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How to Apply for Admission

Want to pursue graduate studies at INRS? Your application for admission will determine whether you meet the minimum requirements for the graduate program that interests you.


Find your research supervisor (prior to admission).


Prepare your application and submit it.


Receive an answer to your application.


Check your email to receive instructions for your 1st registration.

Step 1 Prepare your application

Have you chosen your research orientation and a faculty member has agreed to supervise you? Congratulations! It’s time to gather the documents you’ll need for your application.

Required documents

You will need to include a scan of the following documents with your application:

  • Birth certificate: The document must include the applicant’s first and last name, date of birth, sex, city and country of birth, and parents’ first and last names;
  • Any official transcripts and university degrees earned, if applicable;
  • Proof of language skills, if applicable (See the INRS language requirements)
  • Résumé;
  • Cover letter.

Documents that are not written in French or English must be accompanied by a translation by a certified translator.

Referral forms

You will need to provide contact information for three (3) people who are familiar with your background and research skills, such as professors, research supervisors, or supervisors. Colleagues and students are not accepted. After submitting your application, these three (3) people will be contacted and asked to fill out a brief form about you.

If you want to study at INRS and hold a degree from a Canadian province outside Quebec or from another country, make sure your degree is recognized in Quebec before submitting your application for admission.

Step 2 Submit your application

Once you have gathered all of the documents for your application, you can submit your application online and pay the admission fee ($59,71).

Payments must be made by credit card, using a link that will be sent to you once you submit your application.

Note that, in order to support continuous learning, candidates from INRS or the Université du Québec network are exempt from paying admission fees. In addition, participants in the INRS Open House or those who have met an INRS representative at a recruitment event are also exempt from this fee.

When to apply?

Candidates must submit an application for admission prior to the following dates. Consult the academic calendar. Note, however, that any request received after these dates can be analyzed.

  • Fall term: March 30
  • Winter term: November 1
  • Summer term: March 1

View the guide to applying for admission (in French only) ⟶

Step 3 Receive the admission decision

Once the application is considered complete, it is sent to the selection committee, which examines it and makes a decision. As soon as the admission decision is made, the Registrar’s Office emails the official admission verdict to the candidate.

Step 4 Register

Instructions regarding your 1st registration will be emailed to you at the appropriate time. For example, a student who would have received their admission response on March 25, 2022 to begin a program in the Fall 2022 semester will get their registration information by mid-August.

Before you apply for admission

Most of our master’s and doctoral programs require you to find a faculty member who agrees to include you on their team and supervise your work even before you apply for admission to INRS.

This does not apply to professional programs (non-thesis) or for some master’s programs with dissertation in social sciences or graduate diploma programs or short programs.

Whether you’re from Quebec, elsewhere in Canada, or another country, please check the admission requirements described in the graduate program that interests you.

Questions? Contact the Registar's Office.