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Spatial Statistics and Urban Planning Laboratory

The Spatial Statistics and Urban Planning Laboratory (LADU) provides the scientific community, municipalities, and government agencies and departments with multidisciplinary expertise, software, data, and state-of-the-art equipment for analyzing the economic dynamics of neighbourhoods, cities, and regions.

LADU’s mission is to gather, organize, and model big data from the Web and large public and private databases with a view to understanding local economic development processes in neighbourhoods, cities, and regions and their impacts on the public.

LADU is equipped with:

  • A server with an ultra high speed connection for collecting and analyzing spatial data (scraped data)
  • Spherical GPS cameras
  • Tablets
  • High-performance workstations with statistical analysis software for spatial data


LADU has full educational licenses for the following specialized software:

LADU can conduct research on:

Spatial statistics

Using and developing databases and methods based on geographical information to analyze and model regional and urban dynamics and their interactions.

Urban development

Analyzing the factors promoting neighbourhood prosperity, such as the impact of local environments and development on the economic dynamics and habitability of urban living environments.


Urban and regional economics

Monitoring the evolution of urban and regional economic dynamics in relation to businesses, jobs, and households, as well as internal and external factors that transform local economic trajectories.

LADU focuses on three main areas of application:

Economic prosperity and equitable urban development

The instability caused by the recent health and financial crises is creating new problems and a need for cities and regions to develop new economic opportunities for their populations. Attracting new businesses and creating jobs are key ways to promote equitable development and the economic prosperity of communities.

Urban and regional economic resilience

To be successful, workers, businesses, and communities must adapt to changing and uncertain economic environments. In many countries, local economic policies seek to promote long-term economic diversification and renewal

Quality and habitability of living environments

The habitability and quality of living environments have multiple effects on economic development, equity, and community vitality objectives.

LADU was created with funding from the John. R. Evans Leadership Fund of the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).


Cédric Brunelle
Professor and Scientific Director
Phone: 514-499-4052

Spatial Statistics and Urban Planning Laboratory (LADU)

Institut national de la recherche scientifique

Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre

385 Sherbrooke E

Montreal, Quebec  H2X 1E3


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LADU website (in French)


LADU website