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Photo Memories of the Graduation Ceremony

Graduate students are photographed at the graduation ceremony to provide them with a memento of this memorable occasion.

Graduation Ceremony 2021-2022

The last graduation ceremony was held on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at the Mount Royal Centre in Montreal. Nearly 140 graduates received their diplomas.

A Flickr link of all photos taken during the ceremony is emailed to graduating members. You can download the photos by using Save as function.

Cérémonie de collation des grades 2021-2022 de l'INRS - diplômés


Photobooth collagtion grades 2021 2022


Photo memories

Photos from the graduation ceremonies can be downloaded free of charge on the INRS Flickr account . As the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 graduation ceremonies took place in virtual format, please note that no souvenir album is available.