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Two INRS Professors Earn Awards from Global Organization

October 27, 2017 | Gisèle Bolduc

Update : November 11, 2020

Two INRS professors were honoured during the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)’s 13th International Conference on Novel Materials and their Synthesis, held October 15 to 20, 2017, in Nanjing, China. Both professors are working towards a common goal: using their expertise to develop renewable and sustainable energy technologies.

Professor Shuhui Sun and Professor Federico Rosei.

Professor Shuhui Sun received IUPAC’s Prof. Jiang Novel Materials Youth Prize, awarded every two years to a young researcher who demonstrates outstanding scientific merit. Professor Sun’s research focuses on designing multifunctional nanostructured materials that could be used to produce and store clean and renewable forms of energy.

His colleague, Professor Federico Rosei, who is also the director of the INRS Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications, received IUPAC’s Distinguished Award for Novel Materials and their Synthesis. This prestigious award is a testament to the exceptional nature of his work in novel materials. Most recently, Dr. Rosei’s research has led to important discoveries about the properties of quantum dots and their use in high performance solar panels.Professor Rosei received a second major distinction in the same week, becoming an honorary professor at China’s Qingdao University. It is his fourth honorary professorship in the country.

Congratulations to both winners for their innovative, important contributions to science!

About the IUPAC

Founded in 1919, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is the world authority on chemical nomenclature and terminology. IUPAC contributes to the advancement of the chemical sciences and uses its scientific expertise to help resolve global challenges involving every area of chemistry.