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- Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory
The Scanning Electron Microscopy (MEB) Laboratory analyzes electron-matter interactions using state-of-the-art equipment capable of producing high-resolution images of sample surfaces and composition.
The Zeiss EVO® 50 SmartSEM scanning electron microscope provides high-resolution images of the surface and composition of virtually all solid materials at magnifications ranging from 100 X to 60 000 X, with a large depth of field.
The INRS Zeiss EVO® 50 SmartSEM scanning electron microscope is equipped with different types of detectors, making it a very versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of analyses:
Specifications for the ZEISS EVO® 50 SmartSEM
This facility is available to students as well as university, industry, and government researchers. It can also be used, along with our expertise, for external collaborative projects and research and development contracts.
Training sessions lasting about two hours are provided to novice users who would like to use the electron scanning microscope by themselves.
Rates depend on the user category: INRS, other universities, and other users and on what the microscope will be used for: SEM only or SEM + EDS for example. A fixed fee may be added depending on the sample preparation method.
Type of user | Unassisted* | Assisted* | Technical supervision*** |
INRS | $31.30 | $63.70 | $96.20 |
Partner | $39.10 | $79.70 | $120.20 |
University researcher | $47.00 | $95.60 | $144.30 |
External | $62.60 | $127.50 | $192.40 |
Type of user |
Unassisted* |
Technical supervision*** |
Gold coating | $4.00 | $20.50 |
Carbon coating | $1.50 | $18.00 |
Double sided carbon 12 mm | $0.30 |
Double sided carbon 25 mm | $1.30 |
Billing fee | $16.50 |
*Unassisted: User is alone with the instrument
**Assisted: Help is provided in case of problems and specific questions are answered.
***Technical supervision: A technician is on hand throughout the session to manipulate the machine but does not provide scientific support.
Contact us if you have questions.
We only accept samples that are free of water, solvents, and other materials that may vaporize in a vacuum.
This scanning electron microscope can operate under controlled pressure for observation in a vacuum of 10 to 400 Pa. This allows the observation of samples without prior metallization.
If necessary, non-conductive samples are coated with a thin layer of gold-palladium (20-30 nm) or carbon to make their surfaces conductive. The Au/Pd layer is applied by sputtering using a SPI Module sputter coater.
Carbon is applied by evaporation using a SPI Module carbon coater system.
Secondary electron scanning (topography)
Solid samples are mounted on 12.7 mm or 25.4 mm diameter aluminum stubs using double-sided adhesive carbon tabs and placed on a carousel that can hold up to 8 samples.
Backscattered electron phase contrast imaging
It is best to analyze samples using thin, polished slides, but it is possible to analyze powder, grains, and other types of conductive and non-conductive samples.
In the case of thin slides, two types of supports are available: individual and 8-slide supports.
Here are two examples of how the scanning electron microscope has been used:
Secondary electron images of Ordovician microfossils
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With permission from Esther Asselin (Natural Resources Canada)
Backscattered electron images (A) and EDS analysis (B) of thin slides of detrital siliceous and micritic carbonate varves from lake sediments in Lake Yoa, Ounianga Kebir, Chad.
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Photos: P. Francus and J.F. Crémer, Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre, INRS
This facility was made possible through a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Quebec government.
Arnaud De Coninck
Technical Manager
Phone: 418-654-3704
Pierre Francus
Professor and Scientific head
Phone: 418-654-3780
Boutaina El Jai
Partnerships and Research Development Advisor
Phone: 418 654-2531
Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre
490 rue de la Couronne
Québec City, Quebec G1K 9A9