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Laboratory on New Digital Environments and Cultural Intermediation

Boasting a remarkable capacity for analyzing new information and communication technologies and their impact on cultural production, practice, and policy, the Laboratory on New Digital Environments and Cultural Intermediation (NENIC Lab) takes a resolutely multidisciplinary and comparative approach to research.

Jonathan Roberge, professor and scientific director of the NENIC Lab

The NENIC Lab provides analysis, diagnostics, and innovative solutions to partners and policy makers dealing with shifts in digital culture.

Researchers at the NENIC Lab use an array of high-performance mobile IT equipment that enables them to:

  • Create and add to a qualitative database using a variety of collection techniques (e.g., camcorders for recording audio/video data)
  • Boost capacity for cross-referencing multiple data and offer a rigorous, multisite, and multilevel comparative approach. Computers are equipped with NVivo9 software and connected through the NVivo server
  • Store and back up high volumes of data
  • Work on-the-go due to the comparative nature of their research and frequent trips between Montreal and Quebec City

The NENIC Lab is available to INRS Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre faculty, students, and research staff for their projects.

Lab resources can also be used for external collaborations or research and development contracts.

The NENIC Lab produces new knowledge in synch with our ever-changing digital environments to help us better understand the profound changes underway.

Research conducted at the lab is used to develop public policy, such as the development of the Conseils des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) digital policy. It also helps all sectors of the culture industry (film, publishing, music, etc.) adapt to the substantial challenges of new technology.

The NENIC lab was created with funding from the John. R. Evans Leaders Fund of the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).




Laboratory on New Digital Environments and Cultural Intermediation (NENIC)

Institut national de la recherche scientifique

Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre

490 de la Couronne
Québec City, Quebec  G1K 9A9
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