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Workshops and Training Sessions

Each term, the Graduate Studies and Student Success Service (SESRE) offers a variety of workshops and training activites aimed at promoting the development of key skills for university success and the transition to the labour market.

Questions about our activites?

Contact GARE, the INRS One-Stop Student Resources Centre.

Register to a training activity

Some training activities have limited places. Stay tuned to the SESRE newsletter and the workshop and training calendar: you will find all the information you need to register!

To take full advantage of the training activities, it is recommended that you install Microsoft Teams on your device. For support, contact the INRS Information Resources Service.

SDIS workshops

The Service de documentation et d’information spécialisées (SDIS) offers several workshops on bibliographic research, reference management software, web search engines, bibliometrics and more.

Continuing education

Develop your professional skills with Mitacs Development

The Mitacs organization offers a catalog of courses to develop key professional skills. All courses are offered free of charge to the INRS community. Discover their course.

Enrich your skills with the University of Quebec

In partnership with TELUQ, the University of Quebec offers free, credited online training aimed at developing academic skills.

To register, go to the  Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire website and select the options “registration outside establishment” and Registration outside program”. For more information, contact

Learn French

French classes

The Ministry of Immigration, Francisation and Integration (MIFI) offers free French courses accessible to the INRS student community and adapted for all levels. To learn more, visit the Learn French page or consult the INRS document Learn French in Quebec

French conversation workshop

For all those who wish to improve their mastery of the French language in a dynamic context while interacting with other members of the INRS student community, these workshops are for you!

Online on Teams

1 hour 30 minutes per week for 4 weeks

Do I need to register?
Yes, registration is required to participate in a four-week block.

Writing Support Groups

Is writing a real challenge? INRS offers students registered in a study program the opportunity to become a member of the Thésez-vous organization and to benefit from a host of writing support tools and activities.

To access it, simply:

  1. Become a student member of the Thésez-vous organization
  2. Take advantage of scholarships offered by INRS to register for activities

    For any questions related to the activities offered or the registration procedures, write to

    For more information, contact GARE by email or chat.