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Health and economic impacts of climate hazards in Quebec

  • Master
  • Fall
  • Summer
  • With scholarship

Project description

Climate change leads to changes in the frequency and intensity of a number of climate-related hazards (e.g. heat and cold waves, ice and snow storms, etc.). These hazards have major impacts on the health of the population. The objective of this project is to analyze the climate-health relationship for these different hazards, and to use this relationship to project their health and economic impacts on the Quebec healthcare sector. First, the statistical relationship between the above-mentioned hazards and various health outcomes (e.g. mortality, emergency room visits, hospitalizations, etc.) will be modelled. Then, climate and demographic projections will be used to analyze the impact of these hazards for different time horizons (e.g. 2050, 2080, 2100). Finally, an analysis of the healthcare costs associated with these health impacts in historical and future periods will be carried out using the most accurate economic data available. Ultimately, this project will provide insights into the health and economic burden of different climate hazards on Quebec’s healthcare sector, such that society can better adapt to a changing climate.

This project is being carried out in collaboration with Céline Campagna (Université Laval), Éric Lavigne (Health Canada, University of Ottawa) and Félix Lamothe (Institut national de santé publique du Québec). The student will be based at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique in Quebec City, with the possibility of an internship with the collaborators.

Start date

May or september 2025

Research supervision

Fateh Chebana, professor, INRS

Jérémie Boudreault, PhD student, INRS

Study program

Taylor-made MSc program in climate-health (or MSc in Water science, program details in French only), Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre, INRS


2-year scholarship of $27,000/year.

Required qualification

University education: Undergraduate degree in a field related to the project including, but not limited to: biostatistics, data science, actuarial science, mathematics, computer science, econometrics, epidemiology, public/environmental health, geomatics, environment, climate.

Other skills required :

  • Data analysis
  • Statistical, epidemiological or machine learning modelling
  • R or Python programming
  • Geospatial data processing, an asset
  • Interest in health costs and climate change, an asset

How to apply

Please use the form below to send your application before February 28, 2025 including the following documents in PDF: 1) a presentation letter (max 1 page); 2) a resume; 3) up to date university transcript; 4) two reference letters.

Published - Fateh Chebana - ETE - Health and economic impacts of climate hazards in Quebec

Project title : Health and economic impacts of climate hazards in Quebec

A presentation letter *

Maximum file size: 2MB

Max 1 page
Curriculum vitæ (CV) *

Maximum file size: 2MB

University transcript *

Maximum file size: 2MB

Two reference letters *

Maximum file size: 2MB

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