Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) contributes to the advancement of multidisciplinary fundamental and applied research in strategic sectors. The institute trains the next generation of highly qualified scientists to serve society, and its development and action plan is based on three major priorities and nine objectives. 

Three strategic priorities 

Our 2025-2030 strategic plan keeps our vision on track with three objectives per strategic priority.  

A relevant next generation of scientists

Train the scientists with the greatest ability to contribute to the economic, social, and cultural development of society.

Impact research

Strengthen the impact of INRS’s scientific activities on the development of society.

Innovative organization

Create and implement innovative strategies to better support our research and training activities.

A special mission that’s still relevant today

INRS has a unique and inspiring mission. Conceived in 1969, this mission is just as relevant today, if not more so. Article 1 of INRS’s letters patent states [translation] :

“The purpose of the Institute is fundamental and applied research, graduate studies and the training of researchers. Within the framework of this purpose, and while pursuing the specific aims of university research, the Institute must specifically direct its activities towards the economic, social, and cultural development of Québec, while ensuring the transfer of knowledge and technologies in all the sectors in which it operates.”

This mission calls on INRS to respond, through science, to the major challenges facing Québec, whether economic, social, or cultural. We have chosen to do this by training the next generation of scientists through interdisciplinary research in dialogue with our society.

Updated values  

We have adopted three values to guide us in our actions.  


Our engagement is defined by our mission, which places us first and foremost at the service of society. The advancement of society is the scientific force that drives us.


Since we are fundamentally interdisciplinary, collaboration at INRS is expressed first and foremost between disciplines. Interdisciplinarity is essential when it comes to tackling societal issues.


We are fully accountable for our scientific work. The cornerstone for accountability is the integrity and exemplarity of all our activities.