Looking for students or interns
Areas of expertise
Laser-matter interaction and applications , Laser driven acceleration and applications
- Full Professor
Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre
1650 Lionel-Boulet Blvd.
Varennes, Quebec J3X 1P7
Research interests
My current research plans are focused on the setup and improvement of laser-driven proton and electron beamlines for several applications. Each project is targeting a different field of application, ranging from nanoscience and nanotechnology, to biomedicine, femtochemistry and material science. Projects will be performed in collaboration with other leading groups in the domain. In particular I concentrate on the following four main research activities :
1. Ultra-brilliant and ultra-short table-top proton beamlines and applications : research on critical components of a laser-driven proton beamline to achieve controllable proton beams with sub-ps bunch duration and kA current, allowing unprecedented applications. Research includes targets (cryogenic target, tape target, array target, nanostructured target), beam handling and transport (energy selector, focusing devices), diagnostics (high-repetition rate spectrometers, real-time measurements).
- 1a Sub-nanometer precision growth of nanocrystals: The possibility of obtaining routinely nanocrystals with controlled shape, dimensions and crystallinity is a grand industrial challenge that is considered strategically important for manifold applications, e.g. in electronics or medicine. The irradiation of a bulk target by high energetic particles (in particular protons) can generate the temperature and pressure conditions required to grow crystalline structures, while the short pulse duration limits the nucleation time to the range of ps-ns, ensuring the stop of the nucleation at crystallinity phase without aggregation of amorphous structures. I investigate the use of laser-generated protons to grow and obtain nanostructured surfaces and colloidal solutions where the constituent nanomaterials are nanocrystals with well defined shape, dimensions and crystallinity in the nm rage.
- 1b Nanosecond resolved neutron spectroscopy of biological molecules: I investigate the use of tailored ultra-short high-flux laser-generated proton bunches to generate, over secondary reaction, a high-energy, high-flux, short pulse neutron burst. These neutrons can be used for probing molecules with at least three orders of magnitude higher temporal resolution respect the current analysis methods. This ensures a much precise knowledge of molecular dynamics and, hence, of many biological systems, with enormous and incalculable advantages in many fields such as pharmacology, medicine, agriculture, botanic and zoology.
- 1c Material stress tests for space applications: using the high and fast energy of laser-generated protons we can reproduce high-temperatures and pressures, similar as those obtained when going into the space of in fusion
2 Femtosecond Sub-atomic scale Resolved Electron Diffraction: Ultra Fast Electron Diffraction has a great potential for studying 4D structural dynamics, the combination of high spatial resolution (on a sub-atomic scale, i.e. 8-10 pm) and high temporal resolution (scale of chemical reactions i.e. sub 50 fs) makes it possible to perform online analysis of structural changes and energy redistribution in many chemical and biological systems. I investigate high-flux, high-energy laser-accelerated electrons with fs-scale temporal resolution for performing Electron Diffraction experiments. This allows, for the first time, to study the evolution of many biological and chemical systems (i.e. chemical reactions, materials melting, nanomaterials growth process, DNA and RNA evolution). These systems, which evolve in a very short spatial scale and very fast temporal scale, are currently investigated by indirect methods due to the absence of direct investigation techniques that can offer contemporaneously these extremely challenging spatial and temporal resolutions.
3 Ultra-compact, ultra-short laser-based Free Electron Laser: Using ultra-short (fs) laser-generated high-energy electrons (>300 MeV) to be injected into undulators in order to generate high-brightness ultra-short coherent FEL radiation for electron diffraction and high-resolution biomolecular studies. Today, facilities generating radiation with longer pulses are huge, costly and rare (e.g. LCLS). A compact solution with improved parameters would facilitate boosting the field and applications.
Training openings for students or interns
55 S. N. Chen, A. P. L. Robinson, P. Antici, E. Brambrink, E. d’Humières, S. Gaillard, T. Grismayer, A. Mancic, P. Mora, L. Romagnani, P. Audebert, H. Pépin and J. Fuchs, “Passive tailoring of laser-accelerated ion beam cut-off energy by using double foil assembly”, Phys. Plasmas 21, 023119 (2014)
54 M. Gauthier, A. Lévy, E. d’Humières, M. Glesser, B. Albertazzi, C. Beaucourt, J. Breil, S. N. Chen, V. Dervieux, J. L. Feugeas, P. Nicolaï, V. Tikhonchuk, H. Pépin, P. Antici and J. Fuchs “Investigation of longitudinal proton acceleration in exploded targets irradiated by intense short-pulse laser”, Phys. Plasmas 21, 013102 (2014)
53 P. Antici, L. Gremillet, T. Grismayer, P. Mora, P. Audebert, M. Borghesi, C. A. Cecchetti, A. Mančic and J. Fuchs “Modeling target bulk heating resulting from ultra-intense short pulse laser irradiation of solid density targets”, Phys. Plasmas 20, 123116 (2013)
52 E. d’Humieres, P. Antici, M. Glesser, J. Boeker, F. Cardelli, S. Chen, J. L. Feugeas, F. Filippi, M. Gauthier, A. Levy, P. Nicolai, H. Pepin, L. Romagnani, M. Sciscio, V. T. Tikhonchuk, O. Willi, J. C. Kieffer and J. Fuchs “Investigation of laser ion acceleration in low-density targets using exploded foils”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 55 124025 (2013)
51 A. Bacci, D. Alesini, P. Antici, M. Bellaveglia, R. Boni, E. Chiadroni, A. Cianchi, C. Curatolo, G. Di Pirro, A. Esposito, M. Ferrario, A. Gallo, G. Gatti, A. Ghigo, M. Migliorati, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, V. Petrillo, R. Pompili, C. Ronsivalle, A. R. Rossi, L. Serafini, B. Spataro, P. Tomassini, and C. Vaccarezza “Electron Linac design to drive bright Compton back-scattering gamma-ray sources »
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 194508 (2013)
50 S. Fourmaux, S. Buffechoux, B. Albertazzi, D. Capelli, A. Lévy, S. Gnedyuk, L. Lecherbourg, P. Lassonde, S. Payeur, P. Antici, H. Pépin, R. S. Marjoribanks, J. Fuchs, and J. C. Kieffer « Investigation of laser-driven proton acceleration using ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulses », Phys. Plasmas 20, 013110 (2013)
49 M. Migliorati, A. Bacci, C. Benedetti, E. Chiadroni, M. Ferrario, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, A. R. Rossi, L. Serafini, and P. Antici « Intrinsic normalized emittance growth in laser-driven electron accelerators », Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 16, 011302 (2013)
48 P. Antici, A. Bacci, C. Benedetti, E. Chiadroni, M. Ferrario, A. R. Rossi, L. Lancia, M. Migliorati, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, and L. Serafini “Laser-driven electron beamlines generated by coupling laser-plasma sources with conventional transport systems”J. Appl. Phys. 112, 044902 (2012)
47 P. Antici, M. Migliorati, A. Mostacci, L. Picardi, L.Palumbo, C. Ronsivalle
« Sensitivity study in a compact accelerator for laser-generated protons », J. Plasma Physics 78, 4, 441–445 (2012).
46 P Antici, B Albertazzi, P Audebert, S Buffechoux, F Hannachi, E d’Humieres, F Gobet, T Grismayer, A Mancic, M Nakatsutsumi, C Plaisir, L Romagnani, M Tarisien, H Pepin, Y Sentoku and J Fuchs, « Measuring hot electron distributions in intense laser interaction with dense matter », New J. Phys. 14 063023 (2012)
45 S. N. Chen, E. d’Humieres, E. Lefebvre, L. Romagnani, T. Toncian, P. Antici, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, C. A. Cecchetti, T. Kudyakov, A. Pipahl, Y. Sentoku, M. Borghesi, O. Willi, and J. Fuchs,“Focusing Dynamics of High-Energy Density, Laser-Driven Ion Beams”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 5, 055001 (2012)
44 P. Antici, M. Migliorati, A. Mostacci, L. Picardi, L.Palumbo, C. Ronsivalle
« A compact post-acceleration scheme for laser generated protons », Phys. Plasmas 18, 073103 (2011)
43 L. Giannessi, D. Alesini, P. Antici et al., A. Bacci, M. Bellaveglia, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, F. Briquez, M. Castellano, L. Catani, E. Chiadroni, A. Cianchi, F. Ciocci, A. Clozza, M. E. Couprie, L. Cultrera, G. Dattoli, M. Del Franco, A. Dipace, G. Di Pirro, A. Doria, A. Drago, W. M. Fawley, M. Ferrario, L. Ficcadenti, D. Filippetto, F. Frassetto, H. P. Freund, V. Fusco, G. Gallerano, A. Gallo, G. Gatti, A. Ghigo, E. Giovenale, A. Marinelli, M. Labat, B. Marchetti, G. Marcus, C. Marrelli, M. Mattioli, M. Migliorati, M. Moreno, A. Mostacci, G. Orlandi, E. Pace, L. Palumbo, A. Petralia, M. Petrarca, V. Petrillo, L. Poletto, M. Quattromini, J.V. Rau, S. Reiche, C. Ronsivalle, J. Rosenzweig, A. R. Rossi, V. Rossi Albertini, E. Sabia, L. Serafini, M. Serluca, I. Spassovsky, B. Spataro, V. Surrenti, C. Vaccarezza, M. Vescovi, and C. Vicario « Self-amplified spontaneous emission for a single pass free-electron laser », Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 14, 060712 (2011)
42 L. Lancia, M. Grech, S. Weber, J.-R. Marquès, L. Romagnani, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Antici et al.,« Anomalous self-generated electrostatic fields in nanosecond laser-plasma interaction », Phys. Plasmas 18,1 (2011)
41 J. Fuchs, E. d’ Humieres, P. Antici, S. Atzeni, H. Bandulet, S. Depierreux, C. Labaune, A. Schiavi, and Y. Sentoku « Enhanced propagation for relativistic laser pulses in inhomogeneous plasmas using hollow channels », Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 225001 (2010)
40 P. Antici, S. N. Chen, L. Gremillet, T. Grismayer, P. Mora, P. Audebert, and J. Fuchs
“Time and Space resolved Interferometry for laser-generated fast electron measurements“, Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 113302 (2010)
39 M. Nakatsutsumi, J. Fuchs, P. Antici, N. Bourgeois, J. L. Feugeas, T. Lin, Ph. Nicolaï, L. Romagnani, R. Kodama, P. Audebert and J. Fuchs “Experimental observation of two parallel beams dynamics in low-density plasmas”, Nature Physics 1788 (2010)
38 P.Antici, A. Mancic, M. Nakatsutsumi, M. Grech, E. Brambrink, S. Gaillard, L. Romagnani, P. Audebert, J. Fuchs, “Proton laser-acceleration using circular laser polarization, foams and half gas-bag targets”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53, 014002 (2010)
37 S. Buffechoux, J. Psikal, M. Nakatsutsumi, L. Romagnani, A. Andreev, K. Zeil, M. Amin, P. Antici et al., S. T. Burris-Mog, A. Compant-La-Fontaine, E. d’Humieres, S. Fourmaux, S. Gaillard, F. Gobet, F. Hannachi, S. Kraft, A. Mancic, C. Plaisir, G. Sarri, M. Tarisien, T. Toncian, U. Schramm, M. Tampo, P. Audebert, O. Willi, T. E. Cowan, H. Pepin, V. Tikhonchuk, M. Borghesi, and J. Fuchs “Hot Electrons Transverse Refluxing in Ultraintense Laser-Solid Interactions“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 015005 (2010)
36 E. Lefebvre, L Gremillet, A. Lévy, R. Nuter, P. Antici, M. Carrié, T. Ceccotti, M. Drouin, J. Fuchs, V. Malka and D. Neely, “Proton acceleration by moderately relativistic laser pulses interacting with solid density targets“. New J. Phys. 12, 045017 (2010)
35 P. Antici, S. Gaillard, L. Gremillet, M. Amin, M. Nakatsutsumi, L. Romagnani, M. Tampo, T. Toncian, R. Kodama, P. Audebert, H. Pépin, O. Willi, M. Borghesi, T. Cowan, J. Fuchs, « Optimization of flat-cone targets for enhanced laser-acceleration of protons »
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A (2010), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.01.052
34 L. Lancia, J.-R. Marques, M. Nakatsutsumi, C. Riconda, S. Weber, S. Huller, A. Mancic, P. Antici, V. T. Tikhonchuk, A. Heron, P. Audebert, and J. Fuchs « Experimental evidence of short light pulse amplification using strong-coupling stimulated Brillouin scattering in the pump depletion regime », Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 025001 (2010)
33 A. Mancic, A. Levy, M. Harmand, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Antici, P. Audebert, P. Combis, S. Fourmaux, S. Mazevet, O. Peyrusse, V. Recoules, P. Renaudin, J. Robiche, F. Dorchies, and J. Fuchs « Picosecond Short-Range Disordering in Isochorically Heated Aluminum at Solid Density », Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 035002 (2010)
32 A. Szydlowski, J. Badziak, J. Fuchs, M. Kubkowska, P. Parys, M. Rosinski, R. Suchanska, J. Wolowski, P. Antici, A. Mancic, « Application of solid-state nuclear track detectors of the CR-39/PM-355 type for measurements of energetic protons emitted from plasma produced by an ultra-intense laser », Journal: Radiation Measurements, 44, 9-10, pp. 881-884 (2009)
31 P. Antici, J. Fuchs, M. Borghesi, T. Grismayer, S. Atzeni, C.A. Cecchetti, L. Gremillet, A. Mancic, P. Mora, A.C. Pipahl, A. Schiavi, T. Toncian, O. Willi, and P. Audebert
“Time and space resolved interferometry for detecting plasma expansion from solid targets”, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 175, 139–142 (2009)
30 C. A. Cecchetti, M.Borghesi, J. Fuchs, P.A. Wilson, P. Antici, P. Audebert, L. Romagnani, O. Willi, T. Toncian, R.Young, C. A. Pipahl, A. Schiavi, G. Schurtz
« Spatial and temporal measurements of large self-generated magnetic fields produced in the interaction of high-power lasers with solids », Phys. Plasmas 16, 043102 (2009)
29 A. Mancic, J. Robiche, P. Antici, P. Audebert, C. Blancard, P. Combis, F. Dorchies, G. Faussurier, S. Fourmaux, M. Harmand, R. Kodama, L. Lancia, S. Mazevet, M. Nakatsutsumi, O. Peyrusse, V. Recoules, P. Renaudin, R. Shepherd, J. Fuchs
“Isochoric heating of solids by laser-accelerated protons: characterization and self-consistent hydrodynamic modelling” High Energy Density Physics,10.1016/j.hedp.2009.06.008 (2009)
28 P. Antici, J. Fuchs, E. d’Humières, J. Robiche, E. Brambrink, S. Atzeni, A. Schiavi, Y. Sentoku, P. Audebert, H. Pépin “Laser-acceleration of high-energy protons in variable density plasmas”, New Journal of Physics 11 (2009) 023038
27 M.Borghesi, T. Toncian, J.Fuchs, C. A. Cecchetti, L.Romagnani, S.Kar, K.Quinn, B.Ramakrishna, P.A.Wilson, P.Antici, P.Audebert, E. Brambrink, A.Pipahl, R.Jung, M.Amin, O.Willi, R.J.Clarke, M.Notley, P.Mora, T.Grismayer, E.D’Humieres and Y. Sentoku
“Laser-driven proton acceleration and applications: recent results” Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 175, 105–111 (2009)
26 J. Badziak, S. Jabłoński, P. Parys, M. Rosiński, J. Wołowski, A. Szydłowski, P. Antici, J. Fuchs and A. Mancic, “Ultraintense proton beams from laser-induced skin-layer ponderomotive acceleration” J. of Applied Phys. 104, 063310 (2008).
25 M. Borghesi, C. Cecchetti, T. Toncian, J. Fuchs, L. Romagnani, S. Kar, P. Wilson, P. Antici, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, A. Pipahl, M. Amin, R. Jung, J. Osterholz, O. Willi, W. Nazarov, R. J. Clarke, M. Notley, D. Neely, P. Mora, T. Grismayer, G. Schurtz, A. Schiavi, Y. Sentoku, E. d’Humières. “Laser-Driven Proton Beams: Acceleration Mechanism, Beam Optimization, and Radiographic Applications” .IEEE Trans. On Plasma Sci. 36, 1833 – 1842 (2008).
24 Patrizio Antici, Julien Fuchs, Emmanuel d’Humières, Erik Lefebvre, Marco Borghesi, Erik Brambrink, Carlo A. Cecchetti, Sandrine Gaillard, Lorenzo Romagnani, Yasuhiko Sentoku, Toma Toncian, Patrick Audebert, and Henri Pépin “Generation of MeV-Range Protons From 30–100 nm Solid Targets by Ultra-High-Contrast Laser Pulses”. IEEE Trans. On Plasma Sci. 36, 1817 – 1820 (2008).
23 P. Antici, M.Fazi, A.Lombardi, M.Migliorati, L. Palumbo, P. Audebert and J. Fuchs.
“Numerical study of a linear accelerator using laser generated proton beams as a source”
J. of Applied Physics, 104, 124901 (2008).
22 Patrizio Antici, Julien Fuchs, Thomas Grismayer, Marco Borghesi, Erik Brambrink, Carlo A. Cechetti, Livia Lancia, Ana Mancic, Patrick Mora, Ariane C. Pipahl, Toma Toncian, Oswald Willi, and Patrick Audebert “Space- and Time-Resolved Dynamics of Fast Electrons and of the Energy Partition Into Cold Electrons” IEEE Trans. On Plasma Sci. 36, 1821 – 1824 (2008).
21 P. Antici, J. Fuchs, M. Borghesi, L. Gremillet, T. Grismayer, Y. Sentoku, E. d’Humières, C.A. Cecchetti, A. Mancic, A.C.Pipahl, O. Willi, P. Mora, P. Audebert
“Hot and cold electron dynamics following high-intensity laser matter interaction”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 105004 (2008).
20 Patrizio Antici, Mauro Fazi, Augusto Lombardi, Mauro Migliorati, Luigi Palumbo, Patrick Audebert, and Julien Fuchs
“Postacceleration of Laser-Generated High-Energy Protons Through Conventional Accelerator Linacs”. IEEE Trans. On Plasma Sci. 36, 1843 – 1846 (2008).
19 A. Mancic, Julien Fuchs, Patrizio Antici, Sandrine Gaillard, and Patrick Audebert
“Absolute calibration of photostimulable image plate detectors used as (0.5-20 MeV) high energy proton detectors”. Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 073301 (2008).
18 L. Romagnani, M. Borghesi, C. A. Cecchetti, S. Kar, P. Antici, P. Audebert, S. Bandhoupadjay, F. Ceccherini, T. Cowan, J. Fuchs, M. Galimberti, L. A. Gizzi, T. Grismayer, R. Heathcote R. Jung, T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi, P. Mora, D. Neely, M. Notley, J. Osterholtz, C. A. Pipahl, G. Pretzler, A. Schiavi, G. Schurtz, T. Toncian, P. A. Wilson “Proton Probing Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Fields Generated by ns and ps Laser-Matter Interactions”. Laser and Part. Beams 26, 241 (2008)
17 J Fuchs, M Nakatsutsumi, J-R Marquès, P Antici, N Bourgeois, M Grech, T Lin, L Romagnani, V Tikhonchuk, S Weber, R Kodama and P Audebert
“Space- and time-resolved observation of single filaments propagation in an underdense plasma and of beam coupling between neighbouring filaments”. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49, B497 (2007).
16 J. Fuchs, C.A.Cecchetti, M.Borghesi, T.Grismayer, P.Antici, S. Atzeni, P.Audebert, E. d’Humieres, P.Mora, A. Pipahl, L.Romagnani, A. Schiavi, Y. Sentoku, T.Toncian, O.Willi
“Laser-acceleration of high-energy protons in small-scale gradients”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 015002 (2007) .Also in the July 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science
15 A. Kemp, J. Fuchs, Y. Sentoku, V. Sotnikov, M. Bakeman, P. Antici, and T. Cowan
“Emittance growth mechanisms for laser-accelerated proton beams”
Phys. Rev. E 75, 056401 (2007).
14 J. Fuchs, Y. Sentoku, E. d’Humières, T.E. Cowan, J. Cobble, P. Audebert, A. Kemp, A. Nikroo, P. Antici, E. Brambrink, A. Blazevic, E.M. Campbell, J.C. Fernández, J.-C. Gauthier, M. Geissel, M. Hegelich, S. Karsch, H. Popescu, N. Renard-LeGalloudec, M. Roth, J. Schreiber, R. Stephens, and H. Pépin “Comparative spectra and efficiencies of ions laser-accelerated forward from the front and rear surfaces of thin solid foils”
Phys. Plasmas 14, 053105 (2007). Also in the June 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science
13 M. Borghesi, L. Romagnani, S. Kar, T. Toncian, P. Antici, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, F. Ceccherini, C. A. Cecchetti, J. Fuchs, M. Galimberti, L.A.Gizzi, T. Grismayer, T.Lyseikina, R. Jung, A. Macchi, P. Mora, J. Osterholtz, A. Schiavi, O.Willi “Impulsive electric fields driven by high-intensity interactions: detection and application to ion beam tailoring”. Laser And Particle Beams 25 (1): 161-167 MAR 2007
12 O. Willi, T. Toncian, M. Borghesi, J. Fuchs, E. d’Humières, P. Antici, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, C. Cecchetti, A. Pipahl and L. Romagnani “Laser Triggered Micro-Lens for Focusing and Energy Selection of MeV Protons”. Laser And Particle Beams 25 (1): 71-77 MAR 2007
11 P. Antici, J. Fuchs, E. d’Humières, M. Borghesi, E. Brambrink, C.A. Cecchetti, S. Gaillard, E. Lefebvre, L. Romagnani, Y. Sentoku, T. Toncian, P. Audebert, H. Pépin
“Energetic protons generated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses interacting with ultrathin targets”. Phys. Plasmas 14, L030701 (2007). Also in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, Issue April 2007.
10 L. Romagnani, M. Borghesi, C. A. Cecchetti, S. Kar, P. Antici, P. Audebert, S. Bandhoupadjay, F. Ceccherini, T. Cowan, J. Fuchs, M. Galimberti, L. A. Gizzi, T. Grismayer, R. Heathcote R. Jung, T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi, P. Mora, D. Neely, M. Notley, J. Osterholtz, C. A. Pipahl, G. Pretzler, A. Schiavi, G. Schurtz, T. Toncian, P. A. Wilson “Proton Probing Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Fields Generated by ns and ps Laser-Matter Interactions”. Laser And Particle Beams 25 (1): 129-131 MAR 2007
9 J Fuchs, M Nakatsutsumi, J-R Marquès, P Antici, N Bourgeois, M Grech, T Lin, L Romagnani, V Tikhonchuk, S Weber, R Kodama and P Audebert “Space- and time-resolved observation of single filaments propagation in an underdense plasma and of beam coupling between neighbouring filaments”. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49, 1-8 (2007).
8 E. d’Humières, J. Fuchs, T. Toncian, P. Antici, P. Audebert, M Borghesi, E. Brambrink, C. A. Cecchetti, E. Lefebvre, P. Mora, A. Pipahl, L. Romagnani, Y. Sentoku, O. Willi.
“Generation of quasi-monoenergetic ion beams using short and intense laser pulses”
Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 5, Supplement, S136 (2007)
7 M. Borghesi, C. A. Cecchetti, L. Romagnani, J. Fuchs, E.d’Humières, P. Antici, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, T. Toncian, A. Pipahl, O. Willi, E. Lefebvre “Laser-accelerated protons: perspectives for control/optimization of beam properties”. International Journal of Mod Phys B 3, 590 (2007).
6 P. Antici, J. Fuchs, S. Atzeni, A. Benuzzi, E. Brambrink, M. Esposito, M. Koenig, A. Ravasio, J. Schreiber, A. Schiavi and P. Audebert “Isochoric heating of matter by laser-accelerated high-energy protons”. J. Phys. IV France 133: 1077-1079 (2006)
5 J. Fuchs, P. Antici, E. d’Humières, E. Lefebvre, M. Borghesi, E. Brambrink, C. Cecchetti, T. Toncian, H. Pépin and P. Audebert “Ion acceleration using high-contrast ultra-intense lasers” J. Phys. IV France 133: 1151-1153 (2006)
4 T. Toncian, M. Borghesi, J. Fuchs, E. d’Humières, P. Antici, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, C. A. Cecchetti, A. Pipahl, L. Romagnani, O. Willi “Ultrafast Laser Driven Micro-Lens to Focus and Energy Select MeV Protons”. Science Vol. 312, 21 April 2006, p.410-413
www.sciencexpress.org / 16 February 2006 / 10.1126/science.1124412
3 J. Fuchs, P. Antici, E. d’Humières, E. Lefebvre, M. Borghesi, E. Brambrink, C. A. Cecchetti, M. Kaluza, V. Malka, M. Manclossi, S. Meyroneinc, P. Mora, J. Schreiber, T. Toncian, H. Pépin, P. Audebert “Laser-driven proton scaling laws and new paths towards energy increase”. Nature Physics, volume 2, issue 1, pp 48-54 (2006)
2 L. Romagnani, J. Fuchs, M. Borghesi, P. Antici, P. Audebert, F. Ceccherini, T. Cowan, T. Grismayer, S. Kar, A. Macchi, P. Mora, G. Pretzler, A. Schiavi, T. Toncian, and O. Willi
“Dynamics of electric fields driving laser acceleration of multi-MeV protons”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 195001/1-4 (2005). Also in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 4, Issue 12 (2005).
1 J. Fuchs, Y. Sentoku, S. Karsch, J. Cobble, P. Audebert, A. Kemp, A. Nikroo, P. Antici, E. Brambrink, A. Blazevic, E. M. Campbell, J. C. Fernandez, J.-C. Gauthier, M. Geissel, M. Hegelich, H. Pépin, H. Popescu, N. Renard-LeGalloudec, M. Roth, J. Schreiber, R. Stephens, and T. E. Cowan “Comparison of Laser Ion Acceleration from the Front and Rear Surfaces of Thin Foils”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 045004 (2005)