Areas of expertise
- Honorary professor
Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre
490 de la Couronne Street
Québec City, Quebec G1K 9A9
Research interests
Professor Lefebvre is interested in multiphase flow and transfer processes (fluids, mass, heat) in porous and fractured geological environments and the geochemical reactions associated with these processes. His work is applied to the characterization and modelling of contaminated aquifers and to local and regional flow systems in relation to groundwater resource management.
Paradis, Daniel, Lefebvre, René & Nefzi, Aymen (2024). Parameter resolution of simulated responses to periodic hydraulic tomography signals in aquifers. Advances in Water Resources, 190: art. 104734.
DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2024.104734
Bordeleau, Geneviève, Rivard, Christine, Lavoie, Denis & Lefebvre, René (2021). A systematic multi-isotope approach to unravel methane origin in groundwater: example of an aquifer above a gas field in southern New Brunswick (Canada). Appl. Geochem., 134: Art. 105077.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105077
Longpré-Girard, Mélanie; Martel, Richard; Robert, Thomas; Lefebvre, René; Lauzon, Jean-Marc & Thomson, Neil (2020). Surfactant foam selection for enhanced light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) recovery in contaminated aquifers. Trans. Porous Media, 131: 65-84.
DOI: 10.1007/s11242-019-01292-0
Cerutti, Jérôme; Lavoie, Roxanne & Lefebvre, René (2019). Development of a knowledge base to support the consideration of groundwater protection in land-use planning. Sustain. Water Resour. Manage., 5 (2): 401-413.
DOI: 10.1007/s40899-017-0175-7
Ladevèze, Pierre; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Séjourné, Stéphan; Lefebvre, René & Bordeleau, Geneviève (2019). Fault and natural fracture control on upward fluid migration: insights from a shale gas play in the St. Lawrence Platform, Canada. Hydrogeol. J., 27 (1): 121-143.
DOI: 10.1007/s10040-018-1856-5
Pétré, Marie-Amélie; Rivera, Alfonso & Lefebvre, René (2019). Numerical modeling of a regional groundwater flow system to assess groundwater storage loss, capture and sustainable exploitation of the transboundary Milk River Aquifer (Canada – USA). J. Hydrol., 575: 656-670.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.05.057
Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René; Ladevèze, Pierre; Duchesne, Mathieu J.; Séjourné, Stéphan; Crow, Heather; Pinet, Nicolas; Brake, Virgina; Bouchedda, Abderrezak; Gloaguen, Erwan; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Malet, Xavier; Aznar, Jean-Christophe & Malo, Michel (2019). Assessing potential impacts of shale gas development on shallow aquifers through upward fluid migration: A multi-disciplinary approach applied to the Utica Shale in eastern Canada. Mar. Petrol. Geol., 100: 466-483.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.11.004
Ahad, Jason M. E.; Pakdel, Hooshang; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René & Headley, John V. (2018). Naphthenic acids in groundwater overlying undeveloped shale gas and tight oil reservoirs. Chemosphere, 191: 664-672.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.10.015
Beaudry, Châtelaine; Lefebvre, René; Rivard, Christine & Cloutier, Vincent (2018). Conceptual model of regional groundwater flow in a fractured rock aquifer system based on hydrogeochemistry. Can. Water Resour. J. / Rev. Can. Ressour. Hydr., 43 (2): 152-172.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2018.1461579
Bordeleau, Geneviève; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Xu, Xiaomei & Mort, Andy (2018). A multi-isotope approach to determine the origin of methane and higher alkanes in groundwater of the St. Lawrence Platform, Saint-Édouard area, eastern Canada. Environ. Geosci., 25 (3): 75-100.
DOI: 10.1306/eg.04121817020
Bordeleau, Geneviève; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René; Malet, Xavier & Ladevèze, Pierre (2018). Geochemistry of groundwater in the Saint-Édouard area, Québec, Canada, and its influence on the distribution of methane in shallow aquifers. Appl. Geochem., 89: 92-108.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.11.012
Janos, Debora; Molson, John & Lefebvre, René (2018). Regional groundwater flow dynamics and residence times in Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec, Canada: Insights from numerical simulations. Can. Water Resour. J. / Rev. Can. Ressour. Hydr., 43 (2): 214-239.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2018.1437370
Ladevèze, Pierre; Séjourné, Stéphan; Rivard, Christine; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René & Rouleau, Amélie (2018). Defining the natural fracture network in a shale gas play and its cover succession: The case of the Utica Shale in eastern Canada. J. Struct. Geol., 108: 157-170.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2017.12.007
Paradis, Daniel; Ballard, Jean-Marc; Lefebvre, René & Savard, Martine M. (2018). Multi-scale nitrate transport in a sandstone aquifer system under intensive agriculture. Hydrogeol. J., 26 (2): 511-531.
DOI: 10.1007/s10040-017-1668-z
Rey, Nathalie; Rosa, Éric; Cloutier, Vincent & Lefebvre, René (2018). Using water stable isotopes for tracing surface and groundwater flow systems in the Barlow-Ojibway Clay Belt, Quebec, Canada. Can. Water Resour. J. / Rev. Can. Ressour. Hydr., 43 (2): 173-194.
DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2017.1403960
Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René & Malet, Xavier (2018). Temporal variations of methane concentration and isotopic composition in groundwater of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, eastern Canada. Hydrogeol. J., 26 (2): 533-551.
DOI: 10.1007/s10040-017-1677-y
Rivard, Christine; Bordeleau, Geneviève; Lavoie, Denis; Lefebvre, René & Malet, Xavier (2018). Can groundwater sampling techniques used in monitoring wells influence methane concentrations and isotopes?. Environ. Monit. Assess., 190: Art. 191.
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-6532-7
Lahmira, Belkacem; Lefebvre, René; Aubertin, Michel & Bussière, Bruno (2017). Effect of material variability and compacted layers on transfer processes in heterogeneous waste rock piles. J. Contam. Hydrol., 204: 66-78.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2017.07.004
Lefebvre, René (2017). Mechanisms leading to potential impacts of shale gas development on groundwater quality. WIREs Water, 4 (1): Art. e1188.
DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1188
Robert, Thomas; Martel, Richard; Lefebvre, René; Lauzon, Jean-Marc & Morin, Annie (2017). Impact of heterogeneous properties of soil and LNAPL on surfactant-enhanced capillary desaturation. J. Contam. Hydrol., 204: 57-65.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2017.07.006
Ladevèze, P., Rivard, C., Lefebvre, R., Lavoie, D., Parent, M., Malet, X., Bordeleau, G. & Gosselin, J. S., (Eds). (2016) Travaux de caractérisation hydrogéologique dans la plateforme sédimentaire du Saint-Laurent, région de Saint-Édouard-de-Lotbinière, Québec. 112 pp. Ressources naturelles Canada / Natural Resources Canada.
Gosselin, Jean-Sébastien; Rivard, Christine; Martel, Richard & Lefebvre, René (2016). Application limits of the interpretation of near-surface temperature time series to assess groundwater recharge. J. Hydrol., 538: 96-108.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.03.055
Lahmira, Belkacem; Lefebvre, René; Aubertin, Michel & Bussière, Bruno (2016). Effect of heterogeneity and anisotropy related to the construction method on transfer processes in waste rock piles. J. Contam. Hydrol., 184: 35-49.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2015.12.002
Lefebvre, René; Lahmira, Belkacem & Löbner, Walfried (2016). Atmospheric control of radon emissions from a waste rock dump. Environ. Geotech. : Art. 15.00066.
DOI: 10.1680/jenge.15.00066
Longpré-Girard, Mélanie; Martel, Richard; Robert, Thomas; Lefebvre, René & Lauzon, Jean-Marc (2016). 2D sandbox experiments of surfactant foams for mobility control and enhanced LNAPL recovery in layered soils. J. Contam. Hydrol., 193: 63-73.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2016.09.001
Paradis, Daniel; Gloaguen, Erwan; Lefebvre, René & Giroux, Bernard (2016). A field proof-of-concept of tomographic slug tests in an anisotropic littoral aquifer. J. Hydrol., 536: 61-73.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.02.041
Paradis, Daniel; Lefebvre, René; Gloaguen, Erwan & Giroux, Bernard (2016). Comparison of slug and pumping tests for hydraulic tomography experiments: a practical perspective. Environ. Earth Sci., 75: Art. 1159.
DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5935-4
Paradis, Daniel; Vigneault, Harold; Lefebvre, René; Savard, Martine M.; Ballard, Jean-Marc & Qian, Budong (2016). Groundwater nitrate concentration evolution under climate change and agricultural adaptation scenarios: Prince Edward Island, Canada. Earth Syst. Dyn., 7 (1): 183-202.
DOI: 10.5194/esd-7-183-2016
Pétré, Marie-Amélie; Rivera, Alfonso; Lefebvre, René; Hendry, Jim M. & Folnagy, Attila J. B. (2016). A unified hydrogeological conceptual model of the Milk River transboundary aquifer, traversing Alberta (Canada) and Montana (USA). Hydrogeol. J., 24 (7): 1847-1871.
DOI: 10.1007/s10040-016-1433-8
Raynauld, Mélanie; Peel, Morgan; Lefebvre, René; Molson, John W.; Crow, Heather; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Ouellet, Michel & Aquilina, Luc (2016). Understanding shallow and deep flow for assessing the risk of hydrocarbon development to groundwater quality. Mar. Petrol. Geol., 78: 728-737.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.09.026
Robert, Thomas; Martel, Richard; Lefebvre, René; Lauzon, Jean-Marc & Morin, Annie (2016). Field tracer test for the design of LNAPL source zone surfactant flushing. Ground Water Monit. Remediat., 36 (2): 68-82.
DOI: 10.1111/gwmr.12164
Lahmira, B. & Lefebvre, R. (2015). Numerical modelling of transfer processes in a waste rock pile undergoing the temporal evolution of its heterogeneous material properties. Int. J. Min. Reclamat. Environ., 29 (6): 499-520.
DOI: 10.1080/17480930.2014.889362
Lefebvre, R.; Gleeson, T.; McKenzie, J. M. & Gassiat, C. (2015). Reply to comment by Flewelling and Sharma on “Hydraulicfracturing in faulted sedimentary basins: Numerical simulationof potential contamination of shallow aquifers over long timescales”. Water Resour. Res., 51 (3): 1877-1882.
DOI: 10.1002/2014WR016698
Moritz, A.; Hélie, J. F.; Pinti, D. L.; Larocque, M.; Barnetche, D.; Retailleau, S.; Lefebvre, R. & Gélinas, Y. (2015). Methane baseline concentrations and sources in shallow aquifers from the shale gas-prone region of the St.Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada). Environ. Sci. Technol., 49 (7): 4765-4771.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00443
Paradis, D.; Gloaguen, E.; Lefebvre, R. & Giroux, B. (2015). Resolution analysis of tomographic slug test head data: two-dimensional radial case. Water Resour. Res., 51 (4): 2356-2376.
DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014785
Paradis, D.; Lefebvre, R.; Gloaguen, E. & Rivera, A. (2015). Predicting hydrofacies and hydraulic conductivity from direct-push data using a data-driven relevance vector machine approach: Motivations, algorithms and application. Water Resour. Res., 51 (1): 481-505.
DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015452
Pétré, M. A.; Rivera, A. & Lefebvre, R. (2015). Three-dimensional unified geological model of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer (Alberta, Canada-Montana, USA). Can. J. Earth Sci. / Rev. Can. Sci. Terre, 52 (2): 96-111.
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2014-0079