Please consult the INRS documents for preventing and combating harassment and sexual violence as well as those adopted by the Quebec government on the rights, integrity, and respect of people in educational and work environments.
- INRS Harassment, Discrimination, and Incivility Policy (available in the Documents normatifs section)
- INRS Policy against Sexual Violence (available in the Documents normatifs section)
- INRS Disclosure of Wrongdoing Directive (available in the Documents normatifs section)
- INRS Human Resources Regulations (available in the Documents normatifs section)
- Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in higher education institutions (Gouvernement du Québec)
- Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (Gouvernement du Québec)
- Act respecting labour standards (Gouvernement du Québec)
About the INRS Harassment, Discrimination, and Incivility Policy
The INRS Harassment, Discrimination, and Incivility Policy was adopted on April 19, 2016, and amended on April 18, 2018, because it covered aspects of sexual harassment, which now falls under the INRS Sexual Violence Policy. The objectives of the Harassment, Discrimination, and Incivility Policy are to:
- Promote and maintain a safe work and study environment based on mutual respect and free of any form of harassment, discrimination or incivility;
- Raise awareness among the members of the INRS community about their responsibility to respect individual dignity in their behaviour, attitudes and speech;
- Inform the INRS community of the mechanisms available for reporting and, if necessary, stopping all forms of harassment, discrimination and incivility.
About the INRS Policy against Sexual Violence
The INRS Sexual Violence Policy was adopted on December 4, 2018, by the INRS Board of Directors. It covers aspects of sexual harassment and all aspects of sexual violence. The objectives of the INRS Sexual Violence Policy are to:
- Reinforce action to prevent and combat sexual violence;
- Help foster and maintain a safe and healthy work and study environment for the university community;
- Implement means of prevention, awareness, accountability, support and assistance for the university community;
- Inform the university community about the mechanisms available to report and, if necessary, stop all sexual violence.
On December 8, 2017, the government of Quebec passed the Act to prevent and fight sexual violence in higher education institutions.
The act stipulates that every higher education institution must adopt a separate sexual violence policy before January 1, 2019, and implement it by September 1, 2019, at the latest, to provide healthy, safe and respectful study and work environments.
About the Sexual Violence Committee
The Permanent Committee responsible for drawing up, revising and monitoring the Policy. The members appointed until October 12, 2026, are:
- Anusha Atmakuri, Student, Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre
- Marlène Blais, Director of the Human Resources Department
- Jysiane Cardot, Student, Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre
- Safa Chaaben, Student. Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre
- Lise Couillard, Legal Advisor for the General Secretariat
- Élizabeth Doiron-Gascon, Social Worker
- Claudel Dubé, Union Representative of Métallos
- Eva Enders, Professor, Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre
- Michel Fortin, General Secretary
- Léa Maude Gobeille Paré, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisor
- Stéphanie-Maude Heckmann, Academic Affairs Advisor
- Joanie Lavoie, Research Officer at the Graduate Studies and Student Life Department
- Hélène Linteau, Human Resources Advisor
- Lydia Risi, Student, Urbanisation Culture Société Research center
- Andreas Ruediger, Professor, Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre
- Isabelle Sabran, Research Officer at the Graduate Studies and Student Life Department
- Jessy Tremblay, Union Representative of Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre Support Staff
- Cathy Vaillancourt, Professor, Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre

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