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October 5, 2024
Update : October 4, 2024
Professor Roberto Morandotti and Priscille Ernotte distinguished for their contributions to research excellence.
Source : Université du Québec
Two members of the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) were honoured at the Université du Québec’s Excellence 2024 ceremony, held at the Musée de la civilisation in Quebec City on October 2.
Professor Roberto Morandotti received the Prix d’excellence en recherche et création (excellence award in research and creation) in the Leadership category, while Partnerships and Research Development Advisor Priscille Ernotte was inducted into the Université du Québec’s (UQ) Cercle d’excellence (circle of excellence). Both are based at INRS’s Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre.
Professor Morandotti has made an outstanding contribution to the field of photonics and nonlinear optics. Priscille Ernotte was recognized for her invaluable contributions to the promotion and development of research activities in collaboration with business, government, and community partners.
“It’s a privilege to have such talented people at INRS and to have them shine within the Université du Québec family. Congratulations to Ms. Ernotte and Professor Morandotti on these well-deserved awards, which make the INRS community proud.”
Luc-Alain Giraldeau, Chief Executive Officer, INRS
Professor Roberto Morandotti received this award in recognition of his peerless leadership in the field of photonics and nonlinear optics. His contributions to the advancement of knowledge and to Quebec’s research and development capacity in cutting-edge fields are undeniable.
His internationally acclaimed work has led to major advances in a number of fields, including telecommunications, quantum computing, spectroscopy, and artificial intelligence.
As Canada Research Chair in Smart Photonics, he explores matters like the potential for quantum phenomena to provide new ways to support the development of a more effective, more energy-efficient Internet of things.
The award also recognizes the exceptional nature of his career and his contributions to training the next generation of high-calibre scientists. Professor Morandotti is renowned for his teaching and mentorship skills. Since the start of his career, he has supervised some 195 students, postdoctoral fellows, research associates, and interns.
Video (in French): https://youtu.be/pvrU1Ri9QEc
The Prix d’excellence en recherche et création, leadership category is presented to a candidate who has demonstrated remarkable leadership qualities, a positive and mobilizing influence, a significant contribution to the training of researchers and creators, and the establishment of a research or creation unit or other exemplary research and creation initiatives.
Priscille Ernotte has been a Partnerships and Research Development Advisor at INRS’s Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre since 2007. Her coworkers appreciate her quiet strength, integrity, intelligence, and meticulousness. Her generosity, tact, and extensive knowledge make her an ideal ally.
Ernotte’s colleagues all appreciate her impeccable professionalism. What’s more, her expertise in managing research contracts has facilitated numerous research projects that benefit INRS and society as a whole.
À propos des Prix d’excellence du réseau de l’UQ
Par la remise annuelle des Prix d’excellence, l’Assemblée des gouverneurs souligne la compétence des professeures et professeurs, chercheuses et chercheurs ainsi que des gestionnaires du réseau et leur contribution à la réalisation de la mission universitaire. Ces distinctions sont décernées chaque année en enseignement, en recherche, en création ainsi qu’en gestion.
À propos du Cercle d’excellence du réseau de l’UQ
Chaque année, les cheffes et chefs des établissements de l’UQ soulignent l’apport exceptionnel de 10 membres du réseau, qu’il s’agisse d’un membre du corps professoral, d’un chercheur ou d’une chercheuse, d’un ou d’une gestionnaire, d’un membre du personnel, ou d’un étudiant ou d’une étudiante, en les nommant au Cercle d’excellence de l’Université du Québec.
Read the press release from the Université du Québec
Congratulations to Priscille Ernotte and Professor Roberto Morandotti!