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Student Research

Our student community excels at research. It continuously breaks new ground by making remarkable advances in cutting-edge fields. Our students build knowledge through their original research projects. And their hard work and contagious commitment have earned them many awards and distinctions.

Maude Cloutier étudiante à l'INRS

Developing new vaccines

Maude Cloutier, a master’s student in the Experimental Health Sciences program, won the FRQNT Louis-Berlinguet Rising Star Award for her article on the development potential of an effective vaccine against Burkholderia bacteria, published in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Natural Product Reports.

Maude was also accepted as a member of Université du Québec’s Cercle d’excellence as a rising star in organic chemistry research.

Luis Romero Cortez

A groundbreaking invibility cloak

Luis Romero Cortés, telecommunications doctoral student (at the right on the picture), worked with Professor José Azaña to show the effectiveness of a groundbreaking invisibility cloak that can completely hide an object under broadband illumination.

He coauthored an article on their findings in Optica.

Gabrielle Perras St-Jean

Promoting interspecies cohabitation in the city

For her outstanding leadership and accomplishments, doctoral student Gabrielle Perras St-Jean has been awarded the 2018 Vanier Scholarship. As part of her PhD in Urban Studies, she studies citizen responses to the animal presence in the city. Typically represented as an anthropocentric space, the city is nevertheless the scene of increasingly complex interspecies relations.

By contributing to the visibility of different forms of citizen engagement with non-human life, her work aims to improve the cohabitation between humans and animals within urbanized spaces.

Des électrodes transparentes pour de nouvelles technologies optoélectroniques

Windows that absorb solar energy

Winner of the 2018 Louis Berlinguet Star Award, energy and materials science doctoral student Shengyun Huang has designed a type of transparent electrode that will help significantly improve the performance of smart windows and other optoelectronic systems.

His work was published in the journal Advanced Energy Materials.

Samuel Beaulieu chiralité des molécules

Revolutionizing physics

Energy and Material Science PhD Samuel Beaulieu was awarded the prestigious Banting Fellowship. In 2018 his work on the chirality of molecules was featured in Québec Science magazine’s list of top discoveries.

He was presented with the Governor General’s Academic Medal and an INRS Director General’s Award for Academic Excellence at the 2019 convocation ceremony. He also won the French Physics Society’s Saint-Gobain Young Researcher Award.

Samuel is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society in Berlin, Germany.

The quantum revolution at our doorstep

PhD graduate Christian Reimer is the recipient of a 2018 Vanier Scholarship. While studying for his PhD in quantum optics at INRS, he wrote 16 articles in leading journals and 6 patent applications. In addition he won the 2018 CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award.

He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the nanofabrication of complex materials at Harvard University, United States.

Students wanted! Consult the directory of MSc and PhD projects