Communications sans fil
- Professeur
- Responsable scientifique du Laboratoire des réseaux et des systèmes cyber-physiques
- Membre du comité paritaire d’implantation de l’Unité mixte de recherche INRS-UQO sur la cybersécurité
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
800, De La Gauchetière Ouest
Bureau 6900
Montréal (Québec) H5A 1K6
Intérêts de recherche
Technologies avancées pour le système sans fil 5G et au-delà, cloud computing, blockchain, smartgrid
Formation universitaire
- Ph. D., Université du Manitoba, 2007
- Associé de recherche, Université de Waterloo, 2007-2008
- Associé de recherche, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008-2010
- Professeur au Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications de l’INRS depuis 2010
Projets de recherche en cours
- Gestion des ressources radio pour les systèmes sans fil 5G
- Internet des objets
- IA appliquée aux soins de santé et smart city
Collaborateurs de recherche
- Professeur Ekram Hossain (University of Manitoba)
- Professeur Dong In Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
- Professeur Ravi Mazumdar (Waterloo)
- Professeur Eytan Modiano (MIT)
- Professeur Tho Le-Ngoc (McGill)
- Professeure Catherine Rosenberg (Waterloo)
- Professeur Ness Shroff (Ohio State University)
Activités scientifiques
- IEEE Senior Member
- Éditeur : IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
A. Livres et chapitres de livres
[L2] Ekram Hossain, Mehdi Rasti, et Long B. Le, Radio resource management in wireless networks: An Engineering Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2017
[L1] Ekram Hossain, Long B. Le et Dusit Niyato, Radio resource management in multi-tier cellular wireless networks, Wiley, 2013
[CL3] Tadilo Bogale, Xianbin Wang, and Long B. Le, MmWave communication enabling techniques for 5G wireless systems: A link level perspective, Elsevier, 2016.
[CL2] Ekram Hossain, Long B. Le, Natasha Devroye, and Mai Vu, « Cognitive radio: From theory to practical network engineering, » invited chapter in Advances in Wireless Communications, (Eds. Vahid Tarokh and Ian Blake), Springer, 2009.
[CL1] Long B. Le, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Khoa Phan, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Resource allocation and QoS provisioning for wireless relay networks, » invited chapter in Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management (Eds. Sasan Adibi and Raj Jain), IGI Global, 2009.
B. Articles publiés dans des revues
[101] Vu Tuan Truong, Long B Le, and Dusit Niyato, Blockchain Meets Metaverse and Digital Asset Management: A Comprehensive Survey, IEEE Access, to appear. PDF file
[100] Minh Tri Nguyen and Long B Le, Multi-UAV trajectory control, resource allocation and NOMA user pairing for uplink energy minimization, IEEE Internet Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 23, December 2022.
[99] González-Palacio Maricio et al., Machine-Learning-Based Combined Path Loss and Shadowing Model in LoRaWAN for Energy Efficiency Enhancement, IEEE Internet Things Journal, to appear.
[98] González-Palacio Maricio et al., LoRaWAN Path Loss Measurements in an Urban Scenario Including Environmental Effects, Data, to appear.
[97] Minh Dat Nguyen, Long B Le, Andre Girard, Integrated UAV Trajectory Control and Resource Allocation for UAV-Based Wireless Networks with Co-channel Interference Management, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 14, June 2022.
[96] Minh Dat Nguyen, Long B Le, Andre Girard, UAV Placement and Resource Allocation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted UAV-Based Wireless Networks, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1106-1110, May 2022.
[95] Aruna Seneviratne, Jun Li, Dusit Niyato, H. Vincent Poor, Federated Learning Meets Blockchain in Edge Computing: Opportunities and Challenges, IEEE Internet Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 16, pp. 12806-12825, 2021.
[94] Minh Tri Nguyen and Long B Le, Resource Allocation, Trajectory Optimization, and Admission Control in UAV-Based Wireless Networks, IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 129-132, 2021.
[93] Quoc-Viet Pham, Nhan Thanh Nguyen, Thien Huynh-The, Long Bao Le, Kyungchun Lee, Won-Joo Hwang, Intelligent Radio Signal Processing: A Survey. IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 83818-83850, 2021.
[92] Ti Ti Nguyen, Vu N. Ha, Long. B Le, and Robert Schober, Joint data compression and computation offloading in hierarchical fog-cloud systems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 19, no. 1, pp 293-309, January 2020.
[91] Tung Phan, Dong Ngoduy, and Long B. Le, A Cooperative Space Distribution Method for Autonomous Vehicles at A Lane-Drop Bottleneck on Multi-Lane Freeways, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, to appear.
[90] Jeongho Kwak, Long B. Le, G Iosidis, K Lee, DI Kim, Collaboration of network operators and cloud providers in software-controlled networks, » IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 98-105, 2020.
[89] Quoc Viet Pham, F Fang, V. N Ha, M. J. Piran, M. Le, Long B. Le, W. J. Hwang, and Z. Ding, A survey of multi-access edge computing in 5G and beyond: Fundamentals, technology integration, and state-of-the-art, » IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116974-117017, 2020.
[88] Thinh D Tran, and Long B. Le, Resource Allocation for Multi-Tenant Network Slicing: A Multi-Leader Multi-Follower Stackelberg Game Approach, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 8886-8899, August 2020.
[87] Tri Nguyen and Long B. Le, Interference Cancellation, Channel Estimation, and Symbol Detection for Communications on Overlapping Channels, » IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 89822-89838, 2020.
[86] Ti Ti Nguyen, Vu Nguyen Ha, Long B. Le, and Robert Schober, Joint data compression and computation ofoading in hierarchical fog-cloud systems, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear.
[85] Vu N. Ha, Ti Ti Nguyen, and Long B. Le, Admission control and network slicing for multi-numerology 5G wireless networks, » IEEE Networking Letters, to appear.
[84] Hoang Vu, Tai Ho, and Long B. Le, Mobility-aware computation offloading in MEC based vehicular wireless networks, » IEEE Communications Letters, to appear.
[83] Tadilo Bogale, Xianbin Wang, and Long B. Le, Adaptive channel prediction, beamforming and scheduling design for 5G V2I network: Analytical and machine learning approaches, » IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, to appear.
[82] Tung Thanh Phan, Dong Ngoduy, and Long B. Le, Space distribution method for autonomous vehicles at a signalized multi-lane intersection, » IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, to appear.
[81] Ti Ti Nguyen, Vu Nguyen Ha, and Long B. Le, Wireless scheduling for heterogeneous services with mixed numerology in 5G wireless networks, » IEEE Communications Letters, to appear.
[80] Tadilo Bogale, Long B. Le, Xianbin Wang, and Luc Vandendorpe, Pilot contamination mitigation for wideband massive MIMO systems, » IEEE Transactions on Communications, to appear.
[79] Jeongho Kwak, Long B. Le, H. Kim, and Xianbin Wang, Two time-scale edge caching and BS association for power-delay tradeoff in multi-cell networks, » IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5506-5519, August 2019.
[78] Duong Nguyen, Long B. Le, and Vijay Bhargava, A market-based framework for multi-resource allocation in fog computing » IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1151-1164, June 2019.
[77] Ti Ti Nguyen, Long B. Le, and Quan Le-Trung, Computation offloading in MIMO based mobile edge computing systems under perfect and imperfect CSI estimation, » IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, to appear.
[76] Tai Manh Ho, Nguyen H. Tran, Long B. Le, Zhu Han, Ahsan Kazmi, and Choong Seon Hong, Wireless virtualization with energy efficiency optimization for wireless heterogeneous networks, » IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 2386-2400, Oct. 2019.
[75] Quoc-Viet Pham, Long B. Le, Sang-Hwa Chung, and Won-Joo Hwan, Mobile edge computing with wireless backhaul: Join task offloading and resource allocation, » IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 16444-16459, 2019.
[74] Duong Nguyen, Long B. Le, and Vijay Bhargava, Price-based resource allocation for edge computing: A market equilibrium approach, » IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, to appear.
[41] Tuong Hoang, Long B. Le, and T. Le-Ngoc, Energy-efficient resource allocation for D2D communications in cellular networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 6972-6986, Sept. 2016.
[40] Tri Minh Nguyen, Vu N. Ha, and Long B. Le, Resource allocation optimization in multi-user multi-cell massive MIMO networks considering pilot contamination. IEEE Access 3, 1272-1287, 2015.
[39] Tadilo Bogale, Luc Vandendorpe, and Long Bao Le, “Wideband sensing and optimization for cognitive radio networks with noise variance uncertainty,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1091-1105, April 2015.
[38] Mehdi Rasti, Monowar Hasan, Long Bao Le, and Ekram Hossain, “Distributed uplink power control for multi-cell cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 628-642, Mar. 2015.
[37] Thant Zin Oo, Nguyen H. Tran, Duc Ngoc Minh Dang, Zhu Han, Long Bao Le, and Choong Seon Hong, “OMF-MAC: An opportunistic matched filter-based MAC in cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 2544-2559, April 2016.
[36] Duy Nguyen, Long B. Le, and Tho Le-Ngoc, “Multiuser admission control and beamforming optimization algorithms for MISO heterogeneous networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 3, pp. 759-773, 2015.
[35] Nguyen Tran, Long B. Le, Shaolei Ren, Zhu Han, and Choong S. Hong, “Joint pricing and load balancing for cognitive spectrum access: Non-cooperation vs cooperation,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications – Cognitive Radio Series, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 972-985, May 2015.
[34] Hieu Nguyen, Duong Nguyen and Long B. Le, “Energy management for households with solar assisted thermal load considering renewable energy and price uncertainty,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 301-314, Jan. 2015.
[33] Duong Nguyen and Long B. Le, “Risk-constrained profit maximization for microgrid aggregators with demand response,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 135-146, Jan. 2015.
[32] Duong Nguyen and Long B. Le, “Optimal bidding strategy for microgrids considering renewable energy and building thermal dynamics,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1608-1620, July 2014.
[31] Le Thanh Tan and Long B. Le, “Joint cooperative spectrum sensing and MAC protocol design for multi-channel cognitive radio networks,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014 (Listed no. 1 among most highly-accessed papers in this journal, July-August 2014).
[30] Cuong Do, Nguyen Tran, Zhu Han, Long B. Le, Sungwon Lee, and Choong Seon Hong, “Optimal pricing for duopoly in cognitive radio networks: Cooperate or not cooperate,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 2574-2587, May 2014.
[29] Vu N. Ha and Long B. Le, “Fair resource allocation for OFDMA femtocell networks with macrocell protection,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1388-1401, March 2014 (Table I is corrected compared to the published version).
[28] Duong Nguyen and Long B. Le, “Joint optimization of electric vehicle and home energy scheduling considering user comfort preference,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 188-199, Jan. 2014.
[27] Vu N. Ha and Long B. Le, “Distributed base station association and power control for heterogeneous cellular networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 282-296, Jan. 2014.
[26] Mui Van Nguyen, Sungwon Lee, Sung-jin You, Choong Seon Hong, and Long B. Le, “Cross-layer design for congestion, contention, and power control in CRAHNs under packet collision constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 11, Nov. 2013.
[25] M. Moghadari, Ekram Hossain, and Long B. Le, “Delay-optimal distributed scheduling in multi-user multi-relay cellular wireless networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1349-1360, April 2013.
[24] Long B. Le, Dusit Niyato, Ekram Hossain, Dong In Kim, and Dinh T. Hoang, « QoS-aware and energy-efficient resource management in OFDMA femtocells, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 180-194, Jan. 2013.
[J23] Long B. Le, Eytan Modiano, and Ness B. Shroff, « Optimal control of wireless networks with finite buffers, » IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1316–1329, Aug. 2012.
[22] Duy Ngo, Long B. Le, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Distributed Pareto-optimal power control for utility maximization in femtocell networks, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 3434-3446, Oct. 2012.
[21] Guner D. Celik, Long B. Le, and Eytan Modiano, « Dynamic server allocation over time varying channels with switchover delay, »IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 5856–5877, Sept. 2012.
[20] Le Thanh Tan and Long B. Le, « Channel assignment with access contention resolution for cognitive radio networks, » IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 2808-2823,July 2012.
[J19] Duy Ngo, Long B. Le, Tho Le-Ngoc, Ekram Hossain, and Dong In Kim, « Distributed interference management in two-tier CDMA femtocell networks, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 979-989, Mar. 2012.
[J18] Phond Phunchongharn, E. Hossain, L. B. Le, and S. Camorlinga, « Robust scheduling and power control for vertical spectrum sharing in STDMA wireless networks, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1850-1860, May 2012.
[J17] Le Thanh Tan and Long B. Le, « Distributed MAC protocol for cognitive radio networks: Design, analysis and optimization, » IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 8, Oct. 2011.
[J16] N. Saquib, E. Hossain, Long B. Le, and D. I. Kim, « Interference management in OFDMA femtocell networks: Issues and approaches, » IEEE Wireless Communications Mag, to appear 2011.
[J15] Hyang-Won Lee, Eytan Modiano and Long B. Le, « Distributed throughput maximization in wireless networks via random power allocation, » IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 577-590, April 2012.
[J14] Patrick Mitran, Long B. Le, and Catherine Rosenberg, « Queue-aware resource allocation for downlink OFDMA cognitive radio networks, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 3100-3111, Oct. 2010.
[J13] Long B. Le and Ravi R Mazumdar, « Control of wireless networks with flow level dynamics under constant time scheduling, » ACM Wireless Networks, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1355-1372, 2010.
[J12] Khoa Phan, Long B. Le, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Power allocation and admission control in multiuser relay networks via convex programming: Centralized and distributed schemes, » EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2009.
[J11] Dong In Kim, Long B. Le, and Ekram Hossain, » Joint rate and power allocation for cognitive radios in dynamic spectrum access environment, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 5517-5527, Dec. 2008.
[J10] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « Resource allocation for spectrum underlay in cognitive radio networks, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 5306-5315, Dec. 2008.
[J9] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « Cross-layer optimization frameworks for multihop wireless networks using cooperative diversity, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 2592-2602, July 2008.
[J8] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « Tandem queue models with applications to QoS routing in multihop wireless networks, » IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 1025-1040, Aug. 2008.
[J7] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « An analytical model for ARQ cooperative diversity in multihop wireless networks, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 5, pp.1786-1791, May 2008.
[J6] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Interaction between radio link level truncated ARQ and TCP in multi-rate wireless networks: A cross-layer performance analysis, » IET Communications, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 821-830, Oct. 2007.
[J5] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « Multihop cellular networks: Potential gains, research challenges, and a resource allocation framework, » IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 66-73, Sept. 2007.
[J4] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Michele Zorzi, « Queueing analysis for GBN and SR ARQ protocols under dynamic radio link adaptation with non-zero feedback delay, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 6. no. 9, pp. 3418 – 3428, Sept. 2007.
[J3] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Attahiru S. Alfa, « Delay statistics and throughput performance for multi-rate wireless networks under multiuser diversity, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 3234-3243, Nov. 2006.
[J2] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Attahiru S. Alfa, « Radio link level performance evaluation in wireless networks using multi-rate transmission with ARQ-based error control, » IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 2647-2653, Oct. 2006.
[J1] Long B. Le , Ekram Hossain, and Attahiru S. Alfa, »Service differentiation in multi-rate wireless networks with weighted round-robin scheduling and ARQ-based error control, » IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 208-215, Feb. 2006.
C. Conférences
[C41] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, Dusit Niyato, and Dong In Kim, « Mobility-aware admission control with QoS guarantees in OFDMA femtocell networks, » IEEE ICC’2013.
[C40] Ha Nguyen Vu and Long B. Le, “Distributed resource allocation for OFDMA femtocell networks with macrocell protection,” IEEE WCNC’2013.
[C39] Le Thanh Tan and Long B. Le, “General analytical framework for cooperative sensing and access trade-off optimization,” IEEE WCNC’2013.
[C38] Mui Van Nguyen, Choong Seon Hong, and Long B. Le, “Cross-layer cognitive MAC design for multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks with stochastic primary protection,” IEEE WCNC’2013.
[C37] Long B. Le, « Fair resource allocation for device-to-device communications in wireless cellular networks, » IEEE GLOBECOM’2012, Dec. 2012.
[C36] Long B. Le, « QoS-aware BS switching and cell zooming design for OFDMA green cellular networks, » IEEE GLOBECOM’2012, Dec. 2012.
[C35] Le Thanh Tan and Long B. Le, « Fair channel allocation and access design for cognitive ad hoc networks, » IEEE GLOBECOM’2012, Dec. 2012.
[C34] Mathew Goonewardena and Long B. Le, “Charging of electric vehicles utilizing random wind: A stochastic optimization approach,” in Workshop on Smart Grid Communications: Design for Performance, IEEE GLOBECOM’2012, Dec. 2012.
[C33] Ha Nguyen Vu and Long B. Le, « Hybrid access design for femtocell networks with dynamic user association and power control, » IEEE VTC-Fall’12, Sept. 2012.
[C32] Duy Ngo, Long B. Le, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Joint utility maximization in two-tier networks by distributed Pareto-optimal power control, » IEEE VTC-Fall’12, Sept. 2012.
[C31] Long B. Le, Dinh T. Hoang, Dusit Niyato, Ekram Hossain, and Dong In Kim, « Joint load balancing and admission control in OFDMA-based femtocell networks, » IEEE ICC’2012, June 2012.
[C30] Le Thanh Tan and Long B. Le, « Channel assignment for throughput maximization in cognitive radio networks, » IEEE WCNC’2012, April 2012.
[C29] Duy T. Ngo, Long B. Le, Tho Le-Ngoc, Ekram Hossain, and Dong I. Kim, « Distributed Interference Management in Femtocell Networks, » IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall 2011), San Francisco, CA, USA, Sept. 2011.
[C28] Duy Ngo, Long B. Le, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Distributed Pareto-optimal power control in femtocell networks, » IEEE PIMRC’2011, Sept. 2011.
[C27] Long B. Le and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Joint cooperative scheduling and power control for interference-limited wireless networks, » IEEE PIMRC’2011, Sept. 2011.
[C26] G. D. Celik, Long B. Le and E. Modiano, « Scheduling in parallel queues with connectivity and delay constraints, » Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’2011 mini-conference, April 2011.
[C25] Long B. Le, Eytan Modiano, Changhee Joo, and Ness B. Shroff, « Longest-queue-first scheduling under SINR interference model, » Proc. ACM MobiHoc’2010, Chicago, IL, USA, Sept. 2010.
[C24] Long B. Le, Eytan Modiano, and Ness B Shroff, « Optimal control of wireless networks with finite buffers, » Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’2010, San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 2010.
[C23] Long B. Le, « Cross-layer control for utility maximization in multihop cognitive radio networks, » Proc. QSHINE’2010, invited paper, Houston, TX, USA, Nov. 2010.
[C22] Long B. Le, Krishna Jagannathan, and Eytan Modiano, « Delay analysis of maximum weight scheduling in wireless ad hoc networks, » Proc. CISS’2009, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, Mar. 2009.
[C21] Hyang-Won Lee, Eytan Modiano, and Long B. Le, « Distributed throughput maximization in wireless networks via random power allocation, » Proc. WiOpt’2009, Seoul, Korea, June 2009.
[C20] Wajahat Khan, Long B. Le, and Eytan Modiano, « Autonomous routing algorithms for networks with wide-spread failures, » Proc. IEEE MILCOM’2009, Boston, MA, USA, Oct. 2009.
[C19] Long B. Le, Patrick Mitran, and Catherine Rosenberg, « Queue-aware subchannel and power allocation for downlink OFDM-based cognitive radio networks, » Proc. IEEE WCNC’2009, Budapest, Hungary, April 2009.
[C18] Khoa Phan, Long B. Le, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Centralized and distributed power allocation in multi-user wireless relay networks, » Proc. IEEE ICC’2009, Germany, June 2009.
[C17] Long B. Le and Ravi R. Mazumdar, « Appropriate control of wireless networks with flow level dynamics, » Proc. CISS’2008, invited paper, Princeton, USA, Mar. 2008.
[C16] Fabrice Guillemin, Catherine Rosenberg, Long B. Le, and Guillaume V. Brugier, « Peer-to-peer traffic: From measurements to analysis, » Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, New-Orleans, USA, Nov. 2008.
[C15] Dong In Kim, Long B. Le, and Ekram Hossain, « Resource allocation for cognitive radios in dynamic spectrum access environment, » Proc. CROWNCOM 2008, invited paper, Singapore, May 2008.
[C14] Patrick Mitran, Long B. Le, Catherine Rosenberg, and Andre Girard, « Resource allocation for downlink spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks, » Proc. IEEE VTC 2008, Calgary, Canada, Sept. 2008.
[C13] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « OSA-MAC: A MAC protocol for opportunistic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks, » Proc. IEEE WCNC’2008, Las Vegas, USA, Mar. 2008.
[C12] Dusit Niyato, Ekram Hossain, and Long B. Le, « Competitive spectrum sharing and pricing in cognitive wireless mesh networks, » Proc. IEEE WCNC’2008, Las Vegas, USA, Mar. 2008.
[C11] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « QoS-aware spectrum sharing in cognitive wireless networks, » Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2007, Washington, USA, Nov. 2007.
[C10] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « Joint rate control and resource allocation in OFDMA wireless mesh networks, » Proc. IEEE WCNC’2007, Hong Kong, Mar. 2007.
[C9] Long B. Le, An T. Nguyen, and Ekram Hossain, « A tandem queue model for performance analysis in multihop wireless networks, » Proc. IEEE WCNC’2007, Hong Kong, Mar. 2007.
[C8] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Tho Le-Ngoc, « Effects of link-level queueing and truncated ARQ on TCP throughput in multi-rate wireless networks, » Proc. QSHINE’2006, Waterloo, Canada, Aug. 2006.
[C7] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « Queueing analysis of go-back-N ARQ protocol in multi-rate wireless networks with feedback delay, » Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2005, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005.
[C6] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « Delay statistics for selective repeat ARQ protocol in multi-rate wireless networks with non-instantaneous feedback, » Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2005, St. Louis, MO, USA, 28 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005.
[C5] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Attahiru S. Alfa, « Delay statistics in multi-rate wireless networks with ARQ and weighted round-robin scheduling, » Proc. IEEE VTC’2005-Fall, Dallas, Texas, USA, Sept. 2005.
[C4] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Attahiru S. Alfa, « Queuing analysis and admission control for multi-rate wireless networks with opportunistic scheduling and ARQ-based error control, » Proc. IEEE ICC’2005, Seoul, Korea, May 2005.
[C3] Long B. Le, Ekram Hossain, and Attahiru S. Alfa, » Queuing analysis for radio link level scheduling in a multi-rate TDMA wireless network, » Proc. IEEE GlOBECOM’2004, Dallas, Texas USA, 29 Nov.–3 Dec. 2004.
[C2] Long B. Le and Ekram Hossain, « On the performance of spatial multiplexing MIMO cellular systems with adaptive modulation and scheduling, » Proc. IEEE WCNC’2004, Atlanta, USA, Mar. 2004.
[C1] Long B. Le, Kazi Ahmed, and H. Tsuji, « Mobile location estimator with NLOS mitigation using Kalman filtering, » Proc. IEEE WCNC’2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 2003.