Looking for students or interns
Areas of expertise
Environmental health , Environmental epidemiology , Exposure to environmental contaminants
- Associate professor
Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre
531 des Prairies Blvd.
Laval, Quebec H7V 1B7
Research interests
Maryse Bouchard’s research focuses on the effects of various environmental contaminants on community health. Her work aims to identify and quantify health risks through epidemiological studies, including risks to the nervous and endocrine systems. She has conducted research on the risks associated with exposure to metals like manganese and lead, as well as pesticides and other chemical products. Many of her studies focus, or have focused, on population groups with vulnerability factors like fetuses and children, seniors, Indigenous peoples, and people who work with toxic products.
Raphaëlle Teysseire
Postdoctoral Fellow
Maryse Bouchard is an associate professor of environmental health and a researcher at the Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine (Sainte-Justine hospital research centre). She holds the Canada Research Chair in Environmental Contaminants and Community Health.
She is co-principal investigator of the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) Research Platform, a body of research from a pan-Canadian study of 2,000 pregnant women and their children funded by Health Canada.
Maryse Bouchard completed a degree in biology, followed by an interdisciplinary PhD in environmental sciences, at the Université du Québec à Montréal (graduated in 2007). She then completed three years of training in environmental epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health and UC Berkeley (2007–2010). After returning to Montreal, she joined the Université de Montréal’s department of environmental and occupational health as a professor (2010–2022). Since 2019, she has held the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2, CIHR) in Environmental Contaminants and Community Health.
Professor Bouchard has published more than 65 original articles in scientific journals and her work has had a strong impact on both public awareness and policy-makers. Her research program in environmental epidemiology is primarily funded by various granting agencies including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), Health Canada, the French Agence nationale de la recherche, and the Sick Kids Foundation.
She sits on several grant and scholarship committees in Canada, France, and elsewhere in the world. She earned the honour of becoming a visiting professor at the Université Paris Cité (Sorbonne Université network) in 2016 and 2019. Finally, she has been invited to serve as scientific advisor for a major research program funded by the European Union and present her work in Amsterdam, Tokyo, and Paris.
Her work has received several awards: Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal (best doctoral thesis, 2007), Paper of the Year from the journal Environmental Health Perspectives for the most cited article in 2012 (Bouchard MF et al., Prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and IQ in 7-year-old children), and Top 10 Discoveries of the Year by Québec Sciences magazine in 2010 (paper on manganese exposure in drinking water and cognitive deficits in children in Quebec) and 2011 (study on prenatal exposure to pesticides and IQ in children in California).
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals (**student publications)
- Caron-Beaudoin É, Whyte KP, Bouchard MF, Chevrier J, Haddad S, Copes R, Frohlich KL, Dokkie D; Treaty 8 Tribal Association, Juul S, Bouchard M, Verner MA. 2022. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air and tap water samples in residences of pregnant women living in an area of unconventional natural gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study. Science of the Total Environment 20(805):150242. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150242.
- **Gbemavo MCJ, Bouchard MF. 2021. Concentrations of Lead, Mercury, Selenium, and Manganese in Blood and Hand Grip Strength among Adults Living in the United States (NHANES 2011-2014).Toxics 9(8). doi: 10.3390/toxics9080189.
- **Azar N, Booij L, Muckle G, Arbuckle TE, Séguin JR, Asztalos E, Fraser WD, Lanphear BP, Bouchard MF. 2021. Prenatal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and cognitive ability in early childhood. Environment International 146:106296. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106296.
- Ho V, Pelland-St-Pierre L, Gravel S, Bouchard MF, Verner MA, Labrèche F. 2021. Endocrine disruptors: Challenges and future directions in epidemiologic research. Environmental Research 204(Pt A): 111969. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111969.
- **Guth M, Pollock T, Fisher M, Arbuckle TE, Bouchard MF. 2021. Concentrations of urinary parabens and reproductive hormones in girls 6–17 years living in Canada. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 231:113633. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113633.
- Pollock T, Arbuckle TE, Guth M, Bouchard MF, St-Amand A. 2021. Associations among urinary triclosan and bisphenol A concentrations and serum sex steroid hormone measures in the Canadian and U.S. Populations. Environment International 146:106229. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106229.
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Lanphear B, Muckle G, Foster WG, Ayotte P, Zidek A, Asztalos E, Bouchard MF, Kuhle S. 2021. Urinary phthalates and body mass index in preschool children: The MIREC Child Development Plus study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 232:113689. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113689.
- **Ntantu Nkinsa P, Muckle G, Ayotte P, Lanphear BP, Arbuckle TE, Fraser WD, Bouchard MF. 2020. Organophosphate pesticides exposure during fetal development and IQ scores in 3 and 4-year old Canadian children. Environmental Research. 190:110023. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110023.
- Oulhote Y, Lanphear, B, Braun JM, Webster GM, Arbuckle TE, Etzel T, Forget-Dubois N, Seguin JR, Bouchard MF, MacFarlane A, Ouellet E, Fraser W, Muckle G. 2020. Gestational exposures to phthalates and folic acid, and autistic traits in Canadian children. Environmental Health Perspectives. 128(2):27004. doi: 10.1289/EHP5621.
- Verner MA, Salame H, Housand C, Birnbaum LS, Bouchard MF, Chevrier J, Aylward LL, Naiman DQ, LaKind JS. 2020. How Many Urine Samples Are Needed to Accurately Assess Exposure to Non-Persistent Chemicals? The Biomarker Reliability Assessment Tool (BRAT) for Scientists, Research Sponsors, and Risk Managers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 6;17(23):9102. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17239102.
- Gravel S, Lavoué J, Bakhiyi B, Lavoie J, Roberge B, Patry L, Bouchard MF, Verner M-A, Zayed J, Labreche F. 2020. Multi-exposures to suspected endocrine disruptors in electronic waste recycling workers: associations with thyroid and reproductive hormones. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 225:113445. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.113445.
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Lanphear B, Muckle G, Bouchard MF, Fisher M, Asztalos E, Foster W, Kuhle S. 2019. Blood metals levels and early childhood growth in a cohort of Canadian children. Environmental Research. 179(Pt A):108736. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108736
- **Kullar SS, Shao K, Mergler M, Cormier P, Bellinger DC, Surette C, Barbeau B, Foucher D, Sauvé S, Bouchard MF. 2019. A Benchmark Concentration Analysis for Manganese in Drinking Water and IQ Deficits in Children. Environment International. 130:104889. doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.05.083
- Signes-Pastor AJ, Bouchard MF, Baker E, Jackson BP, Karagas MR. 2019. Toenail manganese as biomarker of drinking water exposure: a reliability study from a U.S. pregnancy cohort. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 29(5):648-654. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.228
- Caron-Beaudoin E, Bouchard M, Wendling G, Barroso A, Bouchard MF, Ayotte P, Frohlich K, Verner M-A. 2019. Urinary and hair concentrations of trace metals in pregnant women from Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: A pilot study. Environment International. 29(5):613-623. doi: 10.1038/s41370-019-0144-3
- Montiel-León JM, Duy SV, Munoz G, Bouchard MF, Amyot M, Sauvé S. 2019. Quality survey and spatiotemporal variations of atrazine and desethylatrazine in drinking water in Quebec, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. 671:578-585. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.228.
- Kuate Defo B, Mbanya JC, Kingue S Tardif J-C, Choukem SP, Perreault, S, Fournier P, Ekundayo O, Potvin L, D’Antono B, Emami E, Cote R, Aubin M-J, Bouchard M, Khairy P, Rey E, Richard L, Zarowsky C, Mampuya WM, Mbanya D, Sauve S, Ndom P, Silva R, Assah F, Roy I, Dubois C-Al. 2019. Blood pressure and burden of hypertension in Cameroon, a microcosm of Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. Journal of Hypertension. 37(11):2190-2199. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002165
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Bouchard MF, Shapiro GD, Fisher M, Monnier P, Morisset A-S, Ettinger AS. 2018. Association between Maternal Urinary Speciated Arsenic Concentrations and Gestational Diabetes in a Cohort of Canadian women. Environment International. 121(Pt 1):714-720. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.10.008
- Shapiro GD, Arbuckle TE, Ashley-Martin J, Fraser WD, Fisher M, Bouchard MF, Monnier P, Morisset AS, Ettinger AS, Dodds L. Associations between maternal triclosan concentrations in early pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus, impaired glucose tolerance, gestational weight gain and fetal markers of metabolic function. Environmental Research. 161:554-561. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.12.001. PMID: 29241065.
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Ettinger AS, Shapiro GD, Fisher M, Monnier P, Morisset AS, Fraser WD, Bouchard MF. 2018. Maternal and cord blood manganese levels and birth weight: the MIREC birth cohort study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 221(6):876-882. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2018.05.015.
- **Dion LA, Saint-Amour D, Sauvé S, Barbeau B, Mergler D, Bouchard MF. 2018. Changes in water manganese levels and longitudinal assessment of intellectual function in children exposed through drinking water. Neurotoxicology. 64:118-125. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2017.08.015. PMID: 28870865.
- Ntihabose R, Surette C, Foucher D, Clarisse O, Bouchard MF. 2018. Assessment of saliva, hair and toenails as biomarkers of low level exposure to manganese from drinking water in children. Neurotoxicology. 64:126-133. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2017.08.011. PMID: 28867366
- Bouchard MF, Surette C, Cormier P, Foucher D. 2018. Low level exposure to manganese from drinking water and cognition in school-age children. Neurotoxicology. 64:110-117. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2017.07.024. PMID: 28716743.
- Lao Y, Dion LA, Gilbert G, Bouchard MF, Rocha G, Wang Y, Leporé N, Saint-Amour D. 2017. Mapping the basal ganglia alterations in children chronically exposed to manganese. Scientific Reports, 7:41804.
- **Migneron-Foisy V, Bouchard MF, Freeman EE, Saint-Amour D. Myopia and Exposure to Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Pesticides in the General United States Population. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. 58(11):4915-4924. doi: 10.1167/iovs.16-20493. PMID: 28973337.
- Braun JM, Muckle G, Arbuckle T, Bouchard MF, Fraser WD, Ouellet E, Séguin JR, Oulhote Y, Webster GM, Lanphear BP. 2017. Associations of Prenatal Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations with Child Behaviors and Cognitive Abilities. Environmental Health Perspectives. 125(6):067008. doi: 10.1289/EHP984. PMID: 28657891.
- Roy-Lachapelle A, Solliec M, Bouchard MF, Sauvé S. 2017. Detection of Cyanotoxins in Algae Dietary Supplements. Toxins (Basel), 9(3). pii: E76. doi:10.3390/toxins9030076. PMID: 28245621; PMCID: PMC5371831.
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Bouchard MF, Fisher M, Morriset AS, Monnier P, Shapiro GD, Ettinger AS, Dallaire R, Taback S, Fraser W, Platt RW. 2017. Maternal Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Fetal Markers of Metabolic Function and Birth Weight. American Journal of Epidemiology, 185(3):185-193.
- Lavigne E, Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Hystad P, Johnson M, Crouse DL, Ettinger AS, Shapiro GD, Fisher M, Morisset AS, Taback S, Bouchard MF, Sun L, Monnier P, Dallaire R, Fraser WD. 2016. Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and fetal markers of metabolic function. American Journal of Epidemiology, 183(9):842-51.
- **Sokoloff K, Fraser W, Arbuckle TE, Fisher M, Gaudreau E, LeBlanc A, Morisset AS, Bouchard MF. 2016. Determinants of urinary concentrations of dialkyl phosphates among pregnant women in Canada – Results from the MIREC study. Environment International, 94:133-40.
- van Wendel de Joode B, Barbeau B, Bouchard MF, Mora AM, Skytt Å, Córdoba L, Quesada R, Lundh T, Lindh CH, Mergler D. 2016. Manganese concentrations in drinking water from villages near banana plantations with aerial mancozeb spraying in Costa Rica: Results from the Infants’ Environmental Health Study (ISA). Environmental Pollution, 215:247-57.
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Morisset AS, Fisher M, Bouchard MF, Shapiro GD, Ettinger AS, Monnier P, Dallaire R, Taback S, Fraser W. 2016. Maternal and Neonatal Levels of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Relation to Gestational Weight Gain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20;13(1): E146.
- Shapiro GD, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Ashley-Martin J, Ettinger AS, Fisher M, Taback S, Bouchard MF, Monnier P, Dallaire R, Morisset AS, Fraser W. 2016. Exposure to organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides, perfluoroalkyl substances, and polychlorinated biphenyls in pregnancy and the association with impaired glucose tolerance and gestational diabetes mellitus: The MIREC Study. Environmental Research, 4(147):71-81.
- **Dion L-A, Bouchard MF, Sauvé S, Barbeau B, Tucholka A, Major P, Gilbert G, Mergler D, Saint-Amour D. 2016. MRI pallidal signal in children exposed to manganese in drinking water. Neurotoxicology, 53: 124-131.
- **Oulhote Y, Chevrier J, Bouchard MF. 2016. Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Hypothyroidism in Canadian Women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism: 101(2): 590-8.
- Shapiro GD, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Ashley-Martin J, Fraser W, Fisher M, Taback S, Keely E, Bouchard MF, Monnier P, Dallaire R, Morisset A, Ettinger AS. 2015. Exposure to phthalates, bisphenol A and metals in pregnancy and the association with impaired glucose tolerance and gestational diabetes mellitus: The MIREC Study. Environment International, 83:63-71.
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L , Arbuckle TE, Ettinger AS, Shapiro GD, Fisher M, Taback S, Bouchard MF, Monnier P , Dallaire R, Fraser WD. 2015. Maternal blood metal levels and fetal markers of metabolic function. Environmental Research, 136: 27-34.
- **Oulhote Y, Mergler D, Barbeau B, Bellinger DC, Bouffard T, Brodeur ME, Saint-Amour D, Legrand M, Sauvé S, Bouchard MF. 2014. Neurobehavioral Function in School-Age Children Exposed to Manganese in Drinking Water Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(12):1343-50
- Eskenazi B, Kogut K, Huen K, Harley KG, Bouchard M, Bradman A, Boyd-Barr D, Johnson C, Holland N. 2014. Organophosphate pesticide exposure, PON1, and neurodevelopment in school-age children from the CHAMACOS study. Environmental Research, 134:149-57.
- Park RM, Baldwin M, Bouchard MF, Mergler D. 2014. Airborne manganese as dust vs. fume determining blood levels in workers at a manganese alloy production plant. Neurotoxicology, 45:267-75
- Park RM, Bouchard MF, Baldwin M, Bowler R, Mergler D. 2014. Respiratory manganese particle size, time-course and neurobehavioral outcomes in workers at a manganese alloy production plant. Neurotoxicology, 45:276-84.
- **Oulhote Y, Mergler D, Bouchard MF. 2014. Sex- and age-differences in blood manganese levels in the U.S. general population: national health and nutrition examination survey 2011-2012. Environmental Health, 24;13(1):87
- Ashley-Martin J, Dodds L, Arbuckle TE, Ettinger AS, Shapiro G, Fisher M, Morisset AS, Taback S, Bouchard MF, Monnier P, Dallaire R, Fraser WD. 2014. A birth cohort study to investigate the association between prenatal phthalate and bisphenol A exposures and fetal markers of metabolic dysfunction. Environmental Health, 22;13(1):84
- Bouchard MF, Oulhote Y, Sagiv SK, Saint-Amour D, Weuve J. 2014. Exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and cognition in older U.S. adults: NHANES (1999-2002). Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(1):73-78.
- **Oulhote Y et Bouchard MF. 2013. Urinary Metabolites of organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides and behavioral problems in children from the general Canadian population. Environmental Health Perspectives, 121(11-12):1378-1384.
- London L, Beseler C, Bouchard MF, Bellinger DC, Colosio C, Grandjean P, Harari R, Kootbodien T, Kromhout H, Little F, Meijster T, Moretto A, Rohlman DS, Stallones L. 2012. Neurobehavioral and neurodevelopmental effects of pesticide exposures. Neurotoxicology, 33(4):872-880
- Roels HA, Bowler RM, Kim Y, Claus Henn B, Mergler D, Hoet P, Gocheva VV, Bellinger DC, Wright RO, Harris MG, Chang Y, Bouchard MF, Riojas-Rodriguez H, Menezes-Filho JA, Téllez-Rojo MM. 2012. Manganese exposure and cognitive deficits: A growing concern for manganese neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicology, 33(4):887-896
- Bouchard MF, Sauvé S, Barbeau B, Legrand M, Brodeur M-E, Bouffard T, Bellinger D, Mergler D. 2011. Intellectual impairment in school-age children exposed to manganese from drinking water. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(1):138-143
- Carrière A, Brouillon M, Sauvé S, Bouchard MF, Barbeau B. 2011. Performance of point-of-use devices to remove manganese from drinking water. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 46(6):601-607
- Bouchard MF. Manganese in drinking water: Bouchard responds. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(6): a241
- Barbeau B, Carrière A, Bouchard MF. 2011. Spatial and temporal variations of manganese concentrations in drinking water. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 46(6):608-616
- Bouchard MF, Chevrier J, Harley KG, Kogut K, Vedar M, Morga N, Trujillo C, Johnson C, Bradman A, Barr DB, Eskenazi B. 2011. Prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and IQ in 7-year old children. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(8):1189-1195
- Bouchard MF, Bellinger DC, Wright RO, Weisskopf MG. 2010. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and urinary metabolites of organophosphate pesticides in U.S. children 8-15 years. Pediatrics, 125(6):1270-1277
- Menezes-Filho JA, Bouchard M, Sarcinelli PN, Moreira JC. 2010. Manganese exposure and neuro-psychological effect on children and adolescents: A review. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 26:541-548
- Bouchard MF, Bellinger DC, Weuve J, Matthews-Bellinger J, Gilman SE, Wright RO, Schwartz J, Weisskopf MG. 2009. Blood lead levels and major depressive disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder in U.S. young adults. Archives of General Psychiatry, 66(12):1313-1319
- Roy A, Bellinger D, Hu H, Schwartz J, Ettinger AS, Wright RO, Bouchard M, Palaniappan K, Balakrishnan K. 2009. Lead exposure and behavior among young children in Chennai, India. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(10):1607-1611
- Zota AR, Ettinger AS, Bouchard M, Amarasiriwardena CJ, Schwartz J, Hu H, Wright RO. 2009. Association of maternal blood manganese levels with infant birth weight. Epidemiology, 20(3):367-373
- Philibert A, Bouchard M, Mergler D. 2008. Neuropsychiatric symptoms, omega-3, and mercury exposure in freshwater fish-eaters. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 63(3):143-153
- Bouchard M, Mergler D, Baldwin ME, Panisset M. 2008. Manganese cumulative exposure and symptoms: a follow-up study of alloy workers. Neurotoxicology, 29(4):577-583
- Baldwin M, Bouchard M, Larribe F, Mergler D. 2008. Past occupational exposure to airborne manganese in a manganese alloy plant. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 5(7):426-437
- Bouchard M, LaForest F, Vandelac L, Mergler D. 2007. Hair manganese and hyperactive behaviors: Pilot study of school-age children exposed through tap water. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(1):122-127
- Bouchard M, Mergler D, Baldwin M, Panisset M, Bowler R, Roels H. 2007. Neurobehavioral functioning after cessation of manganese exposure: A follow-up after 14 years. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 50(11):831-840
- Bouchard M, Mergler D, Baldwin M, Panisset M, Roels H. 2007. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and past manganese exposure in a ferro-alloy plant. Neurotoxicology, 28(2):290-297
- Bowler RM, Roels HA, Nakagawa S, Drezgic M, Diamond E, Park P, Koller W, Bowler RP, Mergler D, Bouchard M, Smith D, Gwiazda R. 2007. Dose-effect relations between manganese exposure and neurological, neuropsychological and pulmonary function in confined space bridge welders. Occupation and Environmental Medicine, 64(3):167-177
- Bowler RM, Nakagawa S, Drezgic M, Roels HA, Park RM, Diamond E, Mergler D, Bouchard M, Bowler RP, Koller W. 2007. Sequelae of fume exposure in confined space welding: A neurological and neuropsychological case series. Neurotoxicology, 28(2):298-311
- Bouchard M, Mergler D, Baldwin M. Manganese exposure and age: Neurobehavioral performance among foundry workers. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 19(3):687-694
- Bouchard M, Mergler D, Baldwin M, Sassine MP, Bowler R, MacGibbon B. 2003. Blood manganese and alcohol consumption interact on mood states among manganese alloy production workers. Neurotoxicology, (4-5):641-7
- Takser L, Lafond J, Bouchard M, St-Amour G, Mergler D. 2004. Manganese levels during pregnancy and at birth: relation to environmental factors and smoking in a Southwest Quebec population. Environmental Research, 95(2):119-25