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Design of a New Perspective on the Future of Agricultural and Agri-food Intelligence

  • Doctorate
  • Summer
  • With scholarship

Project description

Climate change, along with socio-economic dynamics, have generated a number of social, technological, environmental, political, and even behavioral challenges that are already imposing increasingly unavoidable “rules of the game” on the agricultural sector, in Quebec and beyond. The inclusive design of both agricultural and agri-environmental policies, as well as digital tools and technologies, represents an important lever to address these challenges. However, to be truly effective, the design must rely on a new form of intelligence for the agricultural and agri-food sectors, one that goes beyond traditional approaches. In this context, this doctoral project aims to develop a structuring perspective of agricultural intelligence, articulated around several agrosystem units or entities.

Start date

Spring or summer 2025

Research supervision

Paul Célicourt professor, INRS

Study program

PhD in Earth Science (program details in French only, or taylor-made program), INRS


4-year scholarship of $25,000/year.

Required qualification

  • Have a master’s degree in agro-economics, bio-economics, human geography, environmental sciences, or a related field aligned with the project objectives.
  • Possess and demonstrate the ability to analyze complex systems, particularly in the fields of agriculture, environmental sciences, and digital technologies.
  • Knowledge of a programming language applied to data science (e.g., Python) is an asset. A strong publication record in peer-reviewed journals, as well as experience in interdisciplinary research projects, would be additional advantages.
  • Strong written and oral scientific communication skills will be highly valued.

Work place

Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)
INRS-UQAR Joint Research Unit in Digital Transformation in Support of Regional Development
300 allée des Ursulines, C. P. 3300, succ. A
Rimouski (Quebec) G5L 3A1


Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre
490 de la Couronne
Québec (Quebec) G1K 9A9

How to apply

Please use the form below to send your application including the following documents in PDF: 1) a resume; 2) all university transcripts; 3) the names and contact details of two to three referees; 4) manuscripts /publications related to the project.

Published ETE Paul Celicourt - Design of a New Perspective on the Future of Agricultural ...

Project title : Design of a New Perspective on the Future of Agricultural and Agri-food Intelligence

Curriculum vitæ (CV) *

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Academic transcript *

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Names and contact details of two to three referees *

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Manuscripts /publications related to the project *

Maximum file size: 2MB

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