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INRS-UQTR Joint Research Unit in Materials and Technologies for Energy Transition

Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) have joined forces to set up a joint research unit (UMR) focused on the development of advanced materials and technologies for a low-carbon economy.

UQTR is actively involved in the Electrification and Climate Change Plan (PECC) in Québec and has gained international recognition for the important facilities it has developed to foster energy transition. The work that its Hydrogen Research Institute (IRH) and Innovations Institute in Ecomaterials, Ecoproducts, and Ecoenergies (I2E3) has done in this regard is a case in point.

As for INRS, its Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre in Varennes and Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre in Québec City are world-class facilities without peer in Canada that bring together one of the world’s largest critical masses of scientists specialized in the development of advanced materials and green technologies.

By bringing together this high level of complementary expertise, the UMR will further strengthen the Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec regions as centres of excellence in the area of energy transition, particularly as they tackle issues of energy storage and conversion and greenhouse gas valorization.

Development of the INRS-UQAR Joint Research Unit in Materials and Technologies for Energy Transition was made possible thanks to initial funding of $3 million from the Government of Québec.

This funding by Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur will make it possible to create two professorships at the INRS Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre and one professorship at the INRS Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre.

These professors will work as part of the UMR from the UQTR in Trois-Rivières. The UMR’s mission is to conduct multidisciplinary graduate-level research and educational activities.

Important addresses:

UMR joint implementation committee

Coordination: Gabriel Joyal, Research Officer, Scientific Direction, INRS

Have questions? Contact the INRS Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre or Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre.