Areas of expertise
Social Inequalities , Education and skills , Population Studies and Social Statistics , Social Policies , Social Stratification and Mobility , Sociology of Work, Professions and Organizations
Professeur adjoint / Assistant professor
Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
Directeur / Director
Groupe d’étude en statistique sociale / Social Statistics Study Group
Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre
385 Sherbrooke Street E.
Montreal, Quebec H1X 1E3
Véronique Grenier, PhD
Chercheuse postdoctorale Banting, INRS
Claudia Nono Djomgang
PhD student, Population Studies, INRS
Nicole Antunes Rezende
Graduate Student, M.Sc. in Population Studies, INRS
Jacob Deschamps
M.Sc. student, Population Studies, INRS
Chih-lan Winnie Yang
Graduate Research Assistant
PhD Candidate, Sociology, McGill University
Natacha Prats
Graduate research assistant
M.A. student, Sociology, UQAM
Béatrice Morselli
Graduate Research Assistant
M.Sc. student, Demography, Université de Montréal
Victoria Gay-Cauvin
Graduate Student, M.Sc. in Urban Studies, INRS
Diana Popescu
Undergraduate Research Intern
B.A. student, Sociology and International Development, McGill University
Lucas Carvalho
Visiting PhD student (Mitacs Globalink)
Universidad Federal do Parana
Je suis à la recherche d’étudiants pour travailler sur trois projets de recherche dans le cadre de leur thèse de doctorat:
- Mobilité intergénérationnelle au Canada et au Royaume-Uni.
- Tendances en matière de stabilité d’emploi au Canada et en Europe.
- Éducation, compétences et inégalités salariales.
I am recruiting students to work on the following research projects as part of their PhD dissertation:
- Intergenerational social mobility in Canada and the UK.
- Trends in job stability in Canada and Europe.
- Education, skills and earnings inequality.
St-Denis. X., “Worker Capture in the Precarious Work Era: Reducing Turnover without Employee Commitment and Job Security”, Industrial Relations / Relations industrielles (accepted)
St-Denis, X. & M. Hollister, “Are All the Stable Jobs Gone? The Transformation of the Worker-Firm Relationships and Trends in Job Tenure Duration and Separations in Canada, 1976-2015,” Work, Employment, and Society (open access version)
St-Denis, X. (2023) “The Brave New World of Unstable Jobs Hiding in Plain Sight: A Reply to Murphy and Turner”, Journal of Industrial Relations 65(5): 717-733. (open access version)
Pesando, L. M., Dorélien, A., St-Denis, X. & A. Santos-Lozada (2023), “The future of demography: Where are we headed?” Canadian Studies in Population 50(4):2-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42650-023-00076-8
St-Denis, X. & M. Hollister, “Varieties of Job Instability? Trends in Job Tenure in the United Kingdom and Germany, 1984-2014,” British Journal of Industrial Relations (open access version)
St-Denis, X. (2021) “The Changing Importance of Lifetime Jobs in the United Kingdom”, International Labour Review 160(2).
Simard-Duplain, G. & X. St-Denis. (2020), “An exploration of the role of education in intergenerational mobility in Canada using data from the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults”, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques 46(3): 369-396.
St-Denis, X. (2020), “Sociodemographic determinants of occupational risk of exposure to COVID-19 in Canada”, Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 57(3): 399-452. (open access)
Under review
St-Denis, X., Denier, N. & M. Hollister, “Labour market transitions during and after an economic shutdown: Assessing the persisting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian workers” (Review and Resubmit)
Hollister, M., Denier, N. & X. St-Denis, “Should I stay or should I go? The consequences of job mobility on future hiring prospects” (conditional accept)
Denier, N., Yang, W., St-Denis, X., & S. Waite “Wage Trajectories of Individuals in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Evidence from Administrative Data” (under review)
Reports and working papers
Boujija, Y., Connolly, M., & X. St-Denis. (2023). Mobilité géographique et transmission intergénérationnelle du revenu au Québec. CIRANO, 2023RP-11. https://doi.org/10.54932/KLJI2908.
St-Denis, X., & Renée, L. (2022). The relative role of parental income and parental education in child educational achievement and socioeconomic status attainment: A decomposition approach. FutureSkills Research Lab.
St-Denis, X., & Yang, C. W. (2022). Intergenerational transmission of socio-economic status and intergenerational mobility over the early adult life course of Canadian women and men. FutureSkills Research Lab.
St-Denis, X., Boujija, Y. & S. Sartor (2021), Non-linear PSE Pathways and Credential Accumulation: Statistical Portrait and Evaluation of Labour Market Outcomes. Toronto, ON: Ontario Council for Articulation and Transfers (ONCAT).
Longo, M. E., Bourdon, S., Fleury, C., St-Denis, X., Gallant, N., Lechaume, A., Vultur, M. et Vachon, N. (2021). Du premier confinement au rebond partiel : l’impact de la première vague de la pandémie de la COVID-19 sur l’emploi des jeunes de 15 à 34 ans au Québec. Québec : INRS.
Harding A. & X. St-Denis (2021), “Low-Income Statistics for the Population Living on Reserve and in the North Using the 2016 Census.” Income Research Paper Series. Ottawa: Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75F0002M).
Simard-Duplain, G. & X. St-Denis (2020), “Assessing the suitability of intergenerational mobility estimates using data from the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults.”Longitudinal and International Study of Adults Research Paper Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 89-648-X.
Simard-Duplain, G. & X. St-Denis (2020), “Sample selection in tax data sets of intergenerational links: Evidence from the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults.”Longitudinal and International Study of Adults Research Paper Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 89-648-X.
St-Denis, X., Longo, M. E., Bourdon, S., Fleury, C., Lechaume, A. et Gallant, N. (2020). Les jeunes québécois sans emploi durant la COVID-19 : augmentation du chômage, difficultés de sortie du non-emploi et augmentation des mises à pied permanentes – Feuillet statistique La jeunesse en chiffres, n° 5 (novembre). Québec : Chaire-réseau de recherche sur la jeunesse du Québec.