence in the field of antennas for telecommunications, which will contribute to important innovations in cutting-edge high-tech sectors. The research program will train students in antenna engineering, radio frequency devices, telecommunications, and biomedical sensors.

Professor Denidni, based at INRS Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre, has long been internationally recognized for his expertise in the field of antennas. As a professor at INRS, he has helped train more than 70 students and researchers over the past ten years in the field of antennas and microwaves.