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Continuing Education and Intensive Programs

Interested in specializing in a particular research field or in learning new skills? Sign up for a continuing education class, an intensive course or a summer school program at INRS. These programs are designed for students at INRS or other Québec universities as well as people in the workforce who want to further their education.

Bioinformatics, live imaging, climate science, geoscience, Indigenous realities, survival skills for scientists—what do you want to excel in?


Offered at the Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre in Laval, IAF6060 (3 credits) is a course designed to familiarize students with bioinformatics through theoretical learning and hands-on activities that include targeted problem solving. It provides an introduction to various molecular biology techniques (high-throughput sequencing, microbiome analysis, transcriptomics), the Linux operating system, and the Perl programming language.

IAF6070 (12 credits) is a course for those who have already passed IAF6060 or have prior knowledge of bioinformatics. It allows you to expand your knowledge as you complete a supervised research project that includes a variety of experiments and bioinformatic analyses.

Space is limited. A bachelor’s degree (or the equivalent of BAC+3 in the French system) and basic knowledge of IT and/or biology are required. Registration for IAF6060 closes in early August. Registration for IAF6070 is ongoing.

Subsurface Characterization Techniques

Professors from INRS and Laval University jointly participate in this intensive training on a variety of applied field methods, including CO2 storage, geothermal energy, and groundwater resource management.

Delivered in the fall every other year since 2015, this intensive field course is a credited course (GEO 1502 – 3 credits) offered as part of the INRS Earth Science M.S. and Ph.D. programs as well as on a self-study basis for participants from other academic institutions. This course takes place in early September, over a period of 7 days. The course is limited to 15 participants.

  • Dates: September 9 to 15, 2024 (field classes) and October 1, 2024 (exam)
  • Locations: Québec City and the surrounding area, including an excursion to Charlevoix and a stay in Tadoussac region (INRS CIRSA camp)
  • Professor in charge: Jasmin Raymond (INRS)
  • Instructors : Geneviève Bordeleau (INRS), Christian Dupuis (UL), Bernard Giroux (INRS), Louis-César Pasquier (INRS), Renaud Soucy La Roche (INRS), Daniel Paradis (CGC), Daniela Blessent (UdM).

Consult the course outline – Training given in the fall of 2024 (PDF)


    Jasmin Raymond, professor in charge

    Water Sciences

    Students enrolled in the master’s degree in water sciences complete, in the fall term of their first year of training, a practical initiation course in the essential elements of hydrology and limnology. This one-week intensive training takes place at the research station of the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur le saumon atlantique (CIRSA).


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    More and more professional associations require their members to take a certain number of continuing education hours every year. The Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre in Québec City offers continuing education to maintain, refresh, improve, and develop your geoscience skills. Some intensive courses are recognized by Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) and Ordre des géologues du Québec (OGQ).
    Students from INRS and other universities qualify for discounted tuition. These intensive courses combine theory and hands-on activities. They are specialized but are suitable for non-experts.


    Live Imaging

    Two live imaging courses are offered at the INRS Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre. IAF6080 (3 credits) teaches students about various imaging technologies (from animal to cell to protein imaging). It includes training on electronic and fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry.
    Students who have completed IAF6080 or have already been trained in live imaging can enroll in IAF6090 (12 credits). In this course you’ll expand your knowledge as you complete a supervised research project that includes a variety of experiments and image analysis.

    Live imaging courses teach students how to manage an electronic microscopy platform according to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards. Space is limited. A bachelor’s degree (or the equivalent of BAC+3 in the French system) and basic knowledge of biology and electronic microscopy are required.


    Indigenous Realities

    Nomadic University offers a week-long intensive course for students, researchers, community stakeholders, decision makers, and members of civil society who want to learn more about Indigenous issues and challenges. Program locations vary from year to year and include Canada, Mexico, and France.

    Master’s and PhD students from Québec universities who want to earn credit for these Réseau DIALOG courses can register for INRS course PRA8120 (link) as regular students or as independent students through BCI (Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire).


    Learn more about Réseau DIALOG

    Climate Science

    This summer school is for master’s and PhD students who are researching climate change issues. Offered in late spring, the three-credit course covers the basics of climatology and meteorology. It is organized by INRS professor Alain Mailhot.


    Survival Skills for Scientists

    This two-day course teaches skills that are essential for a successful career in science and engineering research. You’ll have an opportunity to attend lectures and conferences presented by leading scientists, engineers, and business leaders on a wide range of topics.

    The Survival Skills for Scientists Summer School is inspired by the book of the same name coauthored by Federico Rosei and the late Tudor Johnston, professor and professor emeritus at INRS.

    Registration is open to students from INRS, Concordia University, and McGill University, with each school hosting the program in turn. The most recent summer school was held at Concordia.


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