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What To Do First Upon Your Arrival At INRS

If you are from a country other than Canada and are starting your graduate studies at INRS, here is what you will need to do when you arrive at INRS.

Contact the student records contact person. Make sure you provide all required documents (CAQ, study permit, etc.)

2. Register

It is important to register as soon as possible. Registration is done through the IDÉ academic portal.

For international students not covered by the RAMQ, registration also activates your membership in the group health and hospitalization insurance plan. Students who are covered by the RAMQ must send a copy of their card to the Registrar’s Office.

3. Get in touch with your mentor

A few weeks before the start of the term, you will be put in touch with a fellow student who knows INRS well: this person will be your mentor! You will meet this person at the beginning of the term. Mentors are matched a few times during the two months prior to the start of the term. Students arriving from abroad must have their study permit approved prior to the match. Learn more about the Student Mentoring Program.

4. Orientation day and information session

In the fall, all new INRS registrants are invited to a welcome day. The invitation is sent by email. This welcome day is important to start your academic career at INRS.

By choosing our university for your graduate studies, you have decided to live a high-level research and training experience. You have also chosen to embark on a unique adventure that offers you personalized supervision and a training program focused on strategic issues for society

Have questions? Please contact us!