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Molecular and Device Physics Laboratory

The Molecular and Device Physics Laboratory studies new semiconductor and conductive materials and their physical and physico-chemical characterizations for application in electronic, magnetic, and optical devices and sensors. This research facility is aimed at shedding light on new electronic and optical phenomena in (i) molecular solids such as organic semiconductors and (ii) quantum materials such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides.

To study magnetoresistance, charge carrier mobility, and thermoelectricity in (semi)conductive systems, the Molecular and Device Physics Laboratory has a cryogenic system for the characterization of charge, spin, and heat transport devices (PPMS DynaCool).

This instrument enables electronic characterization of devices subjected to a wide range of temperatures down to 1.8K and exposed to the effects of magnetic fields up to 9T. Measurements, carried out under high vacuum (<10-4 Torr) with precise and progressive temperature control are fully automated and remotely accessible, making it possible to perform extended characterizations. ​

For users with training:

  • $120/hour for electrical characterization of existing devices (universities, research centres)
  • $120/hour for magnetic transport characterization of existing devices (universities, research centres)
  • $120/hour for thermoelectric characterization of existing devices (universities, research centres)
  • $180/hour for magnetic transport characterization of existing devices (corporate, private)
  • $180/hour for electrical characterization of existing devices (corporate, private)
  • $180/hour for thermoelectric characterization of existing devices (corporate, private)

The cost for training is $150.

Lab resources can also be used for external collaborations and R&D contracts.

This laboratory provides fundamental support for the design of new lightweight, transparent, flexible, and large-area devices for electronic, photonic, and energy applications.

The Molecular and Device Physics Laboratory is funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Government of Quebec.


Emanuele Orgiu
Professor and Scientific leader
Phone: 514-228-6908

Molecular and Device Physics Laboratory

Institut national de la recherche scientifique

Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre

1650 blvd. Lionel-Boulet

Varennes, Québec  J3X 1P7


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Lab Website