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Three Minute Thesis Competition

The Three Minute Thesis competition allows master’s and doctoral students to present, in English, their research topic in simple terms to a lay audience. Each student has three minutes to give a clear, concise, and convincing summary on their research project.

The INRS institutional final of the Ma thèse en 180 secondes (French-language section) and Three Minute Thesis (English-language section) competitions will be held at the Centre Eau Terre Environnement in Quebec City on Wednesday, April 3, at 12 noon, in room 2422.

The event will also be broadcast live on Zoom. (Code: 908327)

3Mt logo

The call for applications is now closed, thank you!

Each research centre selects, from among the applications received, two students to participate in the institutional finals of the Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180) and Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competitions, to be held on the same day (competition offered in French and English).

The two winners will represent INRS at the national finals of MT180 and its English version, 3MT. Ultimately, they could represent INRS at the international finals.

INRS FINAL: April 3, 2024 at noon at the Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre, in Québec City.

  • For the Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre, please contact (Tania V. Tremblay).
  • For the Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre, please contact (Suzy Pelletier).
  • For the Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre, please contact (Nadège Lerebours).
  • For the Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre, please contact (Marie-Laure Gulat-Okalla).


Participants must distil the complexities of their research project into an interesting and accessible summary, using a single static slide and no accessories.

  • Students will have 180 seconds to present their master’s or doctoral research subject.
  • Students may include a visual with their presentation. This is not mandatory, but strongly suggested. Students are allowed only one visual in PowerPoint format, not animated, to illustrate their remarks. The text on the visual must be in English. No audio or video support is allowed.



Eligibility Criteria for Local and Regional Competitions

Note : French-language students are encouraged to participate in MT180 (Ma thèse en 180 secondes), a similar competition hosted by ACFAS.

Winners must be willing to participate in the following events, as applicable:

Note: Participants who are eligible on the day of their first presentation in a local competition will remain eligible for the 3MT Canada competition, regardless of subsequent changes in their status.


First place: $500

Second place: $250

The jury for the institutional final is composed of the following INRS administration members:

  • Philippe-Edwin Bélanger, director, Graduate Studies and Student Success Service.
  • Michel Fortin, general Secretary.
  • Mélanie Loubier, director, communications department.


Three good reasons to participate

Feel like taking on the challenge? Contact Student Life Services.