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Chaire argent, inégalités et société

The work of the Chaire argent, inégalités et société focuses on the social aspects of financial management in Quebec in order to identify the inequalities involved and devise solutions to counter them. 


Hélène Belleau 


The Chaire argent, inégalités et société is dedicated to studying inequalities in personal finance management among different populations in Quebec.  

The research and training chair is the result of a partnership between the Chambre de la sécurité financière (CSF) and INRS. Its purpose is to support the 34,000 financial services advisors who are members of the CSF, as well as to train the next generation of researchers in this field of expertise. 

The research carried out through the Chair will also make the general public more aware of the social inequalities that can arise from the way finances are managed in the short, medium, and long term.  

The Chair is currently conducting three major research projects: 

  • Issues and challenges for investors in complex life situations 
  • Immigrant economic dynamics: equity, diversity, and inclusion in personal finance management 
  • Financial perceptions and practices in three Quebec regions: a gender-based analysis 

Thanks to the training courses and tools developed, the results of the research directly benefit the professionals supervised by the CSF who work with the public, particularly on retirement and financial planning. 

A joint INRS-CSF strategic orientation committee selects the topics to study based on their potential to significantly benefit CSF members and Quebec society as a whole. 

Partners and collaborators 

Chambre de la sécurité financière (CSF)